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Module 1,Module 1,Unit 3 Language in use,Module task,Summarize and consolidate the use of the verb-“be”. Introduce yourself and other people to your friends.,Revision(课前复习),Cultural Vision(文化视角),Summary(课堂小结),课前复习,Im a teacher and Im Chinese . Hes my friend . Were students . Are you a new student ? They arent English .,be 动词的用法(肯定句、否定句、疑问句)。 国家、国籍的首字母应大写。 名词的单数变复数。 一般疑问句 如何进行自我介绍并询问他人的信息。,be 动词(am, is, are),当主语是I时, be 用am; 当主语是he, she, it,名词单数时,be用is; 当主语是we, you, they, 名词复数时, be用are。,肯定句: 主+ be(am, is, are)+ 否定句: 主 + be + not + 一般疑问句: Be+主+? Yes, 主 + be. (不能用缩写形式) No, 主 + be + not. 特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + 一般疑问句? Im ;Youre;Hes; Shes;Its;Whats;My names; isnt ;arent,1. I am _ 2. What is _ 3. He is _ 4. We are _,5. It is _ 6. My name is _ 7. is not _ 8. Where is _,I. 写出下面短语的缩写形式。,Im,Whats,Hes,Were,Its,My names,isnt,Wheres,II. 用 am, is 和 are 填空,1. My name Zhao Hu. 2. What your name? 3. Nice to meet you! I _ David. 4. They from England. _ I right? 5. How old _ you? 6. He in Class Two Grade One. What about you?,7. _ you Tom? 8. My sister _ thirteen years old. 9. Tom and Kate _ from England? 10. Marys mother _ a teacher?,is,is,is,is,is,am,are,are,are,Are,Am,1. Im a teacher. Im not a teacher. Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. 2. Hes my friend. 3. Were students. 4. Are you a student? 5. They are English.,III. Make sentences like this .,Introduction,How to introduce yourself to your new friends? (如何向你的新朋友介绍自己?) Ask something about your new friends? (问问有关你新朋友的一些问题?),1. _Whats your name? _My name is/Im 2. _How old are you? _Imyears old. 3. _Where are you from? _Im from 4. _What do you do? _Im a/an 5. _What class are you in? _Im in Class 6. _Nice to meet you. _Nice to meet you, too.,1) Whats your name? 2) How old are you? 3) Where are you from? 4) What do you do? 5) What class are you in? 6) Nice to meet you.,Language practice,Work in pairs. Ask and answer.(小组对话练习),Introduction,How to introduce other people to your friends?(如何把其他人介绍给你的朋友认识?),1. _Whats his/her name? _His/Her name is 2. _How old is he/she? _He/She isyears old. 3. _Where is he/she from? _He/She is from 4. _What does he/she do? _He/She is a/an,Language practice,Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the people in the pictures. (小组对话练习),David Beckham, thirty-five, England, English, football player,Jackie Chan, fifty-nine, China, Chinese, actor,Britney Spears, twenty-nine, America, American, singer,Correct the sentences(改错),1. Jackie Chan(成龙) is from Chinese and he is China. 2. David Beckham is from England and he is an English.,China,Chinese,在表达来自于某个国家时,要使用国名,如:England, China. 如果要强调是某国人时,则要用其形容词形式,如: English, Chinese.,国名与国人的用法!,Chinese name Yang Liwei Family name Given name,English name David Beckham Family name Given name,文化视角,Liwei Yang; Liwei YANG,课堂小结,Be动词的用法及其肯定式、否定式、疑问式。 如何进行自我介绍。 如何询问朋友的信息。 如何把其他人介绍给你的朋友认识。 国名与国人的用法。 中英文姓名表达方式的差异。,课堂小测验,I、根据汉语提示或首字母完成单词。,1. Peter is from New York and hes _. (美国人) 2. We _(读) English books in the morning. 3. Yang Liweis _ name(名) is Liwei. 4. Sunday is the f_ day of the week. 5. Where is your father f_? 6. Please p_ English every day. Its very important.,American,read,given,irst,rom,ractise,II、用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1. Daming and I _ (be) friends. 2. Im from _ and Im _.(China) 3. Lingling is not from _ and she isnt _ .(English) 4. _ (I) teacher is from America. 5. He is _ (teacher) and we are_. (student),are,China,Chinese,England,English,My,a teacher,students,III、单项选择。,1. _ father is a worker. A. Hes B. His 2. Im from _. A. Japan B. Japanese 3. Jim is _ friend. _ is Class One. A. my, Hes B. my, His 4. _ are in Grade One. A. You and I B. I and you 5. Im _. A. in Class 1 B. in 1 Class,. 6. _ are you? I am eleven years old. A. How B. How old C. Where D. What 7. _ are you from? Im from Changchun. A. How B. Where C. What D. How old,8. I am from _. What about you? A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. America 9. What _ your fathers name? A. are B. is C. am D. be 10. You_ a teacher. I _ a student. My sister _ a student, too. A. am; is; are B. is; are; am C. are; am; is D. are; is; is,11. _ your name Mike? A. Am B. Are C. Is D. Be 12. How _ your mother now? She _ well. Thank you. A. is; are B. is; is C. am; is D. are; is 13. _ you eight? A. Am B. Are C. Is D. Be,IV. 连词成句。 your, name, is, what _? 2. you, are, from, where _? 3. you, old, are, How _? 4. not, she, from, is, England _. 5. Sandy, is, eleven, old, years _?,Whats your name,Where are you from,How old are you,She is not from England,Is Sandy eleven years old,
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