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Unit 9 What does he look like?,Section A (Period 1),I have short hair. I have straight hair. I have short straight hair.,I have_hair.,curly,I have brown hair. I have short straight brown hair.,hair,straight,short,tall,(of) medium height,curly,hair,straight,height,She has_ hair.,She is _.,curly,hair,straight,short,tall,(of) medium height,height,She has _ hair.,Does she have.?,Is she .or.?,She is _,Bob,thin,(of) medium build,short,tall,(of) medium height,height,curly,hair,straight,short,build,heavy,Does he have.?,Is he .or.?,He has _ hair. He is _.,He is _.,1b. Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture. Can you find Amys friend?,tall,curly hair,1.short hair _ 2.curly hair _ 3.long hair _ 4.straight hair _ 5.tall _ 6.short _ 7.medium height_ 8.thin _ 9.heavy _ 10.medium build _,e,b,a,a/f,h,f,g,c,d,a/e/g,hair,height,build,Pairwork,A:What does he / she look like? B: Hes/Shes . , and she/he has . hair.,What does he/she look like?,Listen and answer the questions.,1. Is David tall or short? _ 2. Does Sally have long or short hair? _ 3. Is Peter short or tall? _,He is short.,He is tall.,She has long hair.,2a,Is Leo tall or short? Does Amy have long or short hair?,He is tall.,She has long hair.,of medium height,short,long straight hair,of medium build,short hair,Listen again. Fill in the chart.,thin,tall,curly hair,2b,Tip:记首字母的方法能帮助你有效完成填空。,I have a wechat friend. He is my student. He has short straight dark hair. He is of medium height. He is thin. He is handsome and funny. He wears glasses. I love to spend time with him. Who is he? (Key:Name:Jackson),Guessing game,I have a wechat friend. He/She is my classmate. He/She is cool/beautiful/ handsome/funny/clever/lovely He/She has_hair. He/She is _. And he/She is_. He/She wears_. He/She loves to _. Who is he / she?,Please dont judge a person by his or her appearance. 请不要以貌取人,Describe one of your classmates or teachers. Write on your exercise books and send it to me. (wechat: queena_qxx163.com),Homework,Thank you!,
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