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Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Section A,Look at the pictures. Can you say the activities in English?,go to school,get up,get dressed,brush teeth,eat breakfast,take a shower,学习目标,话题:谈论作息时间 重点: 1. 学习掌握询问某人作息的句型及答语 2. 掌握时间的表达方法 难点: 第三人称单数的谓语动词形式,What time is it?,Presentation,Three oclock.,What time is it? .,Its ten ten,Listen to the tape finish 1b,Pairwork When do you usually go to bed? eat breakfast? do homework? go home? eat dinner? I usually go to bed at eat breakfast do homework go home eat dinner,What time do you usually go to bed? eat breakfast? do homework? go home? eat dinner? I usually go to bed at eat breakfast do homework go home eat dinner,Pairwork,Rick,He usually takes a shower at nine p.m.,What time does Rick usually take a shower?,p.m.,Scott/go to bed,Jim/eat dinner,Tom/do homework,Rick/take a shower,Look at the pictures and ask and answer in pairs.,6:00pm,Interviewer:You have a big family, dont you, Jim? Jim: Yes, I have _brothers and _sisters. Interviewer:Wow! How many showers do you have? Jim: We only have _shower. Interviewer:Is that difficult? Jim: No, because we have a shower schedule. My brother Bob takes a shower first at_ _.,two,two,one,five,thirty,2a Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences.,2b Listen again. Complete the shower schedule for Jims family.,5:50,6:15,6:30,6:45,2d Role-play the conversation.,Interviewer: Scott has an interesting job. He works at a radio station. Scott, what time is your radio show? Scott: From twelve oclock at night to six oclock in the morning. Interviewer: What time do you usually get up? Scott: At eight thirty at night. Then I eat breakfast at nine. Interviewer: Thats a funny time for breakfast! Scott: Yeah. After that, I usually exercise at about ten twenty. Interviewer: When do you go to work? Scott: At eleven oclock, so Im never late for work.,Answer the questions.,1. What time does Scott get up? _ 2. _ He always eats breakfast at 9:00pm. 3. What time does Scott exercise? _ 4. _ He usually goes to work at 11:00.,He usually gets up at 8:30pm.,What time does Scott always eat breakfast?,He always exercises at 10:20.,What time does Scott usually go to work?,重点探究,1. dress v.穿衣服 n. 连衣裙 dress作为动词,表示“穿衣”,侧重“装扮, 打扮”,可构成短语get dressed 穿上衣服;而wear则强调“穿衣的状态”,如He always wears a black coat. 他总是穿一件黑色外套。put on 则强调“穿衣的动作”,如Its cold outside. Put on your coat. 外面冷,穿上你的外套。 2. tooth n. 牙齿 其复数形式为不规则变化teeth, brush teeth 意为刷牙。 3. never adv. 从不;绝不 never为否定副词,反义词为always, 意为“从不;绝不”,如 Im never late for school. 我上学从不迟到。,Proverbs:,Time is money. Time is life. Time is flying.,So everybody should make full use of time., time do you get up? I get up six oclock. 2. What time do you go to school? I go to school at six . (6:45) 3. Helen usually breakfast at seven ten. (eat) 4. What time he take a shower? At 8 oclock in the evening.,What,at,eats,does,forty-five,达标训练,用五句话描述自己的一天的生活,get up? What time do you usually take a shower? have breakfast? get up at 5:00. I usually take a shower at have breakfast at ,课堂小结,get up? What time does Rick take a shower? have breakfast? gets up at 5 :00. He takes a shower at has breakfast at ,The golden age is before us, not behind us. 黄金时代在我们前面而不在我们背后。,
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