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20152016学年第一学期月考(二)九年级英语 I. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(15分) 1. Our teacher used to tell us that _ is power. ( know ) 2. During the National Day, Id like to visit somewhere _. But it seems impossible. ( crowd ) 3. You can enjoy the _ of the nature in Hainan. ( beautiful ) 4. Look at those _ horses in the painting! They look like running towards to me. ( live ) 5. The guide _ us to the Niagara Falls yesterday. ( lead ) 6. Its _ to ask a womans age . ( polite ) 7. These books _ by a French writer. ( write ) 8. Tina used to be _. But shes talkative now. (silence) 9. She missed the good chance because of her _. (shy) 10. These five _ have lived in China for several years. (Germany) 11. Teenagers should be allowed to make their own _. (decide) 12. He makes a living by giving _. (speak) 13. People usually make a self _ when they meet somebody for the first time. ( introduce ) 14. English is _used all over the world. ( wide ) 15. Many _we bought in America are actually made in China. ( produce ) II. 单项选择: (20 分) ( )16.Could you tell me _ the post office or not? A. if does he go to B. that he goes to C. whether does he go to D. whether he goes to ( )17. The man asked _ there_ a park near here. A. where; is B. if; is C. if; was D. how; was ( )18. This interesting book only _ me ten yuan and I _ten months reading it. A. cost; spend B. cost; spent C. spends; cost D. spent; costs ( )19. Just go straight and turn _. The hotel is _. A. left; left B. left; on the left C. on the left; left D. left; to the left ( )20. Dont _ about things too much. It will make you stressed out. A. afraid B. worried C. nervous D. worry ( )21. -Do you know _? - I am not sure. Maybe he is a teacher. A. who he is B. who is he C. what he does D. what does he do ( ) 22. -How do you usually _ your sadness? -Stay alone and listen to some light music. A. do with B. deal with C. spend D. connect with ( ) 23. - Tom, do you know if Sam _ to my party next week? - I think he will come if he _free. A. comes; will be B. will come; is C. comes; is D. will come; will be ( ) 24. There _a river near my hometown. But now it is dry. A. used to have B. use to C. used to be D. is ( ) 25.My sister used to _in the daytime, but now she is used to _ at night. A. read; read B. reading; read C. read; reading D. reading; reading ( ) 26. A large number of girls _ interested in Korean soap operas. The number of them _ over 5,000. A. is; are B. are; is C. is; is D. are; are ( ) 27. My English teacher advised me _ my English textbook every day. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads ( ) 28. You didnt use to live in Beijing, _ you? A. didnt you B. did you C. werent you D. were you ( ) 29. Mo Yan is known _ a famous writer _ his novel Wa. A. as; for B. as; as C. for; as D. for; for ( ) 30. They found _ hard to work out the math problem without the teachers help. A. that B. this C. it D. that is ( ) 31. He tried his best to avoid _ mistakes in the exam. A. make B. to make C. making D. made ( ) 32. This listening material, together with its CD-ROMs, _ well. A. sells B. sell C. is sold D. are sold ( ) 33. The Olympics _ in different cities every four years. A. held B. are held C. hold D. is held ( ) 34. Those kites are made _ paper. And paper is made_ wood. A. of; of B. from; from C. of; from D. from; of ( ) 35. - Chinese astronauts can also walk in space now. - Yes, theyre _ our nation. A. proud of B. pleased with C. the pride of D. known for III.完形填空(10分) There was a boy in India who was sent by his parents to a boarding school. 36_ being sent away this boy was the best student in his class. But the boy 37 when he went to the boarding school. His 38 started dropping. He hated being in a group. He was lonely all the time. And there were especially dark times when he felt like 39 himself. All of these because he felt that no one loved him. His parents started 40 the boy. So his dad decided to travel to the boarding school and talk with him. They sat on the bank of the lake near the school. The father started asking him casual questions about his classes, teachers and sports. After some time his dad said, “Do you know, son, 41 I am here today?“ The boy answered back, “to check my grades?“ “No, no“ his dad replied, “I am here to tell you that you are the most important person for me. I want to see you 42 . I dont care about grades. I care about you . I care about your happiness. YOU ARE MY 43 .“ These words 44 the boys eyes to fill with tears. He hugged his dad. They didnt say anything to each o
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