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Unit 8 Adventure,基础落实,.高频单词思忆 1. n.奇遇,冒险的经历 2. n.沙漠,荒原 3. n.路线,路程 4. adj.最大的,最多的 5. adj.忧虑的,担心的 adv. 焦虑地 n.忧虑,焦虑 6. n.商品,物品,货物,adventure,desert,route,maximum,anxious,anxiously,anxiety,goods,7. n.燃料 8. n.量,数量 n.质量 9. vt.震惊,惊骇 10. n.志向,抱负 adj.有志向的 11. adj.没有希望的 v. & n.希望 12. vt.运转,起作用 13. n.国籍 国家 adj. 国家的 14. vt. & n.运输,运送 n.运输,fuel,quantity,quality,shock,ambition,ambitious,hopeless,hope,function,nationality,nation,national,transport,transportation,15. adj.主要的,较重要的 n.大多数 16. n.团体,组织 vt.组织 17. vi.不同于,有区别 n.不同, 差异 18. adj.极度的,极端的 adv. 极度地 19. n.相似性,类似性 adj.相似 的,类似的 20. vt.冒的危险 adj.冒险的 21. n.装备,设备 v.装备,major,majority,organisation,organise,differ,difference,extreme,extremely,similarity,similar,risk,risky,equipment,equip,22. n.较喜欢的东西,偏爱 vt. 更喜欢 23. vt.使惊愕(惊奇) adj.惊愕的, 惊奇的 adj.令人惊奇的 n. 惊奇 24. vt.使困惑 n.困惑 25. n.准备,预备 vt.准备 26. adj.远处的,久远的 n.远处 27. n.耐心,忍耐力 adj.耐心的 28. n.幸存,残存 v.幸存 n.幸存者,preference,prefer,amaze,amazed,amazing,amazement,confuse,confusion,preparation,prepare,distant,distance,patience,patient,survival,survive,survivor,.重点短语再现 1.take 起飞;脱下 2.take 从事;拿起 3.turn 出现;到场 4.back 决定不履行(允诺的事) 5.get 使理解(某事) 6. turn轮流 7.stand 坚持(某种)说法 8.break 损坏;不能运转 9.run 用完,耗尽 10.carry 继续做某事,off,up,up,out,across,in,by,down,out of,on,.典型句式运用 1.While on a hiking trip,our cooks prepare delicious meals. 在while和when引导的时间状语从句中,如 果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,同时从句中又有助 动词be,那么从句中的主语和be可以省略。 当你遭遇麻烦的时候去向她求助。,When (you are) in trouble,ask her for help.,考点提炼,句子仿照,2.And our porters carry your luggage,which means that you can simply enjoy the experience. which引导非限制性定语从句,可以指代前 面句子的一部分,也可以指代全部内容。 杰克通过了考试,这使班内的每个同学都 很惊奇。,Jack passed the examination,which surprised everybody in his class.,考点提炼,句子仿照,3.But its worth waiting for. sth.is worth doing某件事值得被做。 他的建议值得一听。 4.Then came the total darkness of the polar winter. then,here,there,up,down,in,away等副词 或介词短语置于句首,且主语是名词时,句子要用全部 倒装结构。 片刻间,所有的鸟都飞走了。,His advice is worth listening to.,Away flew all the birds in a moment.,考点提炼,考点提炼,句子仿照,句子仿照,5.The next to go was Captain Oates,who was having great difficulty walking. have difficulty (in) doing sth./with sth.是一个常用的句型,意为“在做某事上有些困难”。 我们费了好大的劲才说服他和我们一起去。,We had much difficulty in persuading him into going/to go with us.,考点提炼,句子仿照,导练互动 重点单词 1.differ vi.不同于,区别于 How do the tourists from local people? (回归课本P23) 经典例句 The twin brothers are alike in appearance but differ greatly in character. 那对双胞胎兄弟外表相似,但性格却相差很大。,differ,This book differs from that one in the writing style. 这本书和那本书的写作风格不同。 Im sorry to differ with you on that. 对不起,在那一点上我与你看法不同。,归纳拓展 differ from.in.在方面与不同 differ (with sb.) about/on/over sth.(和某人)关 于某事意见相左,在某方面有异议/不同意 different adj.有差异的,不同的 be different from sb./sth.in sth.在某方面不同于 某人/某物 differently adv.不同地 difference n.差别,差异 make a/no difference有/没有影响;重要/不重要 tell the difference between.区分,用differ的适当形式填空 (1)My husband has several shirts of colors. (2)It does make a to us whether we can speak English fluently. (3)The conditions of our classroom have from what you saw five years ago. (4)Boys and girls may behave .,different,difference,differed,differently,2.anxious adj.忧虑的,担心的 From that moment they started to feel and they slept badly that night.(回归课本P23) 经典例句 Mothers are anxious for the safety of their sons in Iraq. 母亲们都渴望他们在伊拉克的儿子平安无事。 I could see that she was anxious for Laura to go. 我看得出她渴望劳拉去。 We were anxious that there was no misunderstanding. 我们极愿没有误解。,anxious,归纳拓展 be anxious about/for sb./sth.为而担心 be anxious for sth.渴望某事 be anxious to do sth.渴望做某事 be anxious for sb.to do sth.急于让某人做某事 anxiously adv.焦急地,担忧地 anxiety n.忧虑,渴望 with anxiety=anxiously焦虑地,易混辨析 anxious/eager (1)anxious焦急的,发愁的,含有未知结果如何,有些 为之担心的意味,anxious后可接for (about)和to do 结构。 (2)eager渴望的,热切的,着重指渴望什么或做什么 的迫切心情,eager后面可接for和to do。,用anxious的适当形式填空 People all over the country were about the safety of the people trapped underground, waiting on the spot or before TV set.,anxious,anxiously,3.exactly adv.确实如此;确切地;正是,一点不错 (答语,表示赞同或强调正确) 经典例句 The train arrived at exactly 8 oclock. 火车八点钟准时到达。 Their answers are exactly the same. 他们的回答完全一样。 Do you mean that we are stuck here? 你的意思是我们被困在这儿了? Exactly,my dear. 一点儿不错,亲爱的。,归纳拓展 to be exact确切地说 exactly speaking确切地说 not exactly根本不,一点也不;不完全是(纠正对方 刚说过的话) 翻译句子 (1)我不能确切地记得她说过什么了。 (2)那么你认为我们应该卖掉那房子? 正是。,I cant remember exactly what she said.,Do you think we should sell the house? Exactly.,4.risk vt. & n.冒险;风险 经典例句 He saved my life at the risk of his own. 他冒着生命危险救了我的命。 By criticizing the boss he risked losing his job. 他冒了丢掉饭碗的危险去批评老板。 You have to take/run a lot of risks if you want to succeed in business. 如果想在生意上取得成功,就得冒许多风险。 ,归纳拓展 take a risk/take risks冒险的某事 risk ones life冒极大的危险 risk doing sth.冒险做某事 at risk处境危险,遭受危险 at the risk of sth.冒的危险 r
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