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,Unit 16 Scientists at work 记 忆 重 现,考 点 梳 理,重点单词 考纲单词 advantage, comfort, shock, charge, prove, tear, sharp, fasten, control, sense, doubt 新课标单词 successful 重点词组 a great / good / deal of, pick out, a number of, test on, take an advantage of, charge with, tear up, out of control, in doubt, a sense of 重点句型 1. 祈使句 / 名词短语 + and / or / otherwise + 陈述句结构 2. There is no doubt that. 3. Having realized that I could use a kite to attract lightening, I decided to do an experiment.,考 点 识 记,一、根据所给汉语及词性,写出英语单词 1. _ n. 有利条件;优点 2. _ n. 舒适;安慰 3. _ n. 电击;打击;震动 4._ vt. 使充电;要(价);控告;攻击 5._ vt. 证明;证实 6. _ vt. & vi. 撕扯;撕毁 7. _ adj. 锐利的;轮廓清晰的;灵敏的 8. _vt. 扎牢;使固定 9. _ vt. & n. 控制;支配;管理 10. _ n. 感觉;感官,二、选用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使句意完整正确 a number of, a great deal of, pick out, test on, take an advantage of, charge with, tear up, out of control, a sense of, in doubt 11. _ students have been absent some time during the term. 12. Peking Roasted Duck received _ praise from foreign guests. 13. When _ about the meaning of a phrase, consult a dictionary. 14. The boy is said to be able to _ any kind of color among the hundreds. 15. I dont know whether it is _ humour. 16. With the strong wind blowing, the fire soon got _ . 17. In some countries a new medicine must be _ three different animals before it is used on man.,18. She got angry and his letter . 19. We the fine weather to go on a bike. 20. The shop owner was receiving stolen goods. 三、根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子 21. _ (没有意识到自己的错误), he misunderstood his best friend. 22. The scientist _(进行了一系列实验) in which he proved that water can conduct electricity. 23. Jack is the first boy to _ (达到) goal in the race. 24. We should _ (更好地利用) solar energy. 25. The children have been _ (巨大的安慰) to me through the difficult time.,Key: 1. advantage 2. comfort 3. shock 4. charge 5. prove 6. tear 7. sharp 8. fasten 9. control 10. sense 11. A number of 12. a great deal of 13. in doubt 14. pick out 15. a sense of 16. out of control 17. tested on 18. tore. up 19. took advantage of 20. charged with 21. Not having realized his fault 22. conducted a number of experiments 23. have got to 24. make better use of 25. a great comfort,点 睛 讲 练,考点 1. advantage n. 有利条件,优势; 好处,优点,利益,【典型例句】 1. The contract is to our advantage. 合同对我们有利。 2. They took full advantage of every single piece of equipment they brought to the island. 他们充分利用他们带到岛上的每一件设备。 3. Her fine educational background gives her certain advantages over other workers in her company. 她良好的教育背景使她比公司的其他员工略胜一筹。 【用法提示】 1. take advantage of sth. / sb. 利用;利用的机会 2. to sb.s advantage 对某人有利或有帮助 3. have / own an advantage over sb. (尤其与他人竞争时)有优于 / 胜过某人(的地方),4. gain / seek advantage 得到、谋求优势 5. 拓展词语: disadvantage n. 不利条件; advantageous adj. 有力的,有益的 【及时训练】 用与 advantage 搭配的适当介词填空。 1. I hope that all these reference books are fully taken advantage _ . 2. It will be _ your advantage to study abroad. 3. Being tall gives Yao Ming an advantage _ the other players. Key: 1. of 2. to 3. over,考点 2. comfort vt. 安慰;n. 安慰,【典型例句】 1. When I miss my family, its a great comfort to have a substitute family to come to. 当我想家时, 有一个能让我有回家的感觉的家,真是一种莫大的安慰。 2. I tried to comfort Jean after her mothers death. 琼的母亲去世后,我尽力安慰她。 3. The dress is carefully styled for maximum comfort. 这服装精心设计,力求达到最大限度的舒适。 【用法提示】 1. comfort sb. 安慰某人 2. comfort sb. with 用安慰某人 3. comfort oneself 安慰自己(使自己平静下来) 4. give sb. great (much) comfort 给某人以很大(很多)安慰,5. take comfort from (in) doing 从中得到慰藉 6. 拓展词语: adj . comfortable 舒适的,舒服的; adj. comfortless 不舒适的; adv. comfortably 安逸地; be comfortably off = be well off 【及时训练】 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。 1. Neighbors _ (安慰那位妈妈) of the burned child. 2. She _ (抚慰自己) the thought that it would soon be spring. 3. Were it not for science, we could not live _(舒适的生活). Key: 1. comforted the mother 2. comforted herself with 3. a comfortable life,考点 3. shock vt. 使震惊,使震动; n. 震惊,震骇;惊愕,【典型例句】 1. His bad behavior shocked her out of making friends with him. 他的不良行为使她大为震惊,再不想与他交朋友了。 2. We were greatly shocked by the womans rudeness. 我们被那妇人的粗鲁所震惊。 3. It gave her quite a shock to be told I was seriously ill. 听说我的病很严重,她吃了一惊。 【用法提示】 1. give sb. a shock 让某人大吃一惊 2. get a shock 大吃一惊 3. in a state of shock 大为震惊 4. in shock 休克,5. it shocks sb. to do sth. 某人做某事非常害怕 【比较辨析】 astonish, surprise, shock astonish 指事情的发生不可思议而“难以置信”。 surprise 指对事情的突然或意外而“惊奇,吃惊”。 shock语气最重,多指坏的令人震惊的消息,如死亡等而引起吃惊。语气轻重顺序 surprise astonish shock。 【及时训练】 用shock 的适当形式填空。 1. Several days after we had heard that Sophia was dead, we were in a state of _ . 2. The murder of such a little child _ the whole factory. Key: 1. shock 2. shocked,考点 4. charge vt. 指控,控告,罪名,【典型例句】 1. He was charged with murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。 2. How much do you charge for informing me of the direction? 为我指路要收多少钱? 3. He was asked to take the charge of the whole c
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