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Period TwoLanguage Points.语境填词1We were struck by the beauty of the West Lake,so we stopped to admire the beautiful _ (风景)2Children should be _ (训练) from an early age in table manners.3Some _ (专家) think that language learning is much easier for children as their tongues are more flexible.4The _ (被遗弃的) disabled children should be taken good care of by the whole society.5The d_ from the farm to the town is five kilometers.6We need new p_ to sell.7I didnt sleep until m_ last night for drinking too much black coffee.8This summer I will make a long j_ from Beijing to Guangzhou.选词填空get into,get out of,look out of,look like,be short for,any more,in the middle of,out of date1The contour (轮廓) of that mountain _ a dragon.2To my surprise,in this book GK _ Greek.3They said that he had already left for England.That is to say,he wont come to visit us _.4He wanted to leave this city and _ a taxi at night without telling anyone.5The woman _ her car to see if the old man was hurt.6The mad man always says that he wants to see his daughter with some tickets which are _ in his hand.7When I _ the small basement window,I can only see the feet of the passersby.8Her son put many toys _ the floor so that we could not move.同义词辨析1用not.any more或 not.any longer填空(1)Her mother died,and after that,she did _ go to school _.(2)They will _ talk with each other _.(3)The government did _ need the camels _.2用product,produce或production的适当形式填空(1)The factory has made more cars this yearthere has been an increase in _.(2)My cousin sells her farm _ on the market.(3)Petrol is the most important _ of many MiddleEast countries.(4)This new theatre is becoming known for its good _.单项填空1The disco music,digitally _ in the studio,sounded fantastic at the party that night.Arecorded BrecordingCto be recorded Dhaving recorded2The people from Guangdong Province enjoy the_ in the north during the winter because they have never seen snow before.Ascenery BsightseeingCsight Dview3The new teacher referred to_ to our school yesterday.Acome Bcame Ccoming Dcomes4Attention!Before the plane_,passengers will have thirty minutes to board.Atakes off Bgets offCgets into Dtakes out5A short_ of natural gas has caused a lot of economic experts to worry.Asupply BuseCproduct Dinformation6The ship happened to sink with its passengers on board 200 miles off the _ island.Aabandoning BabandonedCdeserting Dleft7We are not allowed_ loud in class.Atalking Bto talkCtalked Dtalk8The company is famous for the_ of small cars and its_ are well received in the market.Aproduct;productsBproduction;productionsCproduction;productsDproduct;productions9Mary got_ the bus,got_ a car and then disappeared_ the distance.Aoff;on;at Bout of;into;inCoff;into;in Dout of;on;in10TV is short_ television,while we can use km_ kilometer.Aof;instead Bfor;instead ofCof;instead of Dfor;instead.阅读理解Throughout our lives we will meet many different people.Some pass through our lives for a few seconds,while others stay longer and touch us in a special way.My friend Deddie Swaney is someone that touched my life,and the lives of many others throughout her life.She is a woman of courage,determination and kindness,and with 47 marathons under her belt,recently lost her fight against cancer at the age of 44.I first met Deddie nine years ago at work and was drawn to her kindness.Deddie was an avid (酷爱的) runner and was known around the office for her love of the sport.She soon inspired (鼓舞) me to join her by first training for a relay,later followed by a marathon.Throughout the years,she bridged many close friendships and coached many of us to our first marathons.I will never forget Deddies strength as she pulled me through some very long and difficult runs.No matter how cold or how early it was,she would always make time for a run and the chance to spend time with her friends.It was Deddies goal to run a marathon in all 50 states.She proudly finished 39 states and 11 remained unfinished.Throughout her marathons,Deddie would stop to help other runners along the way who were struggling.For Deddie,it wasnt about the time she finished the race in,but meeting other runners throughout her journey and helping coach them to reach the finish l
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