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Part FourExercises一、 选择正确词语完成下列句子,注意词形变化Ainvent,make up,announce,attend,in control,look into,reject,apart from,lead to,lie1The machines have_idle since the factory closed.答案:lain2Wed like as many people as possible to _the lecture.答案:attend3I have been_by all the firms I applied to.答案:rejected4Who will be sent to_the murder?答案:look into5Hed like to have the result _ tomorrow.答案:announced6The boy was punished for using an_name.答案:invented7We need one more person to_a team.答案:make up8_ their house in London,they also have a villa in Spain.答案:Apart from9Hes reached retiring age,but hes still firmly_.答案:in control10Eating too much sugar can _health problems.答案:lead toBconsist of,clarify,refer to,find out,leave out,debate,break away,remain,thrill,afford1They spent the two_days of the holidays buying presents to take home.答案:remaining2He was absolutely_with my present.答案:thrilled3This word is wrongly speltyouve_a letter.答案:left out4He used a false name for years before they _ him_.答案:found;out5We couldnt _ a television in those days.答案:afford6The band _ a singer,two guitarists and a drummer.答案:consists of7I hope that what I said will _the situation.答案:clarify 8If you dont understand a word you may_your dictionary.答案:refer to9The South wanted to_from the North and form their own government.答案:break away10They_ whether to go or not.答案:debatedCtake up,lack,ache,bend,press,lose sight of,sweep up,assist,imitate,master1Her style of painting has been_ by other artists.答案:imitated2We must not _our original aim.答案:lose sight of3Alexs real problem is that he _confidence.答案:lacks4French was a language he had never_.答案:mastered5She_ his offer of a drink.答案:took up6You can open it by_ the key.答案:pressing7Her eyes_from lack of sleep.答案:ached8He _the leaves into a pile.答案:swept up9She _forward to pick up the newspaper.答案:bent10Well do all we can to_you in finding somewhere to live.答案:assistDlook forward to,admit,concentrate on,acquire,depend on,defend against,accuse.of,get absorbed in,go over,work out1You need to _what you have learnt before the exam.答案:go over2He_ seeing his wife after such a long time.答案:looks forward to3Can you help me_ a plan in details?答案:work out4You cant _her to tell you the secret.答案:depend on5I _the book by chance.答案:acquired6He _ that he had stolen the car.答案:admitted7We try our best to_ our country_enemies.答案:defend;against8He was_stealing a watch from the department store.答案:accused of9You should_ your attention_ your study.答案:concentrate;on10He always _ reading novels.答案:gets absorbed inEprotect.against,prevent.from,get burnt,take off,choke,carry out,be proud of,iron,present sb.with sth.,heal1You have three layers of skin to_you_diseases,poisons and the suns harmful rays.答案:protect;against2He _his hat and bowed to us.答案:took off3If your skin_,it will be very serious.答案:gets burnt4The skin can_your body_losing water.答案:prevent;from5I prefer to_my shirts while they are still damp.答案:iron6The cut soon_over,but it left a scar.答案:healed7She_to death on a fish bone.答案:was choked8I _ their success.答案:am proud of9He was_an experiment when I rang him.答案:carrying out10The town_ a library.答案:was presented with二、根据所给中文意思或首字母拼写出正确的单词1. John did wrong to_(指控)Mary of deserting her daughter.Mary was wrongly_ (指控)because she didnt desert her daughter.答案:accuse;accused2Its necessary to give the classroom a _ (彻底的)cleaning.He was _(全面系统地)trained so it was easy for him to take a prize.答案:thorough;thoroughly3. SARS is an_ (传染)disease.Anyone who gets_(传染)with SARS should be isolated.答案:infectious;infected4. The author_ (描绘)the whole event vividly and his_(描绘)made his readers understand the special custom of the country much better.答案:described;description5. People say she is a g_girl and she is a girl of many g_ indeed.In addition,she is good at writing and has a special g_for organizing words.答案:gifted;gifts;gift6L_ at the foot of the famous mountain,t
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