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新鸿基地产发展有限公司 2018 年度第一期中期票据(债券通)募集说明书 Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited 2018 Medium-term Notes (Series 1) (Bond Connect) Offering Circular I 声明声明 IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DECLARATION 本公司发行新鸿基地产发展有限公司 2018 年度第一期中期票据(债券通)(以下简称“本期中期票据”) 已在中国银行间市场交易商协会(以下简称“交易商协会”)注册,注册不代表交易商协会对本期中期票据的 投资价值作出任何评价,也不代表对本期中期票据的投资风险作出任何判断。投资者购买本期中期票据,应当 认真阅读本募集说明书及有关的信息披露文件,对信息披露的真实性、准确性、完整性和及时性进行独立分析, 并据以独立判断投资价值,自行承担与其有关的任何投资风险。 The issuance of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited 2018 Medium-term Notes (Series 1) (Bond Connect) (the “Notes (Series 1)”) has been registered with the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (“NAFMII”), and registration does not represent any assessment of the value of the investment of this issuance by NAFMII, nor does it represent any judgment on the investment risk of this issuance. Investors purchasing the Notes (Series 1) should carefully read the offering circular and relevant information disclosure documents, make independent analysis on the authenticity, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information disclosure, make independent judgment of investment value, and assume any investment risks associated with it. 本公司已批准本募集说明书,并承诺其中不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并对其真实性、准确 性、完整性和及时性承担法律责任。 The Company has approved the offering circular, and the Company commits to the absence of false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and assumes liability for its authenticity, accuracy, completeness, and timeliness. 本公司负责人和主管会计工作的负责人、会计机构负责人保证本募集说明书所述财务信息真实、准确、完 整、及时。 The chief executive and the head of the accounting department and organization of the Company certify that the financial information mentioned in the offering circular is true, accurate, complete and up to date. 凡通过认购、受让等合法手段取得并持有本公司发行的本期中期票据的,均视同自愿接受本募集说明书对 各项权利义务的约定。 Any purchase and holding of the Notes (Series 1) issued by the Company through the subscription, resale or other legal means shall be regarded as a voluntary acceptance by the relevant investor of the rights and obligations defined by this offering circular. 本公司承诺根据法律法规的规定和本募集说明书的约定履行义务,接受投资者监督。 The Company undertakes to fulfill its obligations based on the terms of the offering circular and in compliance with the stipulations of relevant laws and regulations, and accept the supervision of the investors. 截至募集说明书签署日,除已披露信息外,无其他影响本公司偿债能力的重大事项。 As at the date of the signing of the offering circular, other than the information disclosed, there are no other significant matters affecting the solvency of the Company. 境外投资者通过“债券通”参与本期中期票据认购,所涉及的登记、托管、清算、结算、资金汇兑汇付等 具体安排需遵循人民银行内地与香港债券市场互联互通合作管理暂行办法等相关法律法规及其他相关方的 规则执行。 For offshore investors participating in the subscription of the Notes (Series 1) through “Bond Connect”, the specific arrangements concerning registration, custody, settlement, remittance and conversion of funds shall follow the rules and regulations of the Peoples Bank of China under the “Interim Measures for the Connection and Cooperation between the Mainland and the Hong Kong Bond Market” and other relevant provisions. 本期中期票据发行的有关解释、争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。 The Notes (Series 1) are issued under the law of the Peoples Republic of China, which shall apply to all relevant terms, including the interpretation and disputes resolution. 本募集说明书中所指法定节假日为中华人民共和国(不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾)的 法定节假日。投资者阅读本募集说明书及计算付息日时均应考虑法定节假日仅包括中华人民共和国的法定节假 日。 “Public Holidays” referred to in this offering circular are the public holidays of the Peoples Republic of China (for the purpose of this offering circular, excluding the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan). In reading this offering circular and determining the payment dates, investors should take note that Public Holidays are the public holidays of the PRC only. 发行人就本期中期票据公告的部分文件除简体中文版本外,还可能有英文或繁体中文版本,如该等文件的 不同版本之间有歧义,除非另有指明,以简体中文版为准。 新鸿基地产发展有限公司 2018 年度第一期中期票据(债券通)募集说明书 Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited 2018 Medium-term Notes (Series 1) (Bond Connect) Offering Circular II Certain documents prepared by the Issuer for the public disclosure with respect to the Notes (Series 1) have been made in simplified Chinese, English and/or traditional Chinese. Unless otherwise indicated, the simplified Chinese version shall prevail over other languages. 本募集说明书包含若干关于香港法规的字词及陈述是根据香港有关法例予以定义,该等字词及陈述可能与 中国法予以的定义有差别,故在阅读本募集说明书时应参考相关香港法规对该字词及陈述的释义。投资者如有 任何疑问,应咨询自己的法律或其他专业顾问。 Certain terms and statements contained in this offering circular are defined in accordance with applicable Hong Kong laws, which may differ from the meanings given to them under PRC laws. Investors shall consider the definitions given to them under the relevant Hong Kong laws while reading this offering circular. Investors should consult their legal and other professional advisors for any inquiries. 本期中期票据没有也不会根据 1933 年美国证券法(经修订,以下简称“美国证券法”)注册。 本期中期票据不得在美国境内发售或出售,但豁免遵守或不适用美国证券法注册要求的交易除外。本期中 期票据根据美国证券法S 条例在美国境外发售。 The Notes (Series 1) has not been and will not be registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 (as amende
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