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1 发行人声明发行人声明 STATEMENT OF THE ISSUER 经中国银行业监督管理委员会2016年9月8日中国银监会文件和中国人民 银行中国人民银行准予行政许可决定书(银市场许准予字2018第65号) 核准,星展银行(中国)有限公司拟于2018年7月16日在全国银行间债券市场发 行星展银行 (中国) 有限公司2018年第一期金融债券 (以下简称 “本期债券” ) 。 As approved by the Approval Letter of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (the “CBRC”) on Sep 8th 2016, and the Decision Letter for the Administrative Permission (with Reference No.201865 of Yin Shi Chang Xu Zhun Yu Zi) issued by the Peoples Bank of China (the “PBOC”), DBS Bank (China) Limited (the “Issuer” or the “DBS China”) intends to issue DBS Bank (China) Limited 2018 Financial Bonds (Series 1) (the “Bonds”) in the China Inter-bank Bond Market (the “CIBM”) on July 16th 2018. 本募集说明书根据中华人民共和国商业银行法、全国银行间债券市场 金融债券发行管理办法 、 全国银行间债券市场金融债券发行管理操作规程 、 商业银行资本管理办法(试行)和其他相关法律、法规、规范性文件的规定 以及中国银行业监督管理委员会和中国人民银行对本期债券发行的批准, 结合发 行人的实际情况编制而成。 本募集说明书旨在向投资者提供有关发行人的基本情 况以及本期债券发行和认购的有关资料。 This Offering Circular is prepared pursuant to the applicable laws, regulations and normative documents promulgated by the PBOC and the CBRC, including Law of Peoples Bank of China on Commercial Banks, Measures for the Administration of the Issuance of Financial Bonds in the China Inter-bank Bond Market, Procedures for the Issuance of Financial Bonds in the China Inter-bank Bond Market, Administrative Measures for the Capital of Commercial Banks (for Trial Implementation), and the approvals on issuance of the Bonds by the PBOC and the CBRC, and based on the Issuers actual circumstances. This Offering Circular aims to provide investors with basic information of the Issuer and the information relating 2 to the issuance and subscription of the Bonds. 发行人确认截至本募集说明书封面载明日期, 本募集说明书不存在虚假记载、 误导性陈述及重大遗漏。 The Issuer represents that, as of the date set forth on the cover of this Offering Circular, this Offering Circular contains no false records, misleading statements or material omissions. 主管部门对本期债券发行的核准, 并不表明对本期债券的投资价值做出了任 何评价,也不表明对本期债券的投资风险做出了任何判断。 The approval by the competent authorities for the issuance of the Bonds does not constitute an evaluation of the investment in the Bonds or a judgement on the risks relating to investment in the Bonds. 除发行人和主承销商外, 发行人没有委托或授权任何其他人或实体提供未在 本募集说明书中列明的信息或对本募集说明书作任何说明。 Other than the Issuer and the Underwriters, no individual or entity has been or is appointed or authorized by the Issuer to give any information which is not contained in this Offering Circular or make any statement about this Offering Circular. 投资者可在本期债券发行期内到中国债券信息网 (www.chinabond.com.cn) 、 中国货币网(www.chinamoney.com.cn)和其他指定地点、互联网网址或媒体查 阅本募集说明书全文。投资者如对本募集说明书有任何疑问,应咨询自己的证券 经纪人、律师、专业会计师或其它专业顾问。 Investors may obtain full access to this Offering Circular on www.chinabond.com.cn, www.chinamoney.com.cn and other specified platforms or media. If in doubt, investors should consult their own security brokers, legal advisors, certified public accountants or other professional advisors. 3 境外投资者通过“债券通”参与本期债券认购,所涉及的登记、 托管、结 算、资金汇兑汇付等具体安排需遵循中国人民银行内地与香港债券市场互联互 通合作管理暂行办法等相关法律法规及其他相关方的规则执行。 For offshore investors participating in the subscription of the Bonds through the “Bond Connect” regime,the specific arrangements concerning registration, depository, settlement, remittance and conversion of funds shall follow the laws, regulations and rules such as the Interim Measures for the Connection and Cooperation between the Mainland and the Hong Kong Bond Market issued by the PBOC and other relevant provisions of other relevant parties. 境外投资者通过“债券通”投资于本期债券的,应满足中国人民银行对于境 外投资者范围、可开展交易品种和可投资债券范围的要求。 Offshore investors investing in the Bonds through the “Bond Connect” regime shall comply with the requirements of PBOC in respect of the scope of eligible overseas investors and the scope of tradable and investable bonds types. 发行人就本期债券发行的募集说明书、 发行公告的部分内容和部分文件同时 以英文和中文书就。 若募集说明书或任何其他该等文件的中英文版本间存在任何 冲突,以中文版本为准。 Certain sections of Offering Circular, Issue Announcement and certain documents relating to the Bonds published by the Issuer are in both English and Chinese. Where there are any inconsistencies between the English and Chinese versions of this Offering Circular or any such document, the Chinese version shall prevail. 4 本期金融债券的本期金融债券的基本基本条款条款 Basic Elements of the Bonds 1、本期债券本期债券名称名称 星展银行(中国)有限公司2018年第一期金融债券 1、Name of the Bonds DBS Bank (China) Limited 2018 Financial Bonds (Series 1) 2、本期债券本期债券的发行人的发行人 本期债券的发行人为星展银行(中国)有限公司 2、Issuer DBS Bank (China) Limited 3、本期债券本期债券性质性质 商业银行金融债券,由商业银行发行的、本金和利息的清偿顺序等同于商业 银行一般负债(但根据有关法律次于个人储蓄存款的本金和利息),先于商业银 行长期次级债务、 二级资本债券、 混合资本债券以及股权资本的无担保金融债券。 3、 Status of the Bonds The Bonds are unsecured financial bonds issued by commercial banks, the payment of principal and interest of which is ranked pari passu with all the general liabilities of the bank (but ranking junior to the principal of and interest on retail deposits pursuant to relevant laws), and senior to long-term subordinated debts, financial instruments qualifying for Tier-II capital, hybrid capital bonds and equity, in the liquidation. 4、本期债券本期债券的发行规模的发行规模 本
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