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人教版新课标2012届高考英语一轮复习讲义课件:必修三 Unit 2 Healthy eating,Unit 2 美文佳句,诵美文 请结合图表提供的信息写一篇100词左右的英语作文。内容包括: 1简述过去5年里中国人在饮食结构上的变化; 2分析产生这种变化的原因(至少两个); 3根据分析得出你的结论。,Unit 2 美文佳句,Unit 2 美文佳句,Unit 2 美文佳句,The reason behind this is that the Chinese are paying more attention to their diet and health. It is also likely that they are betteroff than before. In conclusion,the Chinese are eating healthier food than ever.,Unit 2 美文佳句,背佳句 1As is shown in the graph,there have been some changes in peoples diet from 2006 to 2010 in China. 正如图中所示,在中国从2006年到2010年人们的饮食结构出现了变化。 赏析 该句使用了as 引导的定语从句,此外还使用了There be句型的完成时。该句型常用于图表作文的开篇语,要注意积累。 2First of all, grain makes up about 50%of the Chinese diet at present while milk only accounts for 20%,meat and fish 30%. 首先,目前粮食构成了中国人饮食结构的约50%,而牛奶只有20%,肉类和鱼类占30%。,Unit 2 美文佳句,赏析 该句使用了while对两种情况进行了对比,两个分句中分别使用了“make up”和“account for”表达相同的内容,体现了语言的多样性。 3The reason behind this is that the Chinese are paying more attention to their diet and health. 这背后的原因是,中国人更注重自己的饮食和健康了。 赏析 该句使用了“the reason is that”句型。该句型常用于解释某一现象发生的原因,要注意积累。在写作中经常用到。,Unit 2 美文佳句,4It is also likely that they are betteroff than before. 也可能是他们比以前生活水平更高了。 赏析 该句使用了“It is likely that”句型。从句中使用了比较级结构。,Unit 2 课前热身,.单词拼写 1You should eat more highprotein d_. 2That was a health programme to b_ everyone. 3The eggs are being f_in the pan.You can have them later. 4The government plans to set strict _(限制) on public spending this year. 5Do you want your vegetables cooked or r_?,iet,alance,ried,limits,aw,Unit 2 课前热身,6Being an honest man you shouldnt tell _(撒谎) 7Youd better _(咨询) a doctor soon. 8We cant always c_ work with pleasure. 9This factory will bring _(好处)to the people around it. 10Its important to know your own _(长处)and weaknesses.,lies,consult,ombine,benefit,strengths,Unit 2 课前热身,.完成短语 1谋生 earn ones _ 2被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚 get away _ 3欠债;负债 be _ 4减肥 lose _ 5不久以后 _ long 6赢回;重新获得 win _ 7削减;删节 cut _,living,with,in debt,weight,before,back,down,Unit 2 课前热身,.完成句子 1再也没有比这些更好的了。 Nothing _ . 2他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉! _ have Yong Hui _ telling people lies! 3你为什么不坐下来休息一下呢? _?,could be better,He couldnt,getting away with,Why not/dont you sit down and take a rest/breath,Unit 2 课前热身,4不要再说了;我们厌倦了你的牢骚。 Dont speak any more;_. 5很明显咖啡店老板在等着李方离开。 _the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.,we are tired of your complaints,It was obvious that,Unit 2 单词点睛,1 diet n日常饮食;规定饮食v.节食 go/be on a diet 节食 a healthy and balanced diet 健康和均衡的饮食 【活学活用】 (1)合理的饮食和运动对健康很重要。 _ are both important for health.,Proper diet and exercise,Unit 2 单词点睛,(2)你必须限定饮食,因为你太胖了。 You must _ because youre too fat. (3)请不要放巧克力,我正在节食。 Dont add chocolate, please._. (4)我整年都在节食,体重减轻了5千克。 I _ all the year and lost 5kg.,go on a diet,Im on a diet/dieting,have dieted,Unit 2 短语储存,1 get away with 被放过; (做坏事)不受惩罚 get across 解释清楚,使人了解 get along/on with 进展;与相处 get around/round 走动;(消息)传开 get down to 开始,着手 get sb down 使某人沮丧;使某人悲伤,Unit 2 短语储存,【活学活用】 (1)考试作弊必予追究。 If you cheat in the exam, youll_. (2)他们损坏了汽车却逃之夭夭。 They_. (3)他不太善于清楚地表达自己的思想。 Hes not very good at _.,never get away with it,got away with damaging the car,getting his ideas across,Unit 2 短语储存,2 cut down 削减;删减;砍下,砍倒 cut up 劈碎,切碎 cut off 切断;隔绝 cut in 插嘴;打岔 cut out 删掉;戒掉 cut across 抄近路;走捷径 【温馨提示】 cut down中的down为副词,因此,当遇到代词it, them等时,要放在cut与down之间,即cut it/them down。,Unit 2 短语储存,【活学活用】 (1)想要减肥你得少吃甜食。 You must _on sweets to lose weight. (2)我们穿越草坪速度会快很多。 Its much quicker if we_. (3)我们正交谈到最重要的内容时, 线路被切断了。 Just when we reached the most important point,_.,cut down,cut across the grass,the line was cut off,Unit 2 短语储存,3 in debt 欠债;欠款 be in heavy debt 负债累累 be in debt to sb 欠某人的债 be/get out of debt 摆脱债务 get into debt 负债 pay off ones debts 还清某人的债务,Unit 2 短语储存,【活学活用】 (1)他穷的时候欠了债,自从富裕后就摆脱了债务。 He was in debt when he was poor, but he _since he got rich. (2)如果你这样浪费钱财,迟早会以负债而结束。 If you waste money like that, youll_. (3)经过多年艰苦的劳动,我们终于还清了债务。 After years hard work,_.,has been out of debt,end up in debt,weve paid off our debts at last,Unit 2 句型透视,“Nothing could be better,” he thought. “否定词比较级”,是否定形式与比较级连用,表示最高级意义,通常译为“没有比更,没有像一样”。,Unit 2 句型透视,【句式分析】 常用的否定词有no,not,never,nothing,nobody,hardly等。如: Did you sleep well last night? Never better, like a rock. “你昨晚睡得好吗?” “从没这么好过,睡得很香。” I couldnt/cant agree more.我非常同意。,Unit 2 句型透视,【相关拓展】 (1)形容词
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