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必修一 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab,微知识 小题练,微考点 大课堂,微考场 新提升,微知识 小题练,核心练记 温教材考点,单句微练 1When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure _(conclude) it with important points. 2The doctors were trying to persuade the man to keep a _(balance) diet. 3Please dont do it if you dont have some proper _(equip) 4Shirey looked at the naughty student with an _(astonish) expression. 5In order to be healthy, we should drink (boil) water.,boiled,to conclude,balanced,equipment,astonished,6The measure is (aim) at preventing air pollution. 7It was only a(n) (part) solution to the problem. 8We were quite surprised at her quick (react) to the situation.,reaction,aimed,partial,()短语微检 1 往加入 2 不让进入;使避开 3 开始做某事(表示允许);(口)请说吧;请用吧 4 为感到骄傲/自豪 5 应当;理应 6 在顶/底部 7 把按顺序排列 8 发现;查清 9 过去(常常) 10 在领域,in the area of,add .to .,keep . out of .,go ahead,be proud of,be supposed to,at the top/bottom of,put . in order,find out,used to,()单句微填 1(2015陕西卷)Hans Zhang was proud himself for not giving up. 2I have reached a point in my life where I (suppose) to make decisions of my own. 3My cousin Mark is much healthier now. But he used _(have) some bad habits. 4What is known to all is that good friends add happiness and value _life. 5Please put the books order before you leave the library. 6We must keep out the war. Peace is what we desire.,of,of,am supposed,to have,to,in,微汇积累 1以d/de结尾的动词变名词 concludeconclusion 结论 expandexpansion 膨胀;扩张 extendextension 延伸 explodeexplosion 爆炸 decidedecision 决定 dividedivision 划分,25个变过去式/过去分词需双写最后一个辅音字母的动词 equipequipped 装备 stopstopped 停下 traptrapped 困住 shopshopped 购物 dropdropped 落下,37组现在完成时态标志词 since . 自从 recently/lately 最近 so far 到目前为止 up to now/until now 直到现在 since then 从那时起 ever since 自从 in/over the past时间段 在过去的,1The earth is fortynine times larger than the moon. 【微考点】倍数比较级than 【微仿写】这个房间比那个大两倍(是三倍大)。 _ 2Twothirds of the earths surface is water. 【微考点】分数修饰名词作主语,谓语与名词一致 【微仿写】剧院四分之三的座位坐满了。 _,Three quarters of the theatre was full.,This room is three times larger than that one.,3It is hard to think of a world without metals. 【微考点】it isadj.to do ., it作形式主语 【微仿写】喝足够多的水对我们来说是必要的。 _ 4The closer you are, the more youll see. 【微考点】the比较级, the比较级 【微仿写】你越细心,犯的错误就会越少。 _,The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes youll make.,It is necessary for us to drink plenty of water.,知成分4 写对句子的宾语 写作公式:主语及物动词宾语(名词、代词、动名词、不定式、从句) 宾语位于及物动词之后,表动作、行为的对象,由名词、代词、数词、动名词、不定式、从句充当。 宾语可分为单宾语、双宾语(直接和间接宾语)和复合宾语(宾语补足语)。直接宾语表动作的承受者或结果,一般指物。间接宾语表示动作是谁做的,一般指人。,American English has many dialects.(名词作宾语) 美国英语有许多方言。 We can hardly wait to see them!(代词作宾语) 我们迫不及待地要见他们! Im looking forward to doing it.(动名词作宾语) 我盼望着做这件事。 I have bought you some books.(代词作间接宾语,名词作直接宾语) 我给你买了一些书。 I hope that youll have a pleasant journey.(从句作宾语) 我希望你旅途愉快。,微体验 1(2015陕西卷)作为一个外向的女孩,我和同学们相处得很好。 As an outgoing girl, I get along well with . (名词作宾语) 2实现自己的梦想以后,他能慷慨地帮助别人。 After , he can help others generously. (动名词作宾语) 3它旨在扩大学生的眼界。 It aims .(不定式短语作宾语) 4(2015陕西卷)我相信我不会辜负你的期望。 I am sure . (从句作宾语),that I can perfectly live up to your expectations,my classmates,realizing his own dreams,to broaden the students horizons,微考点 大课堂,知识学透 夯高分基础,1conclusion n结论;结束;结尾 微练 语法填空单句训练 In conclusion (conclude), people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage. 总之,全世界的人们都应该意识到水资源短缺的真实现状。 He concluded (conclude) from their remarks that they were not in favour of the plan. 他从他们的话语中推断出他们不赞同此项计划。 He concluded his speech by singing a song. 他以唱歌结束他的演讲。,(1)draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion 得出结论 make a conclusion 下结论 in conclusion 总之;最后 conclude sth. (from sth.) that . 推断出;断定,微记,2aim n瞄准;目标;目的 v瞄准;对准;旨在 微练 语法填空单句训练 The play to be produced next month aims mainly to_reflect (reflect) the local culture. 下个月上演的戏剧主要旨在反映当地文化。 A discussion will be held, aiming (aim) to improve mutual understanding. 将举行一次讨论,旨在增进相互理解。 The project is aimed at promoting peace. 该项目旨在促进和平。 He was wandering along the street aimlessly(aimless) 他毫无目的地在街上闲逛。,(1)with the aim of 以期;意在 achieve ones aim 达到目的 take aim at . 向瞄准 (2)aim at (doing) sth. 力争(做到)某事 aim to do sth. 旨在做某事 be aimed at (doing) sth. 目的是;旨在 (3)aimless adj. 无目标的;无目的的,微记,3balance n天平;平衡;结余;余额 v平衡;权衡 微练 语法填空单句训练 (2014辽宁卷)Move slowly, then be sure to keep your (you) balance and dont let your body shake. 慢慢地移动,然后确保保持平衡,不要让你的身体晃动。 I have got a good sense of
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