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,. 句式填空 1. 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气 Many contemporary amateur athletes would have broken world records (会打破世界纪录)if they had taken part in the first Olympic Games. 2. It is/was+adj. +(for sb. )+to do sth. it用作形式主语 Unfortunately, it is not easy (是不容易的)to catch athletes using illegal drugs.,3. sb. /sth. be believed to. . . 某人或某物被认为是 Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months, with a tendency to strike the young and fit rather than the old, the Spanish Flu is believed to have been (被认为是)the most acute epidemic in history. 4. It seems a pity that. . . “似乎很遗憾” It seems a real pity that (似乎真是个遗憾)thousands of people who could have benefited from Traditional Chinese Medicine missed out because of ignorance.,. 教材设题 1. When we talk about breaking records, we _ the issue of performance-enhancing drugs. A. come about B. come across C. come around D. come along 【解析】选B。句意:当我们谈论破纪录的时候,我们碰巧谈论到兴奋剂的话题。come about发生;come across偶然遇到;come around苏醒;顺便来访;come along出现,发生,进展。,2. It is compulsory for winners to be tested but other participants are only tested _ . A. in advance B. by chance C. at random D. at all costs 【解析】选C。句意:获胜者要强制性地进行检查,而其他参与者只是随意地检查。in advance提前;by chance偶然地;at random随意地;at all costs无论如何。,3. _ we are careful, “gene-therapy” will be the next big threat. A. Even if B. Unless C. Now that D. As long as 【解析】选B。句意:除非我们很小心,否则基因疗法将会成为下一个大威胁。通过句意可知该题是否定条件句。now that “既然已”引导原因状语从句; as long as“只要”引导条件状语从句,本身不含有否定的意思;even if“即使”表示假设,引导让步状语从句。unless“如果不,除非”。,4. The Olympic spiritthe spirit of competition which emphasises taking part _ winninghas been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs. A. other than B. rather than C. more than D. better than 【解析】选B。句意:人们不惜任何代价想获胜的愿望违背了重在参与而不是获胜的奥林匹克精神。A项“除了”;C项“多于”;D项“比好”,均不符合语境。故选B项,表示“而不是”。,5. Traditional Chinese Medicine finds the cause of the sneezing and treats that to clear it up _ . A. for good B. for good and all C. good for D. both A and B 【解析】选D。句意:传统中医是要找到打喷嚏的原因,就这个原因进行治疗以彻底消除病症。for good =for good and all“永远,永久”;good for“对有益处”。,1. I didnt like the soap opera at first, but when I started watching one, I immediately became _ it. A. accustomed to B. addicted to C. opposed to D. allergic to 【解析】选B。句意:一开始我不喜欢肥皂剧,但是当我开始看的时候,我立刻就被吸引住了。be accustomed to 习惯于;be addicted to 迷上,上瘾; be opposed to反对,与对立;be allergic to 对过敏。,2. The old lady came to the police station and claimed _ of her purse when she was shopping. 2011常德模拟 A. to be robbed B. to be robbing C. to rob D. to have been robbed 【解析】选D。考查rob的用法。句意:这位老妇人来到警局,声称在购物时钱包被抢了。rob sb. of sth. 抢某人某物,the old lady与rob之间存在逻辑动宾关系,故用不定式的被动式,且被抢动作发生在claim“宣称”之前,故用不定式的完成被动式,D项正确。,3. Nobody can _ his rude behavior, and thats why he has no friend. A. accustom B. understand C. cover D. tolerate 【解析】选D。句意:没有人能容忍他的粗鲁行为,所以他没有朋友。 tolerate容忍,忍受;accustom 习惯于; understand理解;cover覆盖。,4. The officer at first _ to make a statement, but later she agreed. A. voted B. reduced C. postponed D. declined 【解析】选D。句意:这位官员起初拒绝发表声明,但是她后来又同意了。vote to do sth. 投票做某事;reduce减少;postpone延缓;这两个词后接动词的-ing形式。decline to do sth. 婉言拒绝做某事。,5. I fear that a prior engagement will _ me from joining you at dinner. A. disagree B. prohibit C. allow D. permit 【解析】选B。句意:我有约在先,恐怕不能与你共进晚餐。根据fear一词可知不能共进晚餐。prohibit sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事。故选B。,6. He told us that he was going to Beijing to _ his fortune. A. seek B. research C. gather D. produce 【解析】选A。句意:他告诉我们他要到北京碰碰运气。seek ones fortune 发财致富;碰运气。符合句意要求。,7. The majority of people in the town strongly _ the plan to build a playground for children. 2010浙江, 4 A. consider B. support C. confirm D. submit 【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意:镇上的大多数人都积极地拥护为孩子们建造运动场的计划。consider考虑,思考,认为;support支持,拥护,维持;confirm证实,确认;submit使屈服,使接受。,8. Does the common man _ the idea of political union between European countries? A. object B. oppose C. be for D. be against 【解析】选B。 句意:一般人是不是反对欧洲国家之间的政治联盟的想法呢?be for支持;be against 反对,句中由助动词does提问,故不能选。object to反对;oppose sth. 反对。故应选B。,1. I would like to work in a more relaxed environment, but _ I enjoy the work Im doing at present. A. in other words B. on the other hand C. at all costs D. as a result 【解析】选B。句意:我想在一个更加宽松的环境里工作,但另一方面我也很喜欢目前做的工作。on the other hand尤其用来引出对立的观点、思想等;in other words“换句话说”;at all costs“无论如何”;as a result“结果”。,2. _ , we wont finish the work by the end of this month. A. At any rate B. At a rate C. At this rate D. At the rate 【解析】选A。句意:无论如何这个月末我们完不成工作。at any rate 无论如何,至少;at this rate照这种情形。,3. At last she wiped _ the jar and filled it with clean water. A. off B. up C. out D. away 【解析】选C。句意:最终她擦净了罐子的内部,并把它装满了干净的水。考查wipe短语。wipe
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