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stage,boil,float,balance,expand,contract,mixture,mix,mixed,electricity,electric,electrical,conclusion,aim,aimless,equipment,equip,react,reaction,ordinary,extraordinary,form,transform,lecture,lecturer,astonished,astonishing,astonish,astonishment,to,up,at,of,from,proud,pride,to,so,put,in,of,up,with,life,on,now,in,turns,with,to,One-third of the books here belong to him.,is three times wider than,Its careless of you to leave your umbrella in the taxi.,Gone are the days,The harder you study,the more progress youll make.,B,conclude,to,in,arrive at,come to,draw,reach,concluded from their remarks,concluded a treaty with,with,of,take,aims,to reflect,is aimed at,the habit of,fill in,out of,in,of,takes the form of,成立,表格,养成,形成,以形式,体形,外形,addition,additional,add to,that.,in addition,in addition to,add up to,adding,added to,add,to,added up,added up to,form,conclusion,aimed,C,A,C,B,D,look,of,Go ahead!,ahead of,从句,虚拟语气,am,supposed to,are supposed to,go ahead,ahead of,A,D,C,B,Its important for us to,the longer,the sweeter,The more,the fatter,对点训练 .翻译句子 1我越考虑这个事,我越不喜欢它。 The more I think about it,the less I like it. 2你练得越用功,你的进步就越大。 The harder you practice,the greater progress youll make. 3对我来说学好汉语很容易。 It is very easy for me to learn Chinese well. 4你来帮助我太好了。 Its very kind of you to help me.,B,B,B,B,【体验写作】 一、按要求扩写下面的简单句(可以有不同的答案) The boy is playing. 1加宾语 The boy is playing computer games. 2加状语 The boy is playing computer games happily and excitedly. 3给主语加定语 The boy who played truant is playing computer games happily and excitedly. 4给宾语加定语 The boy who played truant is happily playing computer games which are very interesting to him.,二、对下面的句子进行多层扩写 Tom was watching TV. Tom,coming back late from school,was watching TV,which quickly made him feel relaxed.,返回,
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