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2016年高考一轮复习状语从句经典讲座(一),引言 状语从句是在复合句中用来修饰动词、形容词或副词的从句。状语从句共分九种:1.时间状语从句,2.地点状语从句, 3.原因状语从句 4.目的状语从句,5.结果状语从句,6.条件状语从句,7.方式状语从句,8.比较状语从句,9.让步状语从句。状语从句和其它从句一样都是陈述句语序。状语从句是历年高考的重点,掌握状语从句的用法对于参加2016年高考的考生至关重要。,状语从句简明登记表,状语从句简明登记表,状语从句简明登记表,状语从句简明登记表,状语从句的用法 时间状语从句 时间状语从句就是在复合句中,作时间状语的从句。 Every time I fell ill, mother took me to see the doctor. 以前每当我生病的时候,妈妈就带我去看医生。 Each time I go to see Tom, he is always studying at desk. 每当我去看汤姆的时候,他总是伏案学习。 The first time he took part in the competition, he won a second prize. 他第一次参加比赛得了一个二等奖。,【全国卷II】I had hardly got to the office _ my wife phone me to go back home at once. A. when B. than C. until D. after 【答案】A 【安徽】When _ for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding. A. asking B. asked C. having asked D. to be asked 【答案】B 【山东】He smiled politely _ Mary apologized for her drunken friends. A. as B. if C. unless D. though 【答案】A,时间状语从句:高考链接,1、主句的谓语动词是将来时、有情态动词或祈使句,以when, before, after, till, until, as soon as, the moment/minute/second, immediately, instantly, directly等引导的时间状语从句中用一般现在时;如果要表达从句的动作已经完成,主句的动作才发生,从句中用现在完成时。,时间状语从句:易错提醒,When he comes back, I will give the book to him. 他回来的时候,我把书交给他。 As soon as he gets to school, he begins to study.他一到学校就学习。 Dont get off the bus until it has stopped. 等车停了才下车。 When you have learned English, you will find it a bridge to so much knowledge. 当你学会了英语,你就会发现它是通向很多知识的桥梁。 I wont believe you until I have seen you in the jar with my own eyes. 直到我亲眼看见你在坛子里面,我才会相信你说的话。,2、until/till与肯定句连用时主句的谓语动词必须是延续性动词,表示主句的动作一直延续到从句的动作结束;与否定句连用时主句的谓语动词是延续或终止性动词,表示主句的动作直到从句的动作结束才开始。 He studied until I came at 11:00 last night. 昨晚他一直学到11点钟我来为止。 He didnt study until his mother came back. 他直到他母亲回来才开始学习。,时间状语从句:易错提醒,3、hardlywhen, no soonerthan,主句的谓语动词是过去完成时,从句是一般过去时。 我们一出发,天就下雨了 We had hardly started out when it began to rain. We had no sooner started out than it began to rain. 注意:hardly, no sooner 放在句首时,主句应用倒装语序。 我们一出发,天就下雨了 Hardly had we started out when it began to rain. No sooner had we started out than it began to rain.,时间状语从句:易错提醒,4、when, as, while引导时间状语从句的区别 when可以与点动词和持续性动词连用;as强调两个动作同时发生,此外还有随着的意思;while只能与持续性动作连用,有“趁”的意思。对比: When he came in, I was cooking in the kitchen. 他进来的时候,我在厨房里做饭。(when不能换成while) While he was working in the garden, he broke his cup. 他在院子里干活的时候,大破了杯子。(while可改成when),时间状语从句:易错提醒,I watched her as she combed her hair.她梳头的时候我一直看着她。 As he grew older, he lost interest in everything except gardening. 他年纪越来越大,除了喜欢园艺以外,对一切都失去了兴趣。 As the years went on, we became cleverer. 随着岁月的流逝,我们变得更加聪明了。 As spring comes, all flowers begin to come out. 随着春天的到来万花儿开放。(as 表示“随着”),时间状语从句:易错提醒,(1)while的意思是“当的时候”;“在(某一段)时间里”,常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程,强调主句的动词和从句的动词所表示的动作或状态是同时发生的。由while引导的从句中用延续性动词。例如: While I was in Yangpu,I saw him twice.我在洋浦的时候见过他两次。 Please keep quiet while others are studying. 别人在学习的时候请保持安静。,时间状语从句:易错提醒,(2)when的意思是“当(在)的时候”,既可指较短的时间(即某一点时间),也可指一段时间。例如: When I went into the lab,he was doing an experiment. 当我走进实验室时,他正在做实验。 由此可见当从句表示的是某一点时间时,不能用while引导状语从句;当when引导的从句表示的是一段时间时,when和while通用。例如: When/While I was at Anhui Teachers University,I went to the reading-room every day. 我上安徽师范大学的时候,每天都到阅览室去。,时间状语从句:易错提醒,随便说一下,as的意思也是“当的时候”,常可与when或while通用,但它强调主句和从句中的动作或事情同时发生。例如: As/When/While I was walking down the street,I noticed a police car in front of number 88. 我沿着大街往前走的时候,注意到88号门前停着一辆警车。,时间状语从句:易错提醒,5、It + be + 时间段 + before 过一段时间就 It will be three days before we say goodbye. 再过三天我们就说再见了。 It was so long before he came back that the whole family were anxious to wait for him. 过了很久他才回家。全家人都在焦急地等待着他。 It was not long before the war broke out so that he had to go back his hometown with his wife and children. 没过多久战争就爆发了。他只得带着妻儿回到了故乡。,时间状语从句:易错提醒,6、It is/has been + 时间段 +since 自从到现在是一段时间了。 如果从句的谓语动词是终止性动词,表示从该动作开始到现在; 如果从句的谓语动词是延续性动词,表示从该动作结束到现在。 It has been/is ten days since he came here.他来这里已经十天了。 It has been/is ten days since he was here.他离开这里已经十天了。,时间状语从句:易错提醒,二、地点状语从句 地点状语从句就是在复合句中,作地点状语的从句。地点状语从句由where, wherever引导。 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 They went on with the story where they had left it before the holiday. 他们继续讲放假前没有讲完的故事。 I lost my pen where I wrote my composition. 我把钢笔丢在我写作文的地方了。 Wherever we are sent to work, we should work hard. 无论派我们去那里工作,我们都应该努力工作。 You can go wherever you like to.你可以去你喜欢去的任何地方。 Wherever there is smoke, there is a fire.无火不生烟(无风不起浪)。,【山东】A number of high buildings have arisen _ there was nothing a year ago but ruins. A. when B. where C. before D. until 【天津】Everything was placed exactly _ he wanted it for the graduation ceremony. A. while B. when C. where D. though,地点状语从句:高考链接,【四川】If you happen to get lost in the wild, youd better stay _ you are and wait for help. A. why B. where C. who D. what,原因状语从句 原因状语从句就是在复合句中,作原因状语的从句。原因状语从句由because, since, as, now that(既然)等引导。 He didnt come yesterday because his
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