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Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth!,第六课时 Section B(2b3b),1The windows and doors came from old buildings around the town that were being pulled down.门窗来自镇里正在被拆毁的老建筑。 (1)本句是含有定语从句的复合句。定语从句that were being pulled down修饰先行词buildings。were being pulled down是过去进行时的被动语态,其结构为“was/werebeing动词的过去分词”。eg: He was being told not to throw rubbish this time yesterday.昨天的这个时候他被告知不要扔垃圾。 (2)pull动词,意为“拉;拖;拔”,其反义词是push。常用短语pull down意为“拆除;拆毁;放倒”,为“动词副词”型短语,代词作宾语时,应放在pull和down的中间。,2set up set up意为“建立,创立(公司、机构等)”。eg: Were planning to set up a new company.我们正在筹划组建一个新公司。 【辨析】set up与build 这两个词(组)都表示“建立”,但在含义上有所不同。 set up侧重“开始”,用于具体或抽象的事物均可。eg: set up business开业 build侧重“修建”,用于具体或抽象的事物均可。 3wellknown wellknown复合形容词,意为“著名的,众所周知的”,其同义词为famous。bestknown意为“最著名的”。,一、根据句意及首字母提示补全下列单词。 1More and more people,from all parts of the world,are now collecting _of art. 2The desk feels hard.Its made of_. 3James is a clever boy with a lot of _and he can come up with good ways. 4We are going to start a _to sell things online. 5I hope that everyone should know the _of environmental protection.,works,metal,creativity,website,importance,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6He is known for_ (use) colors to express feelings. 7In China,people think that red can bring them _(happy) 8The Internet is very _(use),we can find a lot of information on it. 9Are you good at _(play) football? 10Have you learnt something about environment _(protect)?,using,happiness,useful,playing,protection,三、单项选择。 11_ Ma Ya and Li Qin watched the 2014 winter Olympics in Sochi,_ I watched them. AEither,or BNeither,nor CBoth,and DNot only,but also 12Its difficult to live in a foreign country,_ if you cant understand the language there. Aexactly Bnaturally Cusually Despecially 13We are not sure whether we can _ the first place in the match. Awin Bhit Cbeat Dfight,C,D,A,C,14Yesterday Li Ming went to the village _ his family lived ten years ago. Awhen Bwhich Cwhere Dthat 15Hangzhou is known _ silk.Have you ever been there? Yes,I have. Awith Bof Cas Dfor,D,四、根据汉语完成句子。 16我明天把这张CD还给你。 Ill _the CD to you tomorrow. 17冰心以她的儿童作品而著名。 Bing Xin _her works about children. 18这把椅子是木头做的,不要用刀子划它。 The chair _wood.Dont cut it with a knife. 19我的哥哥不但喜欢英语,而且喜欢数学。 Not only _my brother _English _he _maths. 20在艺术博物馆可以看到许多艺术作品。 A lot of _of art can _in the art museum.,bring back,is famous/known for,is made of,does,like,but also,likes,works,be seen,五、完形填空。 Its very important that we all recycle.In nature,everything_21_again.For example,when an animal dies,it becomes_22_animals food.Nothing is wasted.But humans have created things like plastic bags which cant be _23_ down by nature.Our _24_ kills animals and pollutes water and soil._25_ we continue making too much rubbish,the problem will only get worse.If nature cant reuse the rubbish,we must recycle_26_We should clean up the rubbish weve made because nature cant.,Recycling is also the right thing to do for another reason.The earth is rich in natural materials like water and trees,_27_ these materials are not endless(无尽的)We use up our natural materials _28_ faster than the earth is able to reproduce(再生) them.For example,each year we cut_29_more than 6,000 square miles of forest.But it takes an average of 25 years for a new tree_30_ Recycling can help us save the earth,so lets take action right now.,( )21.A.use Bis used Cused ( )22.A.another Bothers Cthe other ( )23.A.lain Bbroken Cput ( )24.A.rubbish BnatureCmaterial ( )25.A.When BWhy CIf ( )26.A.them Bit Citself ( )27.A.but Bso Cand ( )28.A.very Bmore Cmuch ( )29.A.out Bdown Cup ( )30.A.grows BgrowingCto grow,B,C,B,A,C,B,A,C,B,C,
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