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Unit 1 Spring is Coming,Lesson 4 The Spring City,Think about it!, Would you like to live in a place where there are no winters? What do you enjoy most about spring?,Which season do you like? Why?,spring,summer,autumn,winter,Which city is called “the Spring City” in China? Do you know?,They are all beautiful, arent they?,Kunming,budding nearly millimetre plenty anytime,adj. 正发芽的 adv. 几乎;差不多;将近 n. 毫米;千分之一米 n. 丰富;大量 adv. 在任何时候;随便什么时候,objectives,To understand the poem To use the words correctly: long for all year round plenty of hundreds of nearly,When we think of spring, we think of a season of fine, warm weather and clear, fresh air. We think of new life, green plants and budding trees all around us.,Listen and read.,Everyone longs for spring. Spring is a short season in many places around the world. But in my hometown, it feels like spring nearly all year round.,The weather here is neither too hot nor too cold. The average winter temperature is 15 . In summer it never gets too hot. The average temperature is 24 . The city gets about 1 000 millimetres of rain every year. Theres plenty of sunshine too, with about 2 250 hours of sunshine every year.,Because of the spring-like weather, you can find hundreds of beautiful flowers and trees anytime of the year. Can you guess may hometown? Yes, its Kunming “the Spring City”.,Language points,1. When we think of spring, we think of a season of fine, warm weather and clear, fresh air. think of sth./sb. 1) 想到;对有想法 When I said that I wasnt thinking of you. 我说那话时,并没有想到你。,2) 想出,构思出 Have you thought of a name for the baby yet? 你想好给孩子起什么名字没有? 3) 记得,想起 I cant think of his name at the moment. 我一时想不起他的名字。,2. Everyone longs for spring. long在这里作动词。 long for sb/sth, long (for sb) to do sth (尤指对看似不会很快发生的事)渴望 Lucy had always longed for a brother. 露西一直渴望有个弟弟。 Im longing to see you again. 我渴望再次见到你。,3. Theres plenty of sunshine plenty (of sth) 大量,充足,众多 They always gave us plenty to eat. 他们总是给我们好多东西吃。 I have seen a lot of/lots of/plenty of/a great number of English films. 我已经看了多部英文电影。,4. Because of the spring-like weather, you can find hundreds of beautiful flowers and trees anytime of the year. because of 因为 They are here because of us. 他们是因为我们来这里的。 He walked slowly because of his bad leg. 他因为腿不方便而行走缓慢。,1. Whats the average temperature in winter/summer in Kunming? The average winter temperature is 15 and in summer the average temperature is 24. 2. How much rain does the city get every year? About 1000 millimetres.,Lets Do It!,Read the lesson and answer the questions.,1,3. How many hours of sunshine does the city get every year? 2250 hours of sunshine. 4. Why are there many flowers all year round in Kunming? There many flowers all year round in Kunming because of the spring-like weather.,Listen to people talking about their hometowns and match the names with the sentences.,2,Susan,Mike,Zhang Jing,Tom,Dong Chao,Spring begins in April and ends in June. The temperature is between 4 and 15 .,It is warm and wet. Spring begins in November.,The average spring temperature is 5 . It is very cold.,The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. The average spring temperature is 20 .,They celebrate the Festival of Colours to greet the coming of spring.,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases in the box.,long for think of feel like because of,1. She didnt go to school _ her illness. 2. He always _ his friend when he is in trouble. 3. They _ sunshine during the long rainy days. 4. Its so hot today. It _ summer.,because of,thinks of,longed for,feels like,3,long for all year round plenty of hundreds of nearly,Time for Reflection,渴望,向往,盼望 一年到头;终年 许多;大量 数百的 几乎;差不多;将近,Exercise,Translation.,1. 我今天已经做了很多工作。 I have done plenty of work today. 2. 我们渴望父母关心我们。 We long for parents to care for us. 3. 一年到头把花园拾掇得干净整洁是很辛苦的。 Keeping the garden tidy all year round can be hard work.,4. 几百人正处于危险中。 Hundreds of people are at risk. 5. 这瓶子差不多空了。 The bottles nearly empty.,Homework,Work in pairs. Talk about the spring in your hometown. Task tips: You can talk about the weather, the temperature and your favourite activities.,
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