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话题五 语言学习 话题短句 1The Students Union in our school conducted a survey among all the students. 我们学校的学生会在所有学生之间进行了一次调查。 2It is on whether we should learn English. 它是关于是否我们应该学习英语的。 3They think learning English is one of the demands of modern society. 他们认为学习英语是现代社会的要求之一。,4It will do good to our future career. 它有益于我们未来的职业。 5Others are against the idea. 其他人反对这个主意。 6They say that learning English is useless and is a waste of energies. 他们说学英语不但没用而且是一种精力的浪费。 7We are supposed to learn English well. 我们理应学好英语。 8A good command of English means more opportunities in the future. 精通英语意味着在将来有更多的机会。,热身体验 1使用宾语从句连接1、2句 The Students Union in our school conducted a survey among all the students on whether we should learn English. 2使用and连接3、4句 They think learning English is one of the demands of modern society and will do good to our future career.,3使用分词短语连接5、6句 Others are against the idea,saying that learning English is useless and is a waste of energy. 4使用because连接7、8句 We are supposed to learn English well because a good command of English means more opportunities in the future.,选用“whats worse,however,in my opinion,as the survey shows”过渡词句衔接成文。 Last week,the Students Union in our school conducted a survey among all the students on whether we should learn English.As the survey shows,most of the students say yes,for they think learning English is one of the demands of modern society and will do good to our future career.However,other are against the idea,saying that learning English is useless and is a waste of energy.Whats worse,they feel learning English is nothing but a burden.In my opinion,we are supposed to learn English well because a good command of English means more opportunities in the future.,.重点单词识记 1 /eIn/vt.获得;增加 2 /knsntreIt/vi.集中(思想、注意力等) 3 /privis/adj.以前的,过去的 4 /pzItIv/adj.积极的 5 /si nI/adj.高级的 6 /knekn/n.联系;连接 7 /kjrtli/adv.精确地,准确地 8 /dIz v/vt.应得,值得 9 /feIlj/n.失败,gain,concentrate,previous,positive,senior,connection,accurately,deserve,failure,10 /IntaIli/adv.完全地 11 /kju z/vt.控告,谴责 12 /dIzaI/n.渴望,欲望 13 / stIsfkn/n.满意,满足 14 /flt/n.错误;缺点 15 /rIlif/n.减轻,宽慰 16 /knfm/v.证实 17 /reItfl/adj.感激的,感谢的 18 /dd/vt.评判 19 /dIvt/vt.献身于, 专心致志于 n献身,奉献,entirely,accuse,desire,satisfaction,fault,relief,confirm,grateful,judge,devote,devotion,20 /sesmnt/n.评估 vt.评价;评定 n自我评估 21 /stre/n.长处,优势 v(使)加强 22 /IftId/adj.有天赋的 n礼物;天赋 23 /dIskrIpn/n.描述, 形容 vt.描述 24 /prIdIkt/vt.预言,预测 n预测 25 /mIsteIkn/adj.错误的 vt.弄错;误解;n.错误,assessment,assess,selfassessment,strength,strengthen,gifted,gift,description,describe,predict,prediction,mistaken,mistake,26 / dIsbIlIti/n.残疾; 无能力 adj.残疾的 27 / IndIpendns/n. 独立 adj.独立的,disability,disabled,independence,independent,.重点短语识记 1The teacher asked who could come up with(提出)a good solution to this problem. 2I cant concentrate on(集中精力)my work when Im tired. 3In terms of(就来说)money,hes quite rich,but not in terms of happiness. 4I cant help(禁不住)thinking of my happy childhood. 5Again and again,in the postwar years,Twain seemed forced to deal with(处理)the challenge of race.(2013江苏高考阅读D),6To be honest(说实话),I do not think we have a chance of winning. 7Her life was devoted to(致力于)caring for the sick and needy. 8On the other hand(另一方面),nobody seemed excited about it.,【短语归纳】,1come up with 提出,想出 2concentrate on 集中于;专注于 3talk sb.into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 4draw up 起草 5end up 结果为 6on the other hand 另一方面 7in terms of 就某事来说 8be willing to 愿意做某事,9react to 对做出反应 10deal with 处理,对付 11glare at 怒视 12cant help doing sth. 禁不住做某事 13to be honest 说实话 14be devoted to 奉献,致力于,.经典原句默写 1I was getting more and more annoyed and of course,the more upset I got,the less I was able to concentrate. 我越来越烦躁,当然,越烦躁就越难集中精力。 2Go and see your teacher and try to talk him or her into giving you a better grade. 去找你的任课老师,想法说服他(她)给你提高分数。,3The fact that she looked like a sensitive,friendly girl didnt matter.If anything,it made me even angrier. 她看起来是个善解人意、友善的女孩,但这无济于事,却平添了我几分怒气。 4If Jenny hadnt been a kind person who was willing to forgive my shortcomings,I would never have experienced such true friendship. 珍妮要不是如此体贴,宽容我的缺点,我就永远不会享受到如此真挚的友谊。,1concentrate vt.& vi.集中(思想、注意力等);全神贯注 高考佳句 And I realized he had been doing what music teachers always stress:concentrate on the music and pretend the others arent there.(2014福建高考完形填空) 我意识到他一直在做音乐老师强调的东西:集中注意力于音乐,而对别的视而不见。,(1)concentrate(on/upon) 专注于,专心致志于 concentrate ones attention on/upon 专注于,聚精会神 (2)concentration n. 专心,集中 Listening well also requires total concentration upon someone else.(2013江西高考阅读C) 倾听也需要你对别人全神贯注。 You must concentrate you
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