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Words and expressions,picnic n. housework n. nobody pron. nothing pron. silly adj. fantastic adj. else adv. go over,pknk n. haswk n. els adv. nbd pron. n pron. sl adj. fntstk adj.,Module 3,Making plans,Unit 1,What are you going to do at the weekend?,教学目标,知识与技能: 能认读本单元目标词汇:picnic,housework, nothing, fantastic,else,nobody,silly go over , see a movie,help with the housework 2. 掌握 be going to 的概念以及基本结构 3. 能够听懂、谈论计划做、打算做的事情 过程与方法: 听力策略:能抓关键词判断对话中人物的计划 交际策略:能根据自己的具体情况制定学习计划 情感与文化: 养成有计划的生活和学习习惯,保持乐观的态度,Brain-storm: “What do you usually do at the weekend(周末)?” I usually.,I am going to see a movie this weekend.,do cleaning,I often do cleaning at the weekend.,see a movie,-I am going to,have a piano lesson.,What are you going to do at the weekend?,上一节钢琴课,-He is going to check his email.,-What is he going to do on Saturday morning?,check his email,查收电子邮件,-She is going to go over lessons.,-What is she going to do on Saturday afternoon?,go over lessons,复习功课,-What is she going to do on Sunday afternoon?,-She is going to help with the housework.,帮忙做家务,help with the housework,-They are going to have a picnic.,-What are they going to do on Sunday afternoon?,野餐,have a picnic,_ _ _,_ _ _,go over lessons,help with the housework,see a movie,check my email,have a piano lesson,have a picnic,A: What are you going to do at the weekend? B: I am going to .,A: What is/ he/she/ are they going to do at the weekend? B: He/She/They going to .,Work in pairs:,一听:Listen and choose.,1. Where are they going to meet? A. In the school B. In the park C. At home 2.Whats Tony going to do at the weekend? A.Have a picnic B.Have a piano lesson C.Stay at home,听力训练,知者加速:完成的翻绿牌,用完整句子回答问题。,提示:听前浏览问题,抓住关键词(特殊疑问词、人名),二听:listen and finish the table.,A: What is going to doon? B: He/ She is going to ,Work in pairs:,提示:听前分析表格找规律、预测单词 听中抓主线(人名+时间)、关注空格前后关键词,听力训练,一听:速记(单词首字母或汉语提示词) 二听:检查答案并补充单词,check,homework,with,see,have,have a,Unit 1-3.mp3,Read the dialogue aloud and finish the tasks. 任务一:找出含有be going to的句子,用标 记。 任务二:找出你存在的问题,用 “”标记。,知者加速:完成的翻绿牌,翻译be going to 的句子。,自学,提示: 1. 组长组织,交流解决自学过程中遇到的问题。 2. 将组内解决不了的问题或组内总结的重要知识点写在互帮显示板上。 3. 任务分配:1号主发言人, 2、3、4号补充发言, 5号书写,6号监督,组长展示。,知者加速:完成的翻绿牌,做解题册P11。,互帮,Discuss your questions in your group.,3. The boy _(be) going to play basketball after school. 4. They arent going to _(have) piano lessons this weekend.,is,have,1. Yang Mi was born _ September 12,1986. A. at B. in C. on D. with 2. Would you like _ (come) to my birthday party.,to come,5. 他们打算晚上做作业。 They _ going to _ _ _ this evening.,are,do,their,homework,当堂检测,Homework,1.复习巩固: 复习今天学习的内容并整理好笔记。 2.分层作业: 必做:完成解题册 M1U1. 选做: Recite the dialogue.,Thank you!,
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