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lesson_12_the_clever_monke1、 基础题 1读单词,把单词的编号写在其中文意思后面的括号里。 (1)elephant (2)monkey (3)tiger (4)mouse 老鼠 ( ) 老虎() 猴子()大象() 2短语互译。(1)看这头大象。_ (2)Look at this tiger. _ (3)它是强壮的。_ (4)它是漂亮的。_ 二、综合题 (单项选择) ( ) 1. A:_is that over there? B:Its a monkey. A. What B. Who C. Where ( ) 2. A:Whos that boy? B:Hes my _. A. father B. uncle C. brother ( ) 3. A:Here is a gift for you. B:Thank _ . A. you B. a lot C. very much ( ) 4. A:Where is your bird? B:My bird is in the _ A. classroom B. box C. tree三、提高题 (左右配对) (同学们两人一组练习,一问一答,使用“学乐师生”APP录像,分享给全班同学。) ( ) 1.Welcome to our school. A:OK! ( ) 2.Are you a teacher? B.Thank you. ( ) 3.Whos that boy? C.Its in the bag. ( ) 4.Dont climb the tree. D.There is a book. ( ) 5.Whats on the bed? E.He is my brother. ( ) 6.Where is my pen? F.Yes,I am.参考答案一、基础题 1老鼠 ( 4 ) 老虎( 3 ) 猴子( 2)大象( 1) 2(1)看这头大象。Look at this elephant. (2)Look at this tiger. 看这只老虎。 (3)它是强壮的。Its strong. (4)它是漂亮的。Its beautiful. 二、综合题 1A 2. C 3. A 4. C 三、提高题 1B 2. F 3. E 4. A 5. D 6. C
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