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【2016走向高考】高三英语一轮复习 Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges 巩固 外研版必修3.选词填空1_ enough, she wanted her child to grow up fit and strong.2We are working on _ the gap between our points of view.3Many natural resources have not been _ in this area.4I strongly agree that cheating at school should be completely _.5The girl _ a beggar wandering back and forth in front of the hotel as if waiting for someone.6We waited until the whole island was in _ and then we took a photograph.7This _ village is so out of the way that mail comes only once a week.8The winning team found themselves _ by the crazy fans, unable to leave the stadium.答案:1.Naturally2.narrowing3.exploited4.forbidden5.spotted6.view7.remote8.surrounded.介、副词填空1Alice gets a real kick out _ teaching children how to read and write.2The house still needed a lot of work, but _ least the kitchen was finished.3I went _ my homework to make sure that nothing had been missed.4I have watched the game all night, and now my eyes are heavy _ sleep.5If we dont control the birth rate, well be _ the edge of starvation in the near future.答案:1.of2.at3.through4.with5.on.句型训练1用所给词的适当形式填空(1)You are _ (take) the responsibility for the mistake.(2)While going past that village, I saw a group of children _ (play) with sand.(3)Her glasses _ (break), she couldnt see the words on the blackboard.2完成句子(1)这种药一天要服三次。The medicine _ three times a day.(2)我告诉他,只有努力才能成功。I told him he would succeed _.答案:1.(1)to take(2)playing(3)broken2.(1)is to be taken(2)only if he tried hard.话题写作根据提示,利用本模块所学知识,完成下面的小作文。1约翰的爸爸是位商人,他经常同别人做生意。(trade)2然而他对约翰的学习要求很严,要求他利用一切时间学习,反对他浪费时间。(take advantage of;be against)3在家时,如果他发现约翰作业中有错误,就要求他立即改正。(spot)4从周一到周五,他禁止约翰看电视,他要求约翰每晚至少学习两个小时。(forbid;at least)5在他看来,约翰参加高考并被名牌大学录取才是最重要的事。(view;go through)_答案:Johns father is a merchant and often trades with others. However, he is very strict in Johns studies. He requests that John take advantage of all his time to study and is against Johns wasting any time. When at home, if spotting any mistakes in Johns homework, he will ask John to correct immediately. Whats more, he forbids John to watch TV from Monday to Friday. Instead, he requires John to study at least two hours every evening. In his view, it is the most important thing that John goes through the Entrance Examination and is admitted to a key university.
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