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, S B ,Units 12,.高频单词聚焦 1_ vt.& vi. 着手做;从事, 承 担 2_ adj. 好奇的;好求知 的;爱打听隐私 的,undertake,curious,3_ n. 辩论;争论 vt.& vi. 与辩论;争论 4_ vt. 观察;察觉到;遵 守;庆祝(节日等) 5_ vt.& vi. (作)预言;(作)预 测;预计,debate,observe,predict,6_ n. (常用复数)天;天空; (常作Heaven) 天国;上帝 7_ vi. 进行实验;进行试验 8_ n. 悲伤;不幸 9_ n. (学科)分科;树枝;支 流;支线;分支机构 10_ n. 探索;调查;研究 vt.& vi. 调查;研究,heaven,experiment,unhappiness,branch,research,11_ vt.& vi. 寻找;探索;追求 12_ vt. 和相配;和 相称;使较量 vi. 相配;相称 13_ adj. 理解力强的;有才智 的 14_ adj. 忍耐的;容忍的;有 耐心的 15_ vt. 误解,误会,seek,match,intelligent,patient,misunderstand,16_ n. 原因;动机;理性; 道理 vt.& vi. 说服;推论;劝说 17_ vt. 通知;告诉 18_ vt. 转变;改变 n. 开关;转换器 19_ vt. 反映;表现;反射 (光、热、声等);映 出;反省 20_ vt. 忍受;容忍,reason,inform,switch,reflect,tolerate,21_ n. 态度;看法;姿态 22_ vt. 使失望;使(计划等) 受挫折 23_ vt. 面临;面对;正视 24_ vt.& vi. 选举;推选 25_ vt. 损害;伤害;使蒙 受损失,attitude,disappoint,face,elect,injure,26_ vt.& vi. 有关;涉及 27_ vt. 呈现;描述;介绍; 赠送 adj. 现在的;在场的 28_ n. 努力;艰难的尝试; 努力的成果 29_ vt. 不顾;不理;忽视 30_ vt. 使担忧;使烦恼; 对负责任; 与有牵连 n. 担心;忧虑;焦急,relate,present,effort,ignore,concern,.重点短语扫描 1_ 继续工作 2_ 过去;走过 3_ 继续某种行为 4_ 梦想;梦到 5_ 结果(是);证明 (是);原来(是),work on,go by,go on with,dream of,turn out,6_ 用完;用尽 7_ 对表示满意 或满足 8_ 相反地;从相反 方向;用相反方 式 9_ 达到/实现某人的 目标 10_ 产生影响,很重 要,use up,be satisfied with,the other way around,reach ones goal,make a difference,11_ (使)烧成平地;烧 毁 12_ 就这(那)一次 13_ 沉溺于 14_ 即使;纵然;虽 然 15_ 对表示注意,burn down,for once,be addicted to,even if,draw attention to,16_ 在各方面;到 处 17_ 改变主意 18_ 尊敬;钦佩 19_ 爱上 20_ 而不是,on all sides,change ones mind,look up to,fall in love with,rather than,.课文原句突破 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _(好像没多大意义) working on my PhDI didnt expect to survive that long. 【答案】 There did not seem much point in 2. _ _ _ _(没有放弃),Hawking went on with his research,got his PhD and married Jane. 【答案】 Instead of giving up,3People who listen to Hawkings lectures sometimes _ _ _(认为理解他很难) 【答案】 find it difficult to understand him 4The editors job is_ _ _ (使报纸看起来均衡而有趣)to the readers. 【答案】 to keep the newspaper balanced and interesting,5I like the story because _ _ _ _ _(这是我第一次) that I had written with real passion. 【答案】 it was the first time 6. _ _ _ _ _(十分之九的女性) who were interviewed about the product said they liked it. 【答案】 Nine out of ten women,undertake sth.承担,接受(责任、艰苦的工作等) undertake to do sth.许诺(保证)做某事 undertake thatclause许诺(保证),undertake vt.承担;从事;许诺,She undertook responsibility for the changes. 她承担了做出这些改变的责任。 He undertook to pay the money back within six months. 他保证六个月之内还钱。 He undertook that he would pay it back. 他答应会把它还回来。,guarantee sth.保证;担保 guarantee that.保证 My watch is guaranteed for one year.我的表保用一年。,1.As we are busy these days,we might_this urgent work for the time being. Aundertake Bagree Cundergo Dcharge,【解析】 句意为“因为这些天我们很忙,我们暂时可能做那些急需干的事”。undertake作“从事,进行”讲。undergo的意义是“经历,遭受”,如:The company has undergone some major changes in the last five years.公司在过去的五年中发生了重大的变化。 【答案】 A,be curious about.对好奇 be curious to do sth.很想做某事 be curious how /why /what.对有兴趣 it is curious that.对感到奇怪,curious adj.好奇的;好求知的;爱打听隐私的,Im curious to know what is written in his letter. 我很想知道他在信中写些什么。 I am curious why she didnt come. 我很想知道她为什么没来。 It is curious that he should have failed to win the race. 他竟然没赢得比赛,真是奇怪。,curiously adv.好奇地;奇怪地 look curiously at 好奇地看着 out of curiosity 出于好奇心 Curiously enough,he seems to have known what we would do next.说来奇怪,他似乎已经知道我们下一步怎么做了。 I just had to satisfy my curiosity,so I opened the parcel. 我只是想满足自己的好奇心,于是打开了包裹。,2.Dont be too_about things youre not supposed to know. Astrange Bamusing Ccurious Dconscious 【解析】 句意为“不要对你不必知道的事情太好奇”。conscious有意识的;strange陌生的;amusing引起乐趣的,它们都不合句意。 【答案】 C,be /get engaged to sb.与某人订婚 engage (oneself) in (doing) sth.从事于某事;忙于做某事 be /get engaged (in) doing sth.从事于某事;忙于做某事 engage sb.as.雇用某人当,engage vt.使订婚;使从事;约定;雇用;占用,be engaged with sb.与某人有约 have /make an engagement with sb.与某人预约 She engaged herself in reading a book.她正在忙于看一本书。 She decided to engage a nurse to look after her baby. 她决定雇用一个保姆照料她的婴儿。,be busy (in) doing sth.忙着做某事 be occupied in doing sth.从事于,忙着做某事 I have been busy in writing a novel these days. 这些天我一直在忙着写小说。,3.My sister has recently got engaged_a foreign teacher,who has been engaged_education research for years. Awith
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