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Reading2,Unit 3 Welcome to our school,教学目标,1.全面了解课文大意 2.学会并记住重要的语言点 3.会仿写类似文章提高写作能力,单词检测你准备好了吗?,1.如此 2.引,带 3.领某人参观 4.在前面 5.房子,楼房 6.一楼 7.明亮的 8.现代,一分钟准备,各组小组长提背,两分钟后老师抽查。,翻译下列短语 1、看起来漂亮 2、在前面 3、在底层、一楼 4、一间美术室 5、两间音乐室 6、那间新的大楼,look beautiful in front of on the ground floor an art room two music rooms that new building,各组讨论查找短语,一分钟后各组选同学到黑板上写答案,快速记忆一分钟,看谁记得多。组长检查。老师抽查,7、看起来现代 8、在这边 9、开会 10、穿白色衬衫的那个男人 11、我们的英语老师 12、看起来年轻,look modern over there have meetings the man in the write shirt our English teacher look young,读课文完成空格(可以组内讨论,完成后大声朗读 限时2分钟),Millie meets mother _ the _ _. The playground is _ big. They are _ _ _ the _building. There are 18 _ in it. Millies is on the _ floor. Classrooms are clean and _. They also have an _ room, a _ room and two _ rooms. The new building is _. They have _ in the school hall. Mr Wu is Millies _ teacher. He wears a _ shirt and _ young.,at,school gate,so,in front of,classroom,classrooms,ground,bright,art,music,computer,library,meetings,English,white,looks,Language points,语言重点,你的学校看起来美丽。 Your school looks beautiful.,1. look +,看起来(什么样的),adj形容词,sound + adj,听起来(什么样的),“看起来” look looks 填空 (先自己完成然后组内讨论答案),Our school hall _ big. That dog _ cute. The classroom _ clean and bright. The little girl _ so cute. My friends _ strong. The buildings _ modern. Cities in Jiangsu _ beautiful. You _ cool.,三单,非三单,looks,looks,looks,looks,look,look,look,look,形容词,2. show sb around 领某人参观(某地) Our teacher_the visitors_our school. A. shows; to B. show; for C. showing; in D. shows; around 你能带我参观你们的学教吗? Can you_ me_ your school?,v.给展示.,D,show around,谁能告诉我答案? 请勇敢的举起你的手来。 看哪组学生最踊跃!,show sb. sth. 向某人展示某物,You often go to Shanghai? Show me your photos.,No!,给我看看你的照片呗。,英式英语,on the fifth floor,on the ground floor,on the first floor,on the second floor,on the third floor,on the fourth floor,on the fifth floor,on the sixth floor,on the first floor,on the second floor,on the third floor,on the fourth floor,6楼 5楼 4楼 3楼 2楼 1楼,美式英语,3.在第层楼 on the . floor,4.The driver is in the front of the bus. 前部,The girl is in front of the bus. 前面,in front of 表示“在的前面”,是指在某物体外面的前面,即两者是分开的,其反义词是behind. 例如:温迪坐在我的前面。 Wendy sits in front of me. in the front of 表示“在的前部”,是指在某物体内部的前面,即两只是包容的,其反义词是at the back of. 。 例如:黑板在教室前面。 The blackboard is in the front of the classroom.,in front of 在前面(外部) in the front of 在前面(内部) 1、坐在我的前面。 _ sits _ me. 2、教室的前面有棵树。 There is a tree _ the classroom. 3、我坐在车的前排。 I sit _of the car.,in the front of,in front of,in front of,谁能告诉我答案? 请勇敢的举起你的手来。 看哪组学生最踊跃!,The girl sits _ the boy.(在前面),in front of,The boy sits _ the girl.(在后面),behind,The girl sits _the classroom.(在前部),in the front of,谁能告诉我答案? 请勇敢的举起你的手来。 看哪组学生最踊跃!,让我带你参观一下。 Let me show you around.,5.let,让某人做某事,sb.,do sth.,让我来帮助你吧。 _me_ you. 让我们去散步吧。Let _ go _.,Let help,us walking,6.in+衣服/颜色 穿着,I am _ _ _ _.,Whos that man in a white shirt? 那个穿着白色衬衫的人是谁?,Mr Wu is in white.,穿衣服的那个女孩是我妹妹。,The girl _ _ is my sister.,我穿着一件红色连衣裙。,翻译句子,in a red dress.,in white,谁能告诉我答案? 请勇敢的举起你的手来。 看哪组学生最踊跃!,读一读: the man in a white shirt 穿白衬衣的男子 the teacher in a red dress 穿红裙子的老师 the girl in yellow 穿黄衣服的女孩,要点回顾(自己背诵1分钟),1.看起来怎样 2.领某人参观 3.在.几楼 4.在.前面(外) 5.在.前面(内) 6.让某人做某事 7.穿着.衣服/颜色,look + adj,show sb around,on thefloor,in front of,in the front of,let sb do sth,be in + 衣服/颜色,组长检查1分钟,Millies school _ beautiful. The playground is _ big. Millie _ her mother _ the school. We stop the car _ the tree. Their classroom is _. 6. He lives _. 7. My cousin keeps 5 _ every week.,so,look,in front of,on the ground floor,showaround,clean and bright,diary,so,looks,in front of,on the ground floor,shows around,clean and bright,diaries,写作:Our school ( 我们的学校),Our school looks There is/are . We also have. The playground is. is in front of . is behind. is on the ground floor.,用老师提供的句型、短语。(5分钟内完成作文),Homework,Remember the new words and phrases. Finish the exercises on the workbook.,Goodbye,
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