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Unit 5 Going shopping Reading (I),导学案2预习,present hair clip discount birthday already buy album look for favourtie,¥600.00,50%,pretty,¥400.00,¥200.00,¥600.00,match,50%,¥600.00,50%,50%,¥600.00,expensive,enough money,How much is it ? How much does it cost?,¥600.00,50%,¥400.00,¥200.00,discount,It costs 200 yuan,There is a discount on it,¥600.00,pretty match expensive cost discount,50%,What is Amy doing?,She is looking for birthday presents for Simon and Sandy.,Read and answer,What will Amy buy for her friends?,Simon,Sandy,What presents does Amy want to buy for Simon and Sandy ?,Task 2,¥ 10,¥ 6,¥ 5,¥ 9,自主学习,和一样多 Never mind 稍等 All kinds of 去年的卡片 Go well with/match Wait for 价格高,Useful expressions,1. Take a look. They are great. 看一看,他们很棒的。 take a look. “看一看,瞧一瞧”,相当于“have a look”或“look”, 用于提醒某人注意。 2. How much do the cards cost? 这些卡片多少钱? cost “花费(钱)”,其主语是只能物 spend “花费(钱或时间)” 主语只能是“人”,通常以下列两个词组的形式出现: Sb. spend + 时间/金钱+on sth.或 (in) doing sth. 3. I dont have enough money to buy her a CD then. 那么我就没有足够的钱给她买一个光盘了。 enough +名词+to do sth. 意为“有足够的去做” 4. I dont want to buy the same things as Amy did. 我不想买和埃米一样的东西。 the same as 意思是“与一样”。,Task 3 Finish Part B2 . 1.Amy wants to buy some basketball cards and stickers for Simon . _ 2.This years cards only cost ¥6 because there is a discount on them . _ 3.The stickers are ¥5. _,F,basketballfootball,F,This yearsLast years,T,4. Amy wants to buy some hair clips for Sandy because Sandy really likes them . _ 5. The shopkeeper asks Amy to buy a CD for her friend. _ _ 6. The birthday presents cost Amy ¥14. _,F,T,a CDhair clips,T,1. Amy wants to buy Simon _.,4 Sandy likes _.,Choose the correct letters according to the dialogues.,2. This years football cards cost _.,3. Amy bought Simon _.,5. Sandys present costs _.,6. Amy bought Sandy _.,a.,b.,c.,a.,a.,a.,a.,a.,b.,b.,b.,b.,b.,c.,c.,c.,c.,c.,c,c,b,b,b,c,In the first shop, Amy wants to buy some football cards and stickers for _ .The _ for the football cards is _ yuan. Amy thinks theyre too_. The shopkeeper says there is a _ on last years cards. Theyre only 6 yuan. But Amy _to buy new cards. At last, she bought some football stickers. They _her 5 yuan.,Fill in the blanks according to the dialogues.,Simon,price,10,expensive,discount,wants,cost,hair clips,CD,15,spends,enough,CD,match,Fill in the blanks according to the dialogues.,In the second shop, Amy wants to buy _ and a _for Sandy. She knows Sandy likes hair clips and listening to music. But she has only _yuan. After she_9 yuan buying the hair clips,she doesnt have _ money to buy her a _. Amy thinks the pretty hair clips will _ Sandys favourite T-shirt.,Task 6 : Make a new dialogue: A: Can I help you?/ What can I do for you ? B: Im looking for A: Just a minute . B: How much do/does cost ? How much is/are.? A: It costs / They cost It is./ They are. B: expensive. A: Theres a discount on B: Ok , Ill take / buy ,Homework : 听读P76对话 背诵对话1,
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