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,Module 1 Unit 2,Hes cool.,Warming up,and revision,a bit,有一点,nice 友好的, 亲切的,clever 聪明的,naughty 淘气的,shy 害羞的,cool 酷的,little,小的;年幼的,cute,可爱的,This is Ms Smart . Shes a nice teacher .,Sentences:,This is Maomao . Shes very nice . But shes a bit shy.,This is my aunt. Shes very nice.,This is my uncle. Hes very clever.,This is my big brother. Hes cool.,This is my little sister. Shes cute.,This is my friend. Hes very naughty.,aunt big brother little sister uncle friend,cute clever naughty nice cool,2. Now point and say,A: Look at Panpans little sister. B:Yes, shes cute.,Mother (nice),Father (tall, clever),I (naughty),little sister (shy),Take about your family and friends,practice,Listen and say the poem and do the actions.,This is a little girl. and she has a little curl. And when she is good. she is very, very good. And when she is bad. she is very,very bad.,Take about your classmates,Lili is a very clever girl. Xiaoyong is a very nice boy.,Thank you !,
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