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Module 2Fantasy Literature黑暗物质三部曲是英国作家菲利普普尔曼创作的奇幻小说。让我们从中领略一下作者丰富的想象力吧Enjoy the book seriesHis Dark MaterialsMy three girls and I all love to read.I mean LOVE it! We also like to discuss books we read together.It is always a joy to come across a book or series that engages all of us and ends with long conversations we all learn from.While I do not feel these books are age appropriate for my 8 years old,even with an advanced reading level,it is for my 13 and 17 years olds.After The Golden Compass,they both fought over who would get to read The Subtle Knife first.Based on some of the reviews,much of this series seems to personally offend anyone who is Christian.It seems like anything that is threatening their beliefs is dangerous and negative.However,I think it is a good thing to have your beliefs challenged; it makes you use your minds,question things,and create thoughts!I would much rather have my girls read something they didnt agree with and found distasteful than have their right to read what they wanted to deny.I am grateful for the freedom they experience in our country and the opportunities they are afforded because of itopportunities to read something like these books that will make them use their minds,for example!It comes down to this:If you are someone who likes to read,likes to be entertained,likes to use your imagination,and likes to think for yourself rather than allow someone else to think for you,you will find value in this series!1engage vt.吸引住;雇用;与(某人)交战2appropriate adj.恰当的,合适的3offend vt.冒犯,得罪;违反4distasteful adj.使人不愉快的,令人反感的,讨厌的5come down to归结起来为1How do the authors family enjoy reading? 2What does the author think of threatening beliefs? 【答案】1.They love to read together,discuss books together and have long conversations.2He thinks it is a good thing.It makes you use your minds,question things,and create thoughts.Section Introduction & Reading and VocabularyPreparing根据所给词性和汉语提示写出下列单词1 n.系列,丛书2 n.(小说、电影中的)女主角3 n.(小说、电影中的)男主角4 n.小说5 v.消失6 v.表现,举动7 adv.确定地,一定地8 v.犹豫,迟疑9 n.怀疑10 n.方向11 n.疲惫,精疲力竭12 v.轻拍,轻打13 n.渴望14 adj.看不见的15 n.惊慌,恐慌16 n.边,边缘17 adv.大概地,粗略地18 adj.正方形的19 n.形状20 adj.同高度的21 adj.光秃秃的22 v.弯腰,屈身23 v.做梦24 adj.醒着的,清醒的25 v.咬,咬伤【答案】1.series2.heroine3.hero4.novel5.vanish6.behave7.definitely8.hesitate 9doubt10.direction11.exhaustion12.pat13.longing14.invisible15.alarm16.edge 17roughly18.square19.shape20.level 21bare22.bend23.dream24.awake25.bite看单词 学构词ion或tion为常见的表示“行为,状态”等含义的后缀,常加在动词的后面。常见的有suggestion n建议;protection n保护;collection n收集;introduction n介绍。根据提示补全下列短语1play important part in在中起重要作用;对有重要影响2put 放下3hold 伸出4come up 朝走过来5turn 走开6keep ones eyes 注视,盯着看7fix 注视,凝视8look around 四处寻找【答案】1.an2.down3.out4.to5.away 6on7.on8.for根据提示补全下列教材原句1She reached out a paw to pat something in the air in front of her,something quite Will.它伸出爪子去拍它面前空气中的某种东西,某种威尔看不见的东西。2Then she leapt backwards, .然后它向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛发竖立,尾巴僵直地伸着。3It wasnt easy,because there was nothing ,but when he came to the place and cast about to look closely,he saw it.这并不容易,因为他无法把目光集中在某件东西上。但是当他靠近那个地方,设法仔细观察时,他看出了端倪。4When it had gone past he crossed the road, the spot where the cat had been investigating.卡车开过去后,他穿过马路,眼睛盯着那只猫一直在打量的地方。5It looked someone had cut a patch out of the air,about two metres from the edge of the road,a patch roughly square in shape and less than a metre across.看上去就像有人在距离路边大约两米的地方将空间切开了一块,它大体呈方形,不到一米宽。【答案】1.invisible to2.back arched and fur on end,tail held out stiffly3.to fix on4.keeping his eyes on5.as if阅读P1617教材课文,选择最佳答案1How did Will feel before he saw the cat?AExcited.BCurious.CTired.DInterested.2What happened after the cat vanished?AWill found some angels.BThe lights went out suddenly.CWill turned away and made for home.DWill found a patch out of the air.3Which of the following is TRUE about the patch according to the text?AWill had cut the patch out of air.BThe patch was almost square in shape and less than a metre across.CFrom most positions,the patch was completely visible.DThe patch could be easily seen from behind.4What can we infer from the passage?AWill missed his home and thought his home was better than the new world.BWill didnt want to go back after he entered the new world.CWill stood
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