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Unit 2 What time do you go to school?,Section A Period One,Words and expressions,What time is it?,Its seven ( oclock).,整点的时间表达,我们可以用: Its + 时间点+ oclock (oclock可以省略) 那不是整点又怎么办呢?,通常时间的表达分为两种: 第一种小时在前,分钟在后。 第二种是分钟在前,小时在后。,小时在前,分钟在后,表达方法是:依次用基数词说出所给小时和分钟。,9:23 nine twenty-three 8:30 eight thirty 2:40 two forty,分钟在前,小时在后,分两种情况: 当所给分钟30, 用所给分钟past所给小时。 这里past是“过”的意思。 2.当所给分钟30, 用(60-所给分钟)to(所给小时1)。 这里to是“差”的意思。,10:35 twenty-five to eleven 5:50 ten to six 9:49 eleven to ten,7:25,twenty-five past seven,seventeen past nine,9:17,如果所表述的时间恰好为半小时,可以用“half + past + 所给小时”,11:30 half past eleven 2:30 half past two,如果所表述的分钟和15有关,可以用 a quarter来表达,在分钟在前,小时在后第二种方法里:,9:15 a quarter past nine,3:45 a quarter to four ;three forty-five ; fifteen to four ;,Its your turn: 8:10? 10:30? 11:21? 8:32? 10:41? 11:35?,get up,brush teeth,eat breakfast,go to school,get dressed,take a shower,I usually at 6 oclock.,get up,My busy morning,I usually at six ten.,brush teeth,take a shower,I usually at six thirty.,eat breakfast,I usually at seven oclock.,I usually at seven twenty.,get dressed,go to school,I usually at seven thirty.,Pair work: Talk about your busy morning.,A: What time do you get up ? B: I usually get up at six oclock. A: What time do you go to school? B: I usually go to school at seven thirty.,1a,Match the activities with the pictures.,get up _ 2. go to school _ 3. get dressed _ 4. brush teeth _ 5. eat breakfast _ 6. take a shower _,c,b,e,d,f,a,get up _ 2. go to school _ 3. get dressed _ 4. brush teeth _ 5. eat breakfast _ 6. take a shower_,1b,Listen and match the times with the actions. Draw lines from the clocks to the pictures.,7:30,7:20,6:40,7:00,6:30,6:40,1. What time does Rick usually get up?,He usually gets up at six thirty.,He usually brushes teeth and takes a shower at six forty.,3. What time does Rick usually eat breakfast?,He usually eats breakfast at seven oclock.,2. What time does Rick usually brush teeth and take a shower?,He usually gets dressed at seven twenty.,5. What time does Rick usually go to school?,He usually goes to school at seven thirty.,4. What time does Rick usually get dressed?,1c,Pairwork,Student A is the interviewer. Student B is Rick. Ask and answer questions about Ricks day.,A: What time do you usually take a shower, Rick? B: I usually take a shower at six forty.,2a,Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences.,Jim has _brothers and _sisters. Jims family has _ shower.,two,two,only one,2b,Listen again. Complete the shower schedule for Jims family.,2c,Pairwork,Now talk about yourself.,5:30,5:50,6:15,6:30,6:45,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Interview: your partners weekend,Report: Jim gets up at 8 oclock. He eats breakfast at 8:30,Section A Period Two,Look and say,A: What time is it? B: Its_.,A: What time is it? B: Its _.,eight-thirty,seven oclock,A: _? B: _.,A: _? B: _.,What time is it,Its seven-fifteen,What time is it,Its five oclock,Look and say,A: What time do you _? B: I eat breakfast at _.,eat breakfast,seven oclock,A: _ _ he _? B: He _ at _.,What time,does,get up,gets up,seven-fifteen,A: _ _she_? B: She_.,goes to school at eight-thirty,What time,does,go to school,A: _ _he_? B: He_.,takes a shower at eight-thirty,What time,does,take a shower,What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six thirty. What time do they get dressed? They always get dressed at seven twenty. - What time does Rick eat breakfast? He eats breakfast at seven oclock.,When does Scott go to work? He always goes to work at eleven oclock. Hes never late. - When do your friends exercise? They usually exercise on weekends.,What time do you get up on school days? _ 2. _? Rick always gets up at 6:20.,3a,Write answers or questions. Use always, usually or never.,What time does Rick get up,I usually get up at 5:30 on school days.,3. What time do you have breakfast? _ 4. _? Anna never eats breakfast. 5. What time does your best friend go to school? _,She/He always goes to school at 7:00.,I usually have breakfast at 6:30.,What time does Anna eat breakfast,always _ _ usually_ _ never _ _,3b,Write about something you always do, something you usually do and something you never do.,I always get up at 6:20. I never eat breakfast. I usually get up at 5:30 oclock.,3c,Interview three of your classmates. Find out what time they do these activities. Then gi
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