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Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Section B,Unit 11,1a. What qualities are important for each place?,clean convenient,interesting,fascinating,delicious,inexpensive,clean,beautiful fascinating big,safe,convenient,uncrowded,convenient inexpensive uncrowded safe big,2a Listening,restrooms,museums,Green Land,The corner of market and Middle Streets,The computer museum,2b Listening,Sunville Tourist Information,3b. Write a guide to Sunville using the information from 2a and 2b.,Sunville has something for everyone. If you are looking for museums, there is a computer museum in Sunville. There are lots of good restaurants in Sunville. Green Land has delicious salads. There are very clean public restrooms at the corner of Market and Main Streets.,3a Reading,Eat, have fun and learn in Watertown!,watertown,Uncle Bobs,Farmers market,Clown City Cafe,organized games clowns,dance lessons,Science museum,Sports museum,History Museum,a different rock band,Answer questions.,What kind of place is Watertown? Will teenagers be able to eat at Uncle Bobs home? Who dress up as clowns in the Clown City Caf? How is the food at the Farmers Market? Do you think Watertown really has something for people in different ages?,Its a great place for the family to take a vacation.,No, they can eat at Uncle Bobs restaurant.,The staff in the cafe.,Its both delicious and cheap.,Yes, its really great fun to be there.,A different rock band plays at Uncle Bobs every night. 每天晚上在鲍勃叔叔的餐馆里总有一支不同的摇滚乐队演奏。 Uncle Bobs中s属格后的名词省略了。因为s属格后的名词如指商店、家宅等地点时,该名词常省略。 如:at the doctors 在诊所 to my uncles 到我叔叔家 Johnsons = Johnsons Shop 约翰逊商店,If you are looking for a great place for your next family vacation, Watertown is _ you should go .Teenagers love to go to_. A different fock band _ there every night. Kids enjoy the _where they can organized games and the staff dress up as_. Parents can learn how _while the kids have fun. Everyone will find something fun in watertown.,where,plays,clowns,to dance,Uncle Bobs,Clown City Caf,(1)I found him _ in the storyHe found the story _ 我发现他对这个故事很感兴趣。他觉得这个故事很有趣。 (两词都作宾语补足语,interested说的是宾语him的情况,interesting说的是宾语story的情况),interested,interesting,(2)He was_ to hear the_ result 听到这个令人惊讶的结果,他惊 奇不已。 (3)She was _at the _news 听了那令人喜悦的消息后她兴奋 不已。,surprised,surprising,pleased,pleasing/ pleasant,Thank you for listening!,
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