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Words review,career against,n. 生涯,职业 prep. 对抗;与相反;违反,Do you know him?,How much do you know about him?,_ he was born, he was believed to become a future basketball star.,2.08m & 1.88m,Before,Make a guess about Yao Mings legend!,When he was 9, After he took some basketball training, While (he was) attending junior high,he showed his talent in the game. he joined the Shanghai Youth Team. he took some basketball training.,How to use “before” & “after”?,Before he was born, he was believed to become a future basketball star. After he took some basketball training, he showed his talent in the game.,after,before,at an earlier time than,at a later time than,You should turn off the lights _ you leave the room. = You should turn off the lights _ the room. 2. Tom went to school _ he finished his breakfast. = _ his breakfast. 3. Time passed quickly and three months went by _ I knew it. 4. The sun came out _ the storm stopped.,Fill the blanks with “before” & “after”,before,before leaving,after,after finishing,before,after,before/after + 句子或doing形式,before的意思是“在之前”,表示主句动作发生在从句动作之前。如:,Close the windows before you leave the room, please. 在你离开房间前,请关上窗。,after意思是“在之后”,表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之后。如:,I went to school after I finished my breakfast. 我吃完早饭去上学。,How to use “when” & “while”?,When he was 9, he took some basketball training. While (he was) attending the junior high, he joined the Shanghai Youth Team.,when 既指时间点,也可指一段时间;因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词或延续性动词 while 只指一段时间,while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。,The days get longer _ spring comes. _ the boys were playing football, it rained. 3. I was about to leave _ the phone rang. 4. Jack is strong _ his brother is weak. 4. _ (she is) in trouble, she always asks me for help.,Fill the blanks with “when” & “while”,when,When/while,when,当主句和从句主语一致且从句中有be动词时,可省略从句的主语和be动词,while,When/while,正在此时,突然,表对比,5. While _, he received a call from his mum. the TV was on B. he was watching TV C. he watched TV D. he is watching TV,B,1. _ the children have fun, parents can take dance lessons on the beach. (2013山东菏泽) A. When B. If C. While D. Once 2. _ I got back, I found my mother cooking for me. (2013湖北黄石) A. When B. Before C. Since D. Although,when意思是“当时”,表示主句动作发生的特定时间。如:,While my sister was sweeping the floor, I was washing the dishes. 我姐姐扫地时,我在洗碗。,while意思是“当时”,强调主句动作和从句动作是同时发生的。如:,The days get longer when spring comes. 春天到来时,白天变长了。,注意:while引导的从句的谓语动词必须是延续性的。,while还可以表示“在期间”,表示主句动作发生在从句动作进行的过程中。如:,While the boys were playing football, it rained. 当男孩子们踢足球时,下雨了。,注意: 在when和while引导的从句中,当主句和从句的主语一致,并且从句中有be动词时,可以省略主语和be动词,构成when/while+ -ing结构。如:,When (she is) in trouble, she always asks for my help. 她遇到困难时总是向我求助。 While (I am) travelling, I like to buy some souvenirs. 旅游时我喜欢买纪念品。,David is writing in his diary about one of his days. Help him combine his sentences using before, after, when or while. (P54),A,1. I go to jogging every morning. Then I have breakfast. _ _ 2. I practised playing basketball for hours. I felt tired out. _ _,I go jogging every morning before I have breakfast.,After I practised playing basketball for hours, I felt tired out.,3. I met Peter. I was waiting at the bus stop. _ _ 4. I was watching TV. I received a call from my uncle. _ _ 5. I was ready to go to bed. My father came back from work. _ _,I met Peter while (I was) waiting at the bus stop.,While (I was) watching TV, I received a call from my uncle.,I was ready to go to bed when my father came back from work.,How about his basketball career later?,_ he was 18 years old, he joined the national basketball team.,When,_ he joined the national basketball team, he has won many competitions.,Since,since在一般情况下,从句谓语动词用一般过去时,而主句的谓语动词用现在完成时的延续形。,Why is he so famous all over the world?,He _ get the chance to be a world-famous superstar _ he joined the NBA.,He _ practiced playing basketball very hard _ the year 2011, when he ended his basketball career.,didnt,until,/,until/till,until/till,until在肯定句中,主句的谓语动词必须是_动词。 他一直在工厂里工作,直到成功地写出了一部戏剧。 He _ in a factory _ _ a play. notuntil 直到才主句的谓语动词可为瞬间性动词 ( )When did you go to sleep last night? - _ I finished my homework. A. Until B. Not until C. Before,worked,until he successfully,wrote,B,补全!,延续性,B1.Practise: Fill in the blanks with since, till or until.,1.I have been crazy about playing basketball _ I was a little boy. 2.The weather has been awful this week. The rain did not stop_ for seven days. 3.We played basketball in the p
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