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考点精讲五 七年级(下)Units 912,重 点 词 汇 拓 展,1.surprise n.身高 3.different adj.differently adv.不同地difference n.不同,4.potato n.potatoes(复数)土豆,马铃薯 5.worry v.焦急的,6.exciting adj.excite v.使激动,使兴奋excited adj.兴奋的;激动的excitement n.兴奋,激动 7.cheap adj.cheaply adv.便宜地,低廉地expensive(反义词)贵的 8.slow adj.slowly adv.缓慢地 9.visitor n.visit n.访问,10.mouse n.mice(复数)老鼠;耗子 11.fly v.flies(单三式)flew(过去式) flown(过去分词) flight n.飞行;航班 12.wake v.awake adj.醒,着的woke(过去式)woken(过去分词),重 点 短 语 归 纳,1.get popular 受欢迎;流行 2.a little 一点;少量 3.in the end 最后 4.take ones order 点菜 5.one bowl of 一碗 6.make a wish 许愿 7.blow out 吹灭 8.cut up 切碎 9.bring good luck to 给带来好运,10.go for a walk 去散步 11.milk a cow 给奶牛挤奶 12.ride a horse 骑马 13.feed chickens 喂鸡 14.wear glasses 戴眼镜 15.quite a lot of 许多 16.all in all 总的说来 17.be interested in 对感兴趣 18.stay up late 熬夜,19.shout at to 冲大声叫嚷 20.fly a kite 放风筝 21.put up 搭起;举起 22.get a surprise 吃惊 23.up and down 上上下下;起伏 24.wakeup 把弄醒 25.showaround 带领;参观,重 点 句 型 回 顾,1.What does he look like?他长什么样子? He is of medium build.他中等身材。 2.Do they have straight or curly hair?他们是留长发还是卷发? 3.What kind of noodles would you like?你要哪种面条? 4.How was your school trip?你的学校郊游怎么样?,5.Did you see any cows?你看见一些奶牛了吗? Yes,I did. I saw quite a lot.是的,我看见了许多。 6.What did you do last weekend?上周末你干什么了? We went boating.我们去划船了。 7.Did you do anything interesting last weekend?上周末你们做了一些有趣的事情吗?,语法,精要,1.一般过去时;2.would like的用法与搭配;3.选择疑问句的用法及回答;4.不可数名词。,surprise v.使惊讶;使意外 n.惊奇;惊讶,常用短语有: surprise sb.使某人惊讶 get a surprise吃惊 give sb. a surprise给某人一个惊喜 in surprise惊奇地 to ones surprise令人惊奇的是 【拓展】(1)surprising adj.使人惊奇的。在句中作定语或表语,常用来修饰事物,如:a surprising result一个令人惊讶的结果,(2)surprised adj.惊讶的;惊奇的。在句中作表语,常用来修饰人。,worry v.担心,担忧,焦虑,worry的形容词为worried。 (1)be/get worried担心,发愁 (2)be/get worried about=worry about为担心 (3)worry sb.使某人烦恼/担忧,三者在一定情况下可相互转换。 He worried about her poor health.=He was worried about her poor health.=Her poor health worried him.他担心她的健康。,end,(1)n.结尾;结束 eg:You can find it at the end of the road.在这条路的尽头,你就能找到它。 (2)v.结束;终止 eg:He ended his letter with good wishes to the family.他以向全家问好结束了他的信。 【拓展】end相关的词组 at the end of在的末尾,in the end最后;终于 end up最终处于;最后成为 by the end of截止到为止 from beginning to end从头到尾 come to an end告终;结束,I was so scared that I couldnt move.我是那么害怕,一动都不敢动。,sothat意为“如此以至于”,so后跟形容词或副词,that后跟从句。 【拓展】下列三个句式可以相互转化: so+adj./adv.that+否定句 too+adj./adv.to do sth. not+adj./adv.+enough+to do sth.,如:She is so young that she cant go to school.=She is too young to go to school.=She isnt old enough to go to school.她太小而不能上学。,Is he tall or short?他高还是矮?,这是一个选择疑问句,指从两种或两种以上情况,选择其中一种,两个并列的选择项用or连接。选择疑问句不能用Yes或No来回答,要从中选择一种情况来回答。 eg:Would you like tea or coffee?你想要茶还是咖啡?Tea.茶。,What does he look like?他长什么样子?,(1)对外貌提问:,(2)对性格提问:What is/are sb. like? (3)对事物的性质或天气状况提问:What is sth. like? (4)对于某人喜欢什么提问:What does/do sb. like?其中的like是动词,意为“喜欢”。,【提示】look like相当于be like,词组中的like为介词,意为“像”。 【拓展】smell/taste/feel/sound like 闻/尝/感觉/听起来像,后接名词或名词短语。eg:It sounds like a good idea.这听起来像是一个好主意。,1.a little,a few,little,few,【助记图片】,【注意】a little 还可修饰形容词的原级或比较级;如:a little hungry;a little bigger。,2.a number of,the number of,【注意】修饰number用large或small,如:a large number of大量的。,3.interest,interesting,interested,【拓展】类似词有:excited,exciting与excite;surprised,surprising与surprise;relaxed,relaxing与relax等。,
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