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Module 10 The weather,Unit 1 It might snow.,cloud shower snow storm cloudy rainy snowy sunny,云 阵雨 雪,下雪 暴风雨 多云的 多雨的 下雪的 晴朗的,cloud shower snow storm cloudy rainy snowy sunny,Pre-listening,windy skate thick ice joke might temperature minus,多风的 滑冰 厚的 冰 开玩笑 可能 温度 负的,零下,windy skate thick ice joke might temperature minus,Pre-listening,degree although wet neither terrible wish probably come on,度数 然而,尽管 湿的 也不 可怕的 但愿,希望 或许,可能 快点,degree although wet neither terrible wish probably come on,Pre-listening,Match,cloud,rain,showers,snow,storm,sun,wind,weather,What will the weather be like in Beijing?,-7-1 ,Beijing will be cloudy. The temperature will be between minus seven and minus one degrees.,What will the weather be like in Shanghai?,58,Shanghai will be windy. The temperature will be between 5 and 8 degrees.,What will the weather be like in Xian?,-1-6 ,Xian will be snowy. The temperature will be between minus 1 and minus 6 degrees.,What will the weather be like in Guangzhou?,1021 ,Guangzhou will be rainy. The temperature will be between 10 and 21 degrees.,What will the weather be like in ?,Beijing,-10 -4,New York,3 7,will be The temperature will be betweenanddegrees.,1. Where is Betty going ? 2. Whats the weather like in Beijing now? 3. Does Tony like showers and windy weather?,Listen and answer the following questions.,.,Listen and read.,She is going to the park.,It is very cold.,No he doesnt.,Check the true sentences.,1.Tony and Daming are going to skate.( ) 2.It is not hot in the US in summer.( ) 3.Winter is colder in Beijing than in England.( ) 4.It sometimes snows in England in winter.( ) 5. It usually snows in New York in winter.( ) 6. Tony does not like windy weather.( ),F,F,T,T,T,T, Are you joking?你在开玩笑吧? Sounds great!听起来太棒了! Me neither. 我也不。 Come on, better get going! 好了,走吧!,Everyday English,Exercise 1,1.The _is out. Its _and hot today. 2. The _is strong. Its so _ that it is difficult to walk. 3. There are a lot of _. Its _. 4. It _a lot in summer. Its often _. There is much_.,sun,sunny,wind,windy,clouds,cloudy,rains,rainy,rain,A: Its cool today. Lets go swimming in the river this afternoon. B: _ Its cloudy. It might be rainy. C: I dont like the rainy day. D: _ How about tomorrow? It will probably be sunny. Lets go to the Dongchang Lake tomorrow. AB: _ C: _Its time to go home!,Excercuse 2,Are you joking?,Me neither.,Sounds great!,Come on, better get going.,Homework,Guess the weather at the weekend and talk about your travel plan.,Thank you !,
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