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,10,Module,Unit 3 Language in use,The weather,may 和 might,may和might 用于一般疑问句中,表示委婉的请 求;肯定回答用may;否定回答用might 如: May I use your pencil?可以用你的铅笔吗? Yes, you may.是的,可以 No, you mustnt.不,不行,2. may和might 表示推测时,只能用于陈述句中, might暗示可能性更小如: She may not be working now. 现在可能她没有在工作 John might be at home now. 约翰现在可能在家,3. 对过去发生的事情的可能性作出判断应用 may/might have done,用might比用may所表示 的可能性更小如: She may/might have gone to the cinema. 她可能去电影院了 They may/might not have received our telephone. 他们可能没有接到我们的电话,1.I hear youve got a set of valuable Australian coins._ I have a look? Yes, certainly. A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should 2.Is John coming by train? He should, but he _ not. He likes driving his car. A. must B. can C. need D. may,B,D,练习:,3.Sara has just come back from New York and she looks very happy. She_ her trip very much. A. might enjoy B. should have enjoyed C. might have enjoyed D. must enjoy 4.Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace? Sorry, I am not sure. But it _ be. A. might B. will C. must D. can,C,A,Language practice,It might snow. Its probably sunny and hot there. Bring a map because you may want to travel around.,1 Complete the sentences with may or probably. 1. It be cold and wet in Hong Kong in January. 2. Mary will go to New York in the autumn. 3. It will rain tomorrow, so I will stay at home and read a book. 4. You need to take a scarf with you. It is cold. 5. It rain later, so take an umbrella with you. 6. It will be sunny in Haikou tomorrow.,may,probably,probably,probably/may,may,probably,2 Work in pairs. Say what you usually do, then say what might do: 1. in the evening 2. at the weekend during the summer holiday I usually do my homework in the evening, but I might watch a TV programme this evening. ,3 Complete the sentences, Use may, might or probably where necessary. The weather is usually warm during the day, but bring a sweater (cold in the evening) The weather is usually warm during the day, but bring a sweater because it may be a cold in the evening. 1 It is sunny now, but lets take an umbrella(rain later) 2 It is not always warm in February, and(cool) 3 It is usually hot and sunny, so we(swim in the sea) 4 Buy a good map because we(visit the city),1. It is sunny now, but lets take an umbrella because it might/may/will probably rain later. 2. It is not always warm in February, and sometime it may/might be very cold. 3.It is usually hot and sunny, so we may /will probably swim in the sea. 4.Buy a good map because we may /will probably visit the city.,4 Complete the sentences. It rains a lot in summer in Beijing. It is often rainy. 1 There are a lot of .It is cloudy. 2 The weather is snowy and there is a lot of in the park. 3 The sun is out. It is and hot today. 4 The wind is very strong. It is so that it is difficult to walk.,snow,clouds,sunny,windy,5 Listen and complete the sentences.,1 In December, it often in New York. 2 My grandparents wear warm clothes because it is very . 3 The summers are very . 4 In July the temperature is often over _ degrees.,snows,cold,hot,thirty,5 December is the middle of in Sydney. 6 In December, we go to the because it is very hot and sunny. 7 In April, May and June, it often . 8 The temperature in winter is about _ degrees.,summer,beach,rains,eighteen,6 Look at the world weather map.,Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1 What is the weather like in Tokyo? 2 What is the temperature in London? 3 Is it raining in Lima?,Its sunny in Beijing . The temperature is between minus and three degrees.,In London, its cloudy and the temperature is Between five and eight degrees.,No, it isnt. Its cloudy.,4 Which city has the coldest weather? 5 What is the weather like in Chicago? 6 Which city has the highest temperature?,Moscow has the coldest weather. Its between minus eight and minus four degrees,Its cold and windy in New York. The temperature is between minus six and two degrees.,Sydney has the highest temperature.,7 Look at the weather table and complete the passage with the correct words. This morning in the north, it will be windy and there may be some _ in the mountains in the afternoon. In the south, it will be _ and in the afternoon it will become _. In the east, it will be _ and hot in the morning but there might be some _in the afternoon. In the west, it will be _in the morning, but the sun will come out in the afternoon.,snow,cloudy,windy,sunny,rain,cloudy,Around the world The Amazon Rainforest The Amazon Rainforest is one of the wettest places in the world. It has more than 200 cm of rain every year. The Amazon Rainforest has more different animals and plants than any other place in the world. Many rivers join the Amazon River as it flows over 6,500 km from the Andes in the west to the Atlantic Ocean in the east.,8 Read th
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