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选修10 Unit 1 Building the future Unit 2 People on the move,. 立体记单词 快速识记 1. _ (n. ) (新闻报道的)大标题 2. _ (n. ) (进退两难的)窘境,困境 3. _ (adj. ) 怀孕的 4. _ (prep. ) 超出(之外);非所能及; 在(或向)的那一边 5. _ (adj. ) 永久的,长久的 6. _ (n. ) 经济活动;企业,headline,dilemma,pregnant,beyond,permanent,enterprise,7. _(adv. ) 此外,而且 8. _ (n. ) 拮据;经济困难;挤压 (vt. ) 挤压;挤出;挤入 9. _(adj. ) 很有趣的;极有吸引力的 10. _ (n. ) 沉积物;存款 (vt. ) 使沉积;存钱 11. _ (adj. ) 难熬的; 困难的;严厉的; 坚强的 12. _ (vi. ) 滑倒,滑动;溜走 (n. ) 滑倒,滑动;差错,疏漏,moreover,squeeze,fascinating,deposit,tough,slip,13. _ (n. ) 激增,繁荣;轰鸣声 (vi. ) 激增,迅速发展;轰鸣 14. _ (adj. ) 流动的;可移动的,非固定的 15. _(adj. ) 能适应新情况的,灵活的,可变动的;有弹性的 16. _ (vi. 出租,boom,mobile,flexible,swap,rent,18. _ (adj. ) 准确的;确切的 19. _ (adj. ) 破旧的,破败的;衣衫褴褛的 20. _ (vt. ) 抢劫,掠夺,盗取 21. _ (n. ) 同情;赞同,支持 22. _(n. ) 费用,开销_(adj. )昂贵的 23. _(vt. &. vi. )削弱,减弱_(adj. )弱的,虚弱的 _(n. ) 弱点;虚弱,precise,shabby,rob,sympathy,expense,expensive,weaken,weak,weakness,24. _ (n. )创造力_(vt. )创造_(adj. )有创造力 的;创造性的 25. _(n. )餐饮服务,酒席承办_ (vi. & vt. )(为社交活动) 提供饮食,承办酒席 26. _ (n. )调整,调节_ (vt. )调整,调节 27. _ (adv. )可望,有望;抱有希望地_ (adj. )抱有 希望的_ (adj. )没有好转希望的,无望的,creativity,create,creative,catering,cater,adjustment,adjust,hopefully,hopeful,hopeless,28. _ (n. ) (报刊的)一期;版本_(vi. &vt. )编辑 _(n. )编辑 29. _ (vi. & vt. )退休,(令)退职;退出(房间、比赛等) _(n. )退休 30. _ (vi. &vt. )选择(做某事);选举_(n. )选举,推选,edition,edit,editor,retire,retirement,elect,election,【语境应用】用所给词的适当形式填空 The absence of this witness has also_the case against the accused besides the above_. (weak) It was_for the boy though he_thought his father had brought him a present. (hope) We have to make a few_to our original design to_ to more peoples taste. (adjust),weakened,weaknesses,hopeless,hopefully,adjustments,adjust,. 多维练短语 查缺补漏 1. raise money for. . . _ *2. put pressure on somebody(to do something) _ 3. make the headlines _ 4. catch up on _ 5. put something into practice _ 6. at risk _ *7. push for something _,为筹集资金,促使, 迫使,成为重要新闻,补上, 补做,实施, 把付诸实践,处于危险状态,迫切要求, 反复争取,8. on top of _ 9. refer to. . . as. . . _ *10. _ 变成 11. _ 是明智的; 是有道理的; 讲得通, 有意义 *12. _ 迎合, 满足需要 13. _ 抢某人的东西 14. _ 充其量, 至多 *15. _ 利用,除之外; 在上面(方),把叫做,turn into,make sense,cater to somebody/something,rob sb. of sth.,at best,take advantage of,【语境应用】选用上面带星号的短语填空 Their parents were _them to get married. This car will _a boat if you push this button. They only publish magazines that _the interests of adults.,putting pressure on,turn into,cater to,. 超级仿句式 模仿经典 1. There is a saying that goes,Give a man a fish,and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish,and you feed him for the rest of his life. (that引导同位语从句;祈使句+and+句子) 【仿写】俗话说“有志者事竟成”。 _, Where there is a will, there is a way. 继续努力, 你就会成功。 _, _you will succeed.,There is a saying that goes,Keep trying,and,2. These things provide a framework for new jobs to be created, allowing people to help themselves so that they no longer need to depend on others. (现在分词短语作结果状语) 【仿写】马来西亚的MH17飞机坠毁, 机上所有人员遇难。 The flight MH17 from Malaysia crashed, _.,killing all the people on it,3. This is why education and training for young people is so important. (why引导的表语从句) 【仿写】这就是他为什么再一次被逮捕。 _he was arrested again.,This is why,4. Some are looking for a good job, while some others seek exciting and fun things to do. (while连接两个并列分句表示对比) 【仿写】女儿名落孙山, 而儿子被北京大学录取了。 The daughter failed the college entrance examination, _ _.,while the son,was admitted to Beijing University,5. I have to go where the big companies are, because I want to be a successful accountant, not a clerk or a waitress. (where引导的地点 状语从句) 【仿写】在飞机坠毁的地方, 有很多救助人员。 There were many rescue people _.,where the plane crashed,. 重点单词 1. beyond prep. 超出(之外); 非所能及; 在(或向)的 那一边 【思维激活试一试】 Its _ _ why she wants to marry Jeff. 我无法理解她为什么要嫁给杰夫。,beyond,me,【知识构建记一记】 (be) beyond sb. 对于某人来说难以理解 beyond doubt 毫无疑问 beyond ones power 超出某人的能力 beyond ones reach 在某人够不着的地方 beyond belief/recognition/words 难以置信/认不出来/不知该如何表达 beyond repair 无法修理 beyond control 无法控制,Youd better put the bottle of medicine beyond the childrens reach. 你最好把药瓶放在孩子们够不到的地方。 (2014浙江高考)“I came to thank you, ”she said, surprising me beyond speech. “我是来感谢你的。”她说,使我吃惊得说不出话来。,2. cater vi. (为社交活动)提供饮食, 承办酒席 【思维激活试一试】 Our newspapers try to _ _ all the people of different ages. 我们的报纸试图满足不同年龄的人们的需求。,cater,to,【知识构建记一记】 cater to somebody/something 迎合, 满足需要 cater for 为
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