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,Unit3 At the zoo,学习目标:,1、能听说认读以下单词: tall short fat thin,2、能运用所学形容词来描述动物的特征;,3、能听懂指令,并根据指令做出相应的动作。,Unit3 At the zoo,Its a panda.,Whats this?,Its an elephant.,Whats this?,Whats this?,Its a dog.,Its a monkey.,Whats this?,Look at this monkey. Its very .,thin 瘦的,Be thin. Be thin. Be thin, thin, thin.,Look at that monkey. Its !,fat 胖的,Be fat. Be fat. Be fat, fat, fat.,Its a giraffe. Its so tall.,Whats this?,tall 高的,Be tall. Be tall. Be tall, fat, tall.,Look at the baby giraffe. Its !,tall,short 瘦的,Be short. Be short. Be short, short ,short.,Animals are our good friends. 动物是我们的好朋友。,Lets play a game,Act and guess 教师请一名学生上台,悄悄对他说单词 fat, tall, short 或thin,该学生做动作,其他学生猜单词。,Lets do,Listen. (or),1.,2.,3.,4.,Lets play!,The animals are so lovely. Please love them.,动物们非常可爱,请爱护它们!,Homework:,2. Follow the tape and read it three times .(听录音并跟读三遍。),1. Draw your favourite animal and describe it.(画一画你最喜欢的动物并描述他的特征来。),Who wins?,Sum-up,Goodbye!,
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