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第一部分 教材知识研究,九年级(全) Units 5-6,练讲重难点,考点一 avoid的用法 考点二 辨析take place与happen 考点三 辨析smell, taste, feel, sound与look 考点四 doubt的用法 考点五 辨析divide与separate,练讲重难点,重难点精析,avoid的用法,In order to make sure the little kids safe, we should avoid the little kid at home alone. (leave),leaving,考点一,考点抢测,avoid 可表示“避开”或“躲避”(keep oneself from)某人或某物;也可表示“防止”(prevent)某事的发生。常用结构为 avoid+n./pron./doing sth.。如: I think she is avoiding me. 我想她是在躲着我。 He avoided answering my questions. 他避而不答我的问题。,满分点拨,doubt的用法,2. 毫无疑问他将在竞选中获胜。(完成译句) There is that he will win the election.,doubt 作动词时,意为“怀疑”,后接名词、代词或“疑问词+动词不定式”,也可在肯定句中后接 if 或whether。如: I doubt if she will change her mind. 我拿不准她是否会改变主意。,no doubt,满分点拨,考点抢测,考点四,doubt 作名词时,意为“怀疑,疑惑”,常见短语为 without doubt 毫无疑问(一般用于句首);no doubt 毫无疑问(一般用于句中);in doubt 疑惑,拿不定主意。如: There is no doubt that we will be successful. 毫无疑问,我们会成功的。,
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