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Unit 5,Wild animals,Welcome to the unit,1 住在野外 2 又自由又快乐 3 成为桌子上的菜 4 在任何时候 5 不可能 ! 6 同情他们 7 事实上 8动物世界之王,live in the wild free and happy become dishes on the table any time No way ! have / take pity on them in fact the kings of the animal world,Task 1 自主先学,检测反馈,Fill in the blanks with the correct phrases in the box.,Betty is helpful and ready to help people . 2. I think all the wild animals should . 3 Simon likes lions best because they are . 4 I dont think she is poor. , she is very rich 5 We should those children in poor areas. .,any time,live in the wild.,the kings of the animal world,In fact,have pity on,Task 2 合作助学,Enjoy a video,Answer the following questions .,1 What can you see in the video? 2 Are they happy ? Why ?,Some wild animals.,Yes. they are.,Because they are free.,自由的,zebra,bear,squirrel,dolphin,elephant,tiger,giant panda,monkey,Do you know the names of these wild animals ?,How much do you know about these wild animals ? ( work in groups 小组讨论 ),脑筋急转弯,1 If a tiger and an elephant dance ballet ( 跳芭蕾舞 ), who can dance better?,An elephant can walk and dance on tiptoe. ( 脚尖 ).,脑筋急转弯,2 If a dolphin and a squirrel take part in the Voice of China, ( 中国好声音 )who will be the winner?,.,A dolphin can make dolphin vocal sounding.(海豚能发出海豚音),Listen and complete the table .,monkeys,lions,pandas,clever and funny,strong , run fast the kings of the animal world,look cute,Millie and her classmates are also talking about their favourite wild animals.,Task3 交流展示,Talk about your favourite animals . Work in groups of four ( 四人一组合作 ),A: What wild animal do you like best ? B: I like best. Because theyre what about you ? C: I like because.what about you ? D: ,Would Eddie like to live in the wild ? Why ?,2. Will Eddie eat the wild animal? Why or why not?,No, because wild animals may become dishes on the table any time.,Yes, because he thinks he may die without them.,Listen and answer,Act out the conversation with your partner.,Role-play,Enjoy a video,Task 4 拓展延伸,How to protect these wild animals ?,Discussion ( Discuss in groups ). 1 What shouldnt we do ?,Dont hunt wild animals. Dont kill them . Dont eat the meat of wild animals. Dont buy clothes made of animals fur(皮毛). Dont cut down forests. Dont take baby animals away from their mothers .,2 What can we do for them ?,Tell hunters not to hunt animals. Build more reserves(自然保护区). Be friends with wild animals. Write an article/ a book about how to protect wild animals. Donate some money. Give them a comfortable home .,Enjoy a video,Protecting wild animals is protecting ourselves .,Remember :,Enjoy a video,Summary,What did we learn in this class ?,Names of some wild animals . Information about some wild animals. Favourite wild animals. Advice about how to protect wild animals.,Enjoy a video,Homework Finish some related (相关的) exercises in workbooks . 2 Preview the new part Reading .,Thank you!,
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