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第十六节 通知,1写法指导 通知一般分为书面通知和口头通知两种。书面通知通常指的是贴在布告栏里、写在黑板上或登在报纸上的通知,比较正式,一般采用第三人称的形式传达;口头通知通常是用来应付紧急事务的,因此要符合口语习惯,语言通俗易懂,方式灵活多样。一般采用第一人称传达,结尾要使用thank you等礼貌用语。,2写作格式 (1)书面通知: Notice An activity will be held . In order to . Everyone who is interested in it is welcomed. 说明:时间、地点 活动目的 通知发布单位 日期,(2)口头通知: Ladies and gentlemen, Your attention,please,I have something to tell you. . Please remember:Time: Place: Thank you for listening. 说明:具体内容 时间 地点佳句递送,好开头 1Readers are requested to note that. 请读者们注意 2Ladies and Gentlemen/Boys and girls/. 女士们、先生们/同学们 3Attention/May I take/have your attention,please? 请注意! 4Ive an announcement to make. 我要发布一个通知。,佳句递送,好结尾 1Be expected to attend. 欢迎光临 2Be sure to attend on time. 一定准时出席。 3Thank you for your listening. 谢谢大家的聆听。 4Wish you good luck and happiness. 祝你好运并且快乐。 5Thank you for your joining. 谢谢参与。,好句子 1A report will be given on English literature by Prof.Yang from Hong Kong University. 前来访问的香港大学的杨教授将做英国文学报告。 2Weather permitting,the sports meeting will be held next Friday. 天气允许的话,运动会将于下礼拜五举行。 3Please bring along your pens and notebooks and be at the schoot gate at 700. 请带好钢笔和笔记本于当日七点在学校大门口集合。,4By the way,we will have a discussion after the report. 顺便说一句,我们将在报告会后开讨论会。 5As for the places of the activities,please pay attention to more information here. 至于活动地点,请关注进一步通知。,佳作赏析 题目要求 请你根据以下内容,以学校的名义写一篇书面通知。 北京大学将于7月25日至8月10日在北戴河举办英语夏令营,以下是课程及活动安排。 上午:英语口语,美国文化讲座。 下午:爬山,游泳,做游戏。 晚上:英语晚会。唱英语歌,演话剧,有时看英语录像片(English videotapes)。 有意者请于6月20日至6月24日到教务处报名、登记。 日期:2014.6.11,现场阅卷,精彩变式 用被动语态进行改写 用定语从句进行改写,修饰名词activities 用名词性从句作主语进行改写,升级五档作文 An English summer camp is going to be held by Beijing University in Beidaihe from July 25 to August 10. In the morning,spoken English and some lectures about American culture will be arranged.In the afternoon,students are going to take part in some activities such as climbing mountains,swimming,and playing games.In the evening,English activities will be held,in which/where students will sing some English songs,and put on some English plays.Sometimes they can watch some English videotapes.,Whoever want to go should come to register from June 20 to June 24,in the Teaching Affair Office. Beijing University Jun.11,2014,为了丰富同学们的课外活动,校学生会决定组建自行车俱乐部(Cycling Club)。假如你是学生会主席,请根据以下提示,用英语准备一份口头通知。 1俱乐部的主要活动内容: 每周一次的基础训练,有教师辅导,安排在课外体育活动时间; 每月一次的户外活动,安排在月末双休日; 同其他团体进行比赛。,演练提升,2参加俱乐部的好处(内容自拟,至少两点); 3注意事项:器材自备,活动免费; 4如何加入俱乐部(可以亲自到5号搂6层602房间报名,也可以拨打电话:05138555055)。 注意:1.词数120左右; 2通知应包括以上所有信息,可适当发挥,具有一定的说服力; 3开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Good afternoon,everyone!In order to make our school life more colorful,,Dont wait,Join us now!Thank you! The Student Union,【参考范文】 Good afternoon,everyone!In order to make our school life more colorful,the Student Union has decided to set up a Cycling Club. Our Cycling Club will have a wide range of activities for members.We have basic training once a week,which will be instructed by teachers.It will be arranged during the time of afterclass physical activites.There will also be an outdoor cycling trip at the last weekend of each month.And we will have some races with other teams if possible.,We are sure it will be an ideal place for you to make more friends,to experience the excitement of discovery,and to keep fit.Besides,if you are suffering the stress from study,it will be a great chance to relax yourself. So,if you are interested in our club,just call us at 05138555055,or you can come to our club in Room 602,on the sixth floor,Building 5.By the way,you have to get the equipment ready by yourself,but the charge is free. Dont wait.Join us now!Thank you! The Student Union,
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