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Unit 6 Shppping B Read and write,学习内容,设计思路: 1.复习本单元单词。 2.通过Amy参加庆六一的演出,需要一件裙子和一双鞋,复习本单元句子。 3.Lets read. 4.Read and write. 5.Look and write. 6.Lets check。,学习目标: 1.能够在图片的帮助下读懂小短文,并能正确的回答问题。 2.能够在图片的帮助下,仿照示范例句,在四线三格中正确描述自己的鞋。 3.完成Lets check.,nice gloves scarf pretty sunglasses umbrella cheap expensive,Lets read:,Whats missing:,Make a dialogue. (Amy wants a pretty dress and a blue shoes.) Assistant: CanI help you? Mom:Yes._. How much _? Assistant: Its $ 85. Amy: Can I try it on? Assistant: _.,Make a dialogue. Assistant: CanI help you? Amy:These_. How much_. Assistant:_. Amy: Can I try them on. Assistant: _. Are they OK? Amy: They are just right. Ill take them.,$ 58,¥ 5,¥ 5,NO, it isnt.,Yes,they are.,Lets check! 同学们给你们五分钟的时间,请合上课本,自主完成练习册上的检测题,仔细做题,加油!,Bye!,Thank you!,
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