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,.重点单词 1. dptvt.收养,领养;采用,采纳 adj.收养的 2. trnsfmvt.使改变外观或性质(尤指向好的方向);使改 变形态 n.转变;改革;变化 3. kndktv.实施;指挥乐队 n.传导 adj.导电的,能传导的 n.售票员,指挥 n.女售票员,1.adopt adopted 2.transform transformation 3.conduct conduction conductive conductor conductress,4. knfmvt.渴望的,4.confirm confirmation 5.frighten fright frightened frightening 6.intention intend intended 7.anxiety anxious,8. knskwnsn.结果,后果 9. kramn.罪,罪行 n.罪犯 adj.刑事的;犯罪的 10. prfenn.职业,行业 n.教授 11. ddmntn.判断力;看法,评价;(法律)判决 n.法官vi. 少数,8.consequence 9.crime criminal 10.profession professor 11.judgement judge 12.relation relate relative 13.majority minority,14. smrn.总结;概括,概要adj.概括的 v.总结,概括 15. knsdrenn.仔细考虑;体谅,顾及 v.仔细考虑 16. h(r)n.饥饿;饥荒 adj.饥饿的 17. rklt(r)n.农业 adj.农业的 18. fev(r)n.赞同,支持;恩惠,帮助;偏爱,偏袒 19. pmnn.准许,许可,批准 vt.允许n.许可证,14.summary summarize 15.consideration consider 16.hunger hungry 17.agriculture agricultural 18.favor 19.permission permit,20. zktadj.精确的,准确的 adv.准确地,精确地 21. liladj.法律许可的,合法的 adv.合法地 22. rdnladj.原来的,起初的;首创的;非复制的 adv.最初;原来 n.起源;出身 23. testadj.美味的,可口的 n.味道v.品尝,20.exact exactly 21.legal legally 22.original originally origin 23.tasty taste,24. rlabladj.可信赖的,可依靠的 25. kjrtadj.准确的,精确的 adv.准确地,精确地 26. brifadj.短时间的,短暂的;简洁的,简单的 adv.简短地;简要地 27. ktladj.真实的,实际的 adv.实际上,24.reliable 25.accurate accurately 26.brief briefly 27.actual actually,.重点短语 1. 戏弄,摆弄;把当作儿戏 2. 义无反顾地进行,努力推进 3. 耗尽体力,累垮 4. 认真考虑 5. 赞同,支持 6. 某事即将发生 7. 违背自然 8. 与相似,1.toy with 2.push ahead with 3.be/get burnt out 4.take.into consideration 5.in favour of 6.on ones way to(doing)sth7.be/go against nature 8.be similar to,12. 供出售 13. 由组成 14. 效仿某人 15. 以为目的 16. 准备就绪;布置妥当,9. 满足某人的需要 10. 有利于某人 11. 一方面另一方面,9.meet ones needs 10.in ones favour 11.on the one hand.on the other hand.,12.for sale 13.be made up of 14.follow in ones footsteps 15.with the intention of 16.be put in place,17. 全神贯注于 18. 映入眼帘 19. 以语气 20. 关于 21. 完全同意 22. 观点,17.concentrate on 18.come into view 19.on a.note 20.with reference to 21.in complete agreement with 22.point of view,.重点句型 1.一位名叫塞韦里诺安蒂诺里的意大利医生宣称他想成为第一个克隆人类的 人。 Severino Antinori,an Italian physician,has declared that he wants to be the first a human being. 2.第一只成功地用成年动物细胞克隆出来的哺乳动物是多利羊。 The first mammal successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. 3.如果我有机会,我会立即克隆她,那样我就又可以和她在一起了。 If I the chance, I her immediately I could be with her again.,1.to clone 2.to be cloned 3.had;would clone;so that,4.这个男孩与其说是受到伤害不如说是受到惊吓。 The boy was frightened hurt. 5.并非一切对自然最好的对人类就有益。 is best for nature is good for people. 6.转基因食品就是最好的例子。 is this with genetically modified(GM)food.,4.more;than 5.Not everything that 6.Nowhere;truer than,.单元语法 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Your shirt wants (wash), Jack. Yes, it does.Im going to have it (wash)tomorrow. 2.I found Jane (seat)at the desk, (do)her homework carefully. 3. (give)the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation. 4.All the persons (refer)to are well-known doctors. 5.The door of the museum remains (lock)except when the foreigners come.,1.washing;washed 2.seated;doing 3.Given 4.referred 5.locked,1 intention,However,some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life.然而,有些人认为怀着摧毁人类 胚胎的意图来克隆人类胚胎是对人类生命的不尊重。(教材原句P42) 考点释义 n.意图,目的;企图,I hope you can forgive my rudeness. I really had no intention of behaving that way. 希望你能原谅我的无礼。我那样的举动实在并非有意。 He said he didnt do it by intention and asked you to forgive him.他说他不是有 意而为之并且请求你原谅他。 发散思维 intend v.计划,打算,想要 intend to do sth打算做某事 By mentioning the Swiss study, the author intends to tell us that e-waste deserves to be made good use of.通过提及瑞士的研究,作者想要告诉我们电子废品应该 被充分利用。(2015江苏 阅读理解B),活学活用 单句填空 (1)When it first introduced scent into its stores, customers (intend)to pur- chase increased by 80 percent. 完成句子 (2)为了提高英语,他决定去英国进修。 He has decided to go to the UK to study further his English. (3)我觉得他做这件事不是故意的。,I dont think that he did it . 答案 (1)intention (2)with the intention of improving (3)by intention,2 anxiety,Even though human cloning is causing a lot of anxiety, it is good news for Faye Wilson, a 41-year-old saleswoman who cannot have a baby.尽管克隆人类引起了 很多不安,但对于不能生育的41岁女销售员费伊威尔逊来说却是个好消息。 (教材原句P42) 考点释义 n.忧虑,焦虑,不安,发散思维,This tension between what we feel we can have and what were seemingly able to have is the niggling suffering, the anxiety we feel.这种介于我们觉得我们会有 和我们似乎能够有的矛盾就是一种令人心烦的痛苦,也就是我们所感觉到的 焦虑。(2015 福建 阅读理解D),活学活用 完成句子 (1)那是一件使我深感焦虑的事情。 That is to me. (2)你热衷于赚钱,而且太喜欢欺负人了。 Youre make money and too fond of bullying people. (3)母亲为女儿的健康忧心忡忡。 The mother was filled about h
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