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Unit 3 Protecting ourselves,Language points,1. He knows the meaning of the scream buttoo numb with sorrow to weephe gives a sideways glance, 1) weep (wept, wept) vi. 流泪;哭泣 e.g. The sight made me want to weep. 我见到这种情形真想痛哭一场。 She wept to see him in such a state. 她一见他那种情形簌簌泪下。,2) 短语 give a sideways glance 的意思是 “向旁边瞥了一眼”。此处 sideways 是形容词,而 sideways 也可作副 词,意思是“往(从)一边”。 e.g. My car slid sideways on the icy road. 在结冰的路面,我的车向一边滑。,2. So far, there is no cure for Aids. cure n. 药方; 治愈; 解决办法 e.g. Theres no known cure for a leukemia(白血病). 治疗白血病尚无良方。 There is no cure for rising prices. 没有解决物价上涨的办法。,cure v. 治愈(+of) e.g. Penicillin cured him of pneumonia. 青霉素治愈了他的肺炎。 Antibiotics help to cure many diseases that were formerly fatal. 抗生素有助于治疗许多以前会是致 命的疾病。,辨析:heal/ treat/ cure treat 医治,治疗 强调治疗的动作或医治的过程,不涉及治疗的结果 e.g. Which doctor is treating you for this trouble? 哪位医生在给你治疗?,cure 治愈,痊愈 特别指病后的恢复健康 e.g. Penicillin cured him of pneumonia. 盘尼西林治好了他的肺病。,heal 强调伤口的愈合; 破裂的感情的弥合 e.g. The cut healed up without leaving a scar. 伤口愈合没有留下伤痕。,3. In a bid to control the problem, the government has opened labs to monitor bid n. 努力争取;投标 e.g. He made a bid for middle class support. 他努力试图得到中产阶级的支持。,Bids for the new bridge were invited from firms both at home and abroad. 国内外公司都被邀请对承建该座新桥投标。,bid vi. 出价;投标;试图 e.g. The firm decided to bid on the guidance system. 该公司决定投标导航系统。,4. Dr David Ho, a Chinese-American Aids expert in biochemistry, has devoted himself to bringing up-to-date technology and international attention to Chinas Aids problem. devoteto ( doing) sth. = be devoted to (doing) 献身;专心于,e.g. Nurses devote themselves to the care of the sick. 护士致力于病人的护理事业。 We should devote ourselves to serving the people. 我们应该全心全意地为人民服务。 He devoted all his time to his job. 他把他的全部时间都用在工作上了。,5. Their grandfather is now caring for them, and because their mother had access to prescription Aids medicines when she was pregnant, they did not get HIV from her. have access to 表示 “有接近、进入、出去或使用的权力 ”。,e.g. Every student in our school has access to the library. 在我们学校每位学生都可去图书 馆学习。 The doctor in charge of the case had access to the restricted area in the hospital. 负责这个病例的医生有权进入医院的 禁区。,Review the language points. 2. Make preparations for the Word power of this unit.,Homework,
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