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.江苏省盐城市景山中学2018-2019学年八年级英语下学期期中试题 考试时间:100分钟 卷面总分:120分I卷 听力部分(20分)一听对话,选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分)( )1.Whats the boys favourite sport? A B C( )2.What day is coming? A B C( )3.What is the weather like for Toms holiday? A B C( )4.What does Jim dream to be? A B C( )5.Whats the girls friends name?A.Simon. B. Kate C. Sandy( )6.What does the boy often do after school?A.Play basketball B. Play football C. Play table tennis( )7.What drink does the man want?A. Orange juice B. Milk C. Tea( )8.Whos the girls English teacher?A.Mr Li. B.Mr Wang C.Mrs Wang( )9.Whos older,Mr Chen or Mr Liu?-1-(共8页)A.Mr Liu B.Mr Chen C.We arent sure.( )10.What time is it now?A.8:30 B.8:35 C.8:25二听一段对话,回答第1112题(每小题1分,共2分)( )11.Where was Ricky two days ago?A.He was in Japan. B.He was in Hong Kong. C.He was in Nanjing.( )12.What did Ricky do in Hong Kong?A.Did some business. B.Saw his son. C.Visited Disneyland.三、听第一篇短文,回答第1315小题(每小题1分,共3分)My best friend-BillAge He is 13 .LooksHe has black hair and wears 14 . He is taller and his hair is longer than mine.Like/DislikeHe is good at Maths,but doesnt like 15 .( )13. A.13 B.14 C.15( )14. A.a cap B.a scarf C.glasses( )15. A.sports B.computers C.reading四、听第二篇短文,回答第1620小题(每小题1分,共5分)( )16. How did people know each other 30 years ago?A.By sending emails. B.By listening to the radio. C.By sending letters to each other.( )17.How did the students usually go to school in the past?A.On foot or by bike. B.On foot or by bus. C.By bike or by bus.( )18.What do people usually do when they are free now?A.Watch TV. B.Send letters to each other. C.Listen to the radio.( )19.What can people do if they want to talk to others from far away at present?A.By TV or phones. B.By phone or on the Internet. C.On the Internet or by TV.( )20.How do some rich families send their children to school now?A.By bike. B.On foot. C.By car.II卷 笔试部分(100分)一.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ( )21.The young man from _ European country has stayed in the room for _ hour.A.a,an B.an,a C.an,an D.a,a( )22.I dont know _. A.How to do with it B.what to do with it C.how to do D.what to do it ( )23.This young man _ a doctors daughter two years ago. A.married B.married with C.married to D.got married with ( )24.I _ ride to work, but now I _ walking to work. A.am used to, used to B.am used to, am used to C.used to, am used to D.used to, used to -2-(共8页)( )25.When you feel helpless and _, just remember you are not _ because your friends are around you.A.alone, alone B.alone, lonely C.lonely, alone D.lonely, lonely( )26.After our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as far as I could _ to the bank(岸边) as soon as possible. A.get B.getting C.to get D.to getting( )27.Its brave _ the boy _ his sister out of fire. A.for, to save B.for, saving C.of, to save D.of, saving ( )28.Its easy to travel from Urumqi to Lanzhou by taking highspeed railway. Yes. Its only _. A.eight hours ride B.eight hours ride C.eighthours ride D.eight hours ride( )29.I dont know the answer _. A.either B.neither C.too D.or( )30.Did you watch the football game yesterday?Yes, I did. John is really a dark horse. Nobody _ him to go so far.A.wanted B.encouraged C.expected D.hoped ( )31.I _ in Shanghai since I _ a job here.A.lived, have found B.have lived, foundC.lived, lived D.have lived, have found( )32.Why did you get up so early to work?-In order to _ the heavy traffic in the city.A.avoid B.stop C.catch D.solve ( )33.Yunnan is very beautiful. I _ there last year.-Yes, I _ there twice.A.went, have gone B.went, have be
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