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题目:121. Which of the following is CORRECT in regard to the Control Scope process?A. Effective scope definition can lead to a more complete project scope statement.B. The control Scope process must be done before scope planning.C. The Scope Control process must be integrated with other control processes.D. Controlling the schedule is the most effective way of controlling scope.121. 以下关于控制范围过程的描述,正确的是:A 充分的范围定义有助于制定一个完善的项目范围说明书。B 控制范围过程必须在范围规划前完成。C 控制范围过程必须与其他控制过程结合。D 控制进度是控制范围最有效的方式。122. EAC is a periodic evaluation of:A. Cost of work complete.B. Value of work performed.C. Anticipated total cost at project completion.D. What it will cost to finish the job.122. 完工估算是_的定期评估。A. 完成工作的成本。B. 已完成工作的价值。C. 项目完工时的预期总成本。D. 完成工作需要花的成本。123. A project managers project has just been dropped to a lower priority on the list of hisdepartments prioritized projects. It would be BEST for the project manager to:A. Let the customer know that the project schedule will need to slip.B. Use some of the management reserve to accommodate the change.C. Start cutting work packages.D. Gain more resources.123. 项目的优先级突然降低,项目经理应该采取的最佳措施是什么?A. 通知客户项目将会延期。B. 动用管理储备,以应对发生的变更。C. 削减工作包。D. 获得更多的资源。124. In what way does free float differ from total float?A. Free float is commonly referred to as slack time whereas total float is as float time.B. Free float only affects the early start of any immediately following activities.C. There is no difference; the two terms are functionally equivalent.D. An activitys free float is calculated by subtracting its total float from the critical paths totalfloat.124. 总浮动时间和自由浮动时间的区别在于:A. 自由浮动时间也可称为自由时差,总浮动时间也可称为总时差。B. 自由浮动时间仅影响紧后活动的最早开工时间。C. 没有区别,二者功能相当。D. 一个活动的自由浮动时间是用它的总浮动时间减去关键路径浮动时间。125. Which of the following statements about PDM is wrong?A. It is a method used in CPM.B. It uses boxes or rectangles to represent activities, and connects them with arrows that showthe logical relationship that exist between them.C. Finish-to-start is the most commonly used type or precedence relationship.D. It is the tool of Develop Schedule.125. 下列关于 PDM 的说法错误的是:A. 用于关键路径法。B. 是一种用方框或矩形表示活动,用箭线连接活动的项目进度网络图绘制法。C. 在 PDM 图中, “完成到开始”是最常用的逻辑关系类型。D. 它是制定进度计划的工具。126. Which of the following is part of the integration management process?A. Monitor and Control Project Work.B. Develop Human Resource Plan.C. Perform Quality Assurance.D. Control Communications.126. 以下哪项是整合管理过程的内容?A 监控项目工作。B 制定人力资源管理计划。C 实施质量保证。D 控制沟通。127. Define Activities, Sequence Activities, and Estimate Activity Durations all occur before.A. Develop Project Charter.B. Create WBS.C. Develop Schedule.D. Project development.127. 定义活动、排列活动顺序及评估活动持续时间发生在以下哪项之前?A. 制定项目章程。B. 制定工作分解结构。C. 制定进度计划。D. 项目发展。128. What tool is a form of network analysis where resource management concerns drivescheduling decisions?A. Critical chain scheduling.B. PERT.C. Critical path method.D. Resource loading.128. 下面哪一种网络分析方法中,资源管理考虑构成了项目进度决策的驱动因素?A. 关键链进度法。B. PERT。C. 关键路径法。D. 资源负荷。129. All of the following are parts of the Plan Quality Management process EXCEPT:A. Benchmarking.B. Cost-benefit analysis.C. Inspection.D. Design of experiments.129. 以下均是规划质量管理过程的内容,除了?A 基准对照。B 成本收益分析。C 检查。D 实验设计。130. A cost baseline is an output of which cost management process?A Estimate activity resources.B Estimate costs.C Determine budget.D Control costs.130. 成本基线是以下哪个成本管理过程的输出?A. 估算活动资源。B. 估算成本。C. 制定预算。D. 控制成本。131. The amount of time that an activity can be delayed from its early start without delayingthe project end date is called:A. Free Float.B. Total Float.C. Lead.D. Lag.131.一个活动从它的最早开工起到可以延迟而不至于影响到项目完工日期的时间段被称为:A. 自由浮动时间。B. 总浮动时间。C. 提前。D. 滞后。132. In which process group does the team measure and analyze the work being done on theproject?A Initiating.B Executing.C Monitoring and controlling.D Closing.132. 项目团队成员在哪个过程组分析衡量项目所完成的工作?A 启动。B 执行。C 监控。D 收尾。133. All of the following are NOT parts of a project management plan EXCEPT:A. Baselines.B. Milestone list.C. Risk register.D. Lessons learned.133. 以下各项都不是项目管理计划的内容,除了:A 基线。B 里程碑清单。C 风险登记册。D 经验教训。134. Which estimating method tends to be MOST costly for creating a project cost estimate?A Bottom-up.B Analogous.C Parametric.D 50/50 rule.134. 在制定项目成本估算时,以下哪项估算方式最消耗成本?A. 自下而上估算。B. 类比估算。C. 参数估算。D. 50/50 规则。135. Which of the following BEST describes what a project charter may be used for when thework is being completed?A. To make sure all the team members are rewarded.B. To help determine if a scope change should be approved.C. To assess the effectiveness of the change control system.D. To make sure that all the documentation on the project is completed.135. 以下哪项描述了在工作完成时,项目章程被用来:A 确保所有的团队成员都得到了奖赏。B 帮助确定范围变更是否被批准。C 评估变更控制系统的效力。D 确保所有项目文件归档工作已经完成。136. Recommended corrective actions result from which of the following?A Cost aggregation.B Bottom-up estimating.C Reserve analysis.D Control costs.136. 推荐的纠正措施是以下哪项的结果?A. 成本累积。B. 自下而上估算。C. 储备分析。D. 成本控制。137. Which of the following statement about project phas
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