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Cloning,Unit 2,Section Using Language,Unit 2,词汇过关 1_ (v) 打;撞击;罢工 _ (过去式) _ (过去分词) 2_ (adj)虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的 _ (n)自负;虚荣心;无意义 3_ (vt)抵抗、对抗 _ (n) _ (adj) 4_ (adv)仅;只;不过 _ (adj),strike struck struck/stricken vain vanity resist resistance resistant merely mere,5_ (n)装饰 _ (vt) 6_ (vt)崇拜;爱慕;喜爱 _ (n)崇拜者;赞美者;热爱者 7_ (adj)合情理的;讲道理的;公道的 _(n)理由;道理 8_ (n)假定;设想 _ (v) 9_ (vi)退休 _ (n),decoration decorate adore adorer reasonable reason assumption assume retire retirement,短语自查 1end in failure _ 2look back on _ 3develop a disease _ 4put sthto sleep _ 5(be) bound to (do). _ 6strike.into ones heart _,以失败告终 回顾 患病 使(动物)无痛苦地死去 一定或注定(做) 使刻骨铭心,7用/对某物进行实验 _ 8不时,偶尔 _ 9使复生;使复活 _ 10白费力气;枉费心机 _ 11把传给 _ 12状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏) _,experiment with/on sth from time to time bring back to life in vain pass on.to. in good/poor condition,经典句式 1Diversity in a group means having animals _ _ 群体的多样性是指这群动物的基因要以不同的方式排列。 2So _ is merely a dream! 所以说恐龙回归地球的可能性仅仅是个梦想罢了! 3It _ unfair to clone any extinct animals if they _ to live in a zoo 任何绝种的动物,如果一经克隆便注定要生活在动物园里的话,那是不公平的。,答案:1with their genes arranged in different ways 2the chances of dinosaurs ever returning to the earth 3would be;were,语篇理解 Read the text and choose the best answer according to the text 1The writer of the text_ Ais excited by the possibility of cloning fierce and extinct animals Bbelieves that extinct animals can be brought back to life by cloning Cthinks it impossible or unsuitable to clone extinct animals like dinosaurs Ddreams of dinosaurs returning to the earth,2The film Jurassic Park is popular because_ Apeople are interested in the subject of cloning Ball the actors are dinosaurs Cit was directed by a scientist who clones dinosaurs Dit proves very interesting,3Which of the following is TRUE? AMice were cloned in 1981 BDolly the sheep was the first cloned animal CThe name of the cloned cow is “Bison” DChina was successful in cloning twin calves,4The reasons why a group of cloned animals all die of the same illness do NOT include_ Athey have the same arrangement of genes Bthere isnt enough diversity in the group for them to overcome illnesses Cthe illness is a new one Dtheir arrangement of genes cannot resist that new disease 答案:14CADC,1strike v& n打;击;撞击;碰撞;袭击;突击 He struck the table with his fist 他用拳头击打桌子。 vi& n罢工 The coal miners struck for better safety conditions 煤矿工人通过罢工要求改善安全条件。,vt突然想到;猛地意识到;打动;给印象;让觉得 An awful thought has just struck me 刚才我脑子突然闪过一个可怕的想法。 She strikes me as a very efficient person 在我眼里,她是个很干练的人。 v(钟)敲;鸣;报时 The church clock just struck twelve 教堂时钟刚刚敲过12点。,知识拓展 striker n罢工的人 striking adj引人注意的 be/go on strike 罢工 It strikes sbthat.某人突然想起 strike.into ones heart 使某人感到 注意:strike可作名词,也可作动词,词义和用法都很丰富,其中作“罢工,突然想到,给印象”解时的用法是高考常考点;此外,还应注意strike作“打,袭击”时与hit,beat等词的区别。,比较网站 beat,hit,strike,图解助记,活学活用 (1)用strike,beat或hit的正确形式填空 Fortunately,the stone failed to_him He_a match and lighted a candle My heart was_fast 答案:hit/strike struck beating,(2)补全句子 我们队赢得比赛的消息使我们都很兴奋。 The news that our team won the competition_ excitement_our hearts 答案:struck;into,2resist vt抵抗;对抗;忍住 She cant resist the hot weather any more 她再也无法忍受这么热的天气了。 She couldnt resist laughing when she saw that young man 当她看到那个年轻人的时候,她忍不住笑了起来。,知识拓展 be hard/impossible to resist 难以拒绝 resist sb/sth抵抗/抵制某人/某物 cant/couldnt resist doing sth禁不住干某事 resist doing sth抵制干某事 resistant adj抵抗的;有抵抗力的 be resistant to 对有抵抗力 resistance n抗拒;反对;抵抗力,活学活用 (1)完成句子 I dont know_ _ _ _ _(怎样抑制我的愤怒)。 I was unable to_ _(忍不住哭了) The crops are better_ _ _(抗病方面更好) 答案:how to resist my anger resist crying at resisting diseases,(2)单句改错 Tom couldnt resist to make jokes about his baldness _ 答案:to makemaking,1from time to time 不时;偶尔 From time to time a helicopter flew by 空中不时地有直升机飞过。 The food safety accidents happen from time to time 食品安全事故时不时地发生。 While reading the book,he nodded from time to time 他一边看书,一边不时地点头。,知识拓展 常见time短语有: at one time 从前(某个时候);曾经;一度 at a time 每次;一次 at all times 总是;永远 for the time being 暂时 in no time 很快;立刻 at no time 在任何时候都不;决不 in time 及时;迟早;过了一段时间,at one time 有个时期;曾经;一度 all the time 一直;始终 take ones time 不着急;慢慢来 kill time 消磨时间 at the same time 同时 ahead of time 提前;提早 race against time 争分夺秒 time and again 一次又一次;重复地 keep time (钟表)走得准,活学活用 完
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