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,2,What can you do ?,Module,Unit 1 I can play the piano.,play ple v. tennis tensn. piano pn n. ride rad v. ( rode ) club klb n. term tm n. board bd n. would like well wel int. all ladj. thats all worry wr v. worry about teach tit v. ( taught ) then en adv.,ple v. tensn. pn n. rad v. ( rode ) klb n. tm n. bd n. wel int. ladj. wr v. tit v. ( taught ) en adv.,Free-talk,What can you do in your free time(空闲时间)?,I can,A: What can he do? B: He can,Yao Ming,A: What can she do? B: She can,Zhang Yining,sing,swim,ride a horse,Can you heshethey ? Yes, No, ,play the piano,ride a bike,Can you heshethey ? Yes, No, ,play tennis,dance,sing,play the piano,A : What can you do ? B : I canbut I cant A: Can you? B: Yes, I can./ No, I cant.,ride a bike,play table tennis,speak Chinese,cook,Listen and check() the things in Activity 1 which Tonys dad can do.,A: What can he do ? B: He can., but he cant.,swim,speak English,play the guitar,Pair work (互帮),ride a bike,cook,Do you know the clubs?,art club,swimming club,music club,chess club,English club,basketball club,1. What are they talking about in this conversation?,They are talking about choosing the clubs.,2. What clubs are mentioned in the conversation?,The Music Club, the Dancing Club, the Table Tennis Club, the Chinese Club, the Food and Drink Club.,Listen and answer the following questions.,Now check() the clubs they want to join.,听后说:A: What club can Daming join? B: He can join club because he can,自学 提示一:以小组为单位,分角色朗读课文,注意语 音语调。 提示二:找出文中关于can的句子,划出不懂的短语、句子。 互帮 生生互帮:1.以小组为单位翻译课文,解决疑问,将未解决的写在小黑板上。 2.交流带can的句子,总结can的用法。 师生互帮:解决小黑板上的疑问,精讲点拨知识点,总结can的用法。,can +,动词原形,Can 无人称 数量变化,Yes,can. No,cant.,主语+cant+动原.,Can+主语+动原?,情态动词can的用法:情态动词是辅助动词 帮助说明能力、意愿等的词,它没有人称 和数的变化, 后边直接加动词原形。,肯定句:主语+can + 动词原形 否定句:直接在can后加“not”. He cant (cannot) swim. 一般疑问句直接把can提前 Can you dance ? 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句? What can you do ?,1. The new clubs for this term are on the board.,board n.木板;布告板 Have you read the notice on the board, Mr. Wang? 王先生, 看布告板上的通知了吗?,Language points,2. Id like to join the Music Club because I can play the piano. 我想加入音乐社团意为我会弹钢琴。,a) join 及物动词,“加入(团体,组织,参军)”。如: I joined the Party in 1975. 我1975年入党。 His brother joined the army two years ago. 两年前他哥哥参军。,join 也常接人称代词的宾格形式,表示和某 人一起进行某活动 如: We want to go to a movie. Do you want to join us? 我们想去看电影, 你和我们一起去吗? join in 参加(某些活动,如“球赛、游戏”等, 常用于日常口语)。如: May I join in your discussion? 我可以参加你们的讨论吗?,Will you us for lunch? Do you mind if I you? When do you want to us? She listens but she never singing.,join,join,join,joins in,辨析与拓展,1. join & take part in,(1) join v. 参加;加入;作成员 join + 团体/组织,表示成为.的一员 join the army 参军 join the Party入党 join the club 加入这个俱乐部 (2 )take part in 参加(群众性活动、会议等) Typical exercises: 1. What club do you want to _? 2. To keep healthy, We should _ school activities.,join,take part in,b) 俱乐部名称的写法 join the swimming club the dancing club the singing club the music club the art club the English club the chess club the sports club the basketball/tennis/golf club,Which one do you want to join?,c) would like to do sth. 想要做某事 =would love to do sth. “ would like ”意为“想要”,其语气婉转些。 具体用法如下: 1. 后面接名词或代词,表示“具体要”某样东西。(would like sth.) 例如: Id like two sweaters for my daughters. (我想给我的女儿们买两件毛衣。) 2. 后面接动词不定式,表示“愿望,喜爱”,常用于有礼貌地提出邀请、请求或建议。(would like to do sth.) 例如: Would you like to come with us? 你愿意来跟我们一起吗?,3. Well, I can cook eggs, but thats all.,Thats all 仅此而已,是口语中一句非常有用的表达,其用法主要有以下三种:,(1) 表示仅此这些或无关紧要,意为“没别的; 没事; 没什么; 事情就是这样”。如: A: How are you feeling? 你感觉怎么样? B: Fine. Just a little tired. Thats all. 还好,只是有点累,没事。,(2) 表示沮丧或无可奈何,意为“没有(别的)办法”。如: If all the seats are booked, we shall have to stay at home. Thats all. 如果全部戏票都已预售一空,我们只好呆在家里,没有别的办法。,(3) 表示说话或做事完了(或暂时完了)。意为“完了; 就这些”。如: Thats all. Thank you. 我的发言完了,谢谢。 Thats all for today. 今天就到这里吧。 Thats all; you may go now. 就这些,你可以走了。,4. What about 和 how about 怎么样? 是英语口语中常用的两个省略句型,它们的意思和用法基本相同, 后面可以加人称代词宾格,名词或者动词-ing形式。 常用的场合有: (1)向对方提出建议或请求。例如: How about going out for a walk? 出去散散步好吗? (2)征询对方的看法或意见。例如: What about the TV play? 那个电视剧怎么样? (3)询问天气或身体等情况。例如: What about the weather in your home town? Thank you. Im very well. What about you?,5. Dont worry about Chinese.,worry可作及物动词,意为“使烦恼,使焦虑”,常接sb.作宾语。如: What worried you so much? 什么事使你这么着急? His bad health worried his parents greatly. 你身体不好使他的父母很发愁。,worry也可作不及物动词,意为“烦恼、担心、发愁”,常跟介词about。如: Tell them not to worry. 告诉他们不要担心。 They are worrying about the coming exam. 他们正在为即将到来的考试而发愁。,worry about 表示“对担心,忧虑”。(=be worried about)如: Dont worry / be worried about John. Hell be back soon. 不必为约翰担忧,他马上就回来。 Theres nothing to worry about. 没有什么要担心的。,链接,1. 翻译词组 打乒乓球_ 弹钢琴_ 骑自行车_ 想要干某事_ 怎么样_,堂堂清,用括号内单词的适当形式填空。 1. David c
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