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Opening Class Aim: 1. Familiarize students with the course requirements and Evaluation Policy; 2. Facilitate the teaching and learning process by informing students of the teaching and learning activities involved,Intensive reading is training of all basic language skills. It is a thorough, systematic, all-around training: listening, reading, speaking, writing, translating skills.,Goals,To cultivate : Critical thinking Intercultural and communicative competence Ablity of autonomous learning Language proficiency,Dictionaries,Weapons,Tips on Learning English,Be brave to use/speak English Learn English through reading Learn English through films Learn English through songs Learn English through writing,Websites,http:/www.ebigear.com/ http:/putclub.com/ www.listeningexpress.com/ http:/www.chinadaily.com.cn/ 21st Century China Daily,English Learning Apps,喜马拉雅 英语酷跑听 荔枝FM 每日英语听力 经济学人 走遍美国,etc.,Requirements,Class Attendance Participants not audience ( team-work) Mobiles silent /switched off Suggestions welcome,Course Evaluation (成绩评定标准),55% Final Exam 15% Mid-term Exam 30%,Class Attendance,Class Participation; Assignments(vocabulary list, dictation, translation, composition, etc. ),Team work,Bonus,Performance as a group leader Performance in the presentations Your taking the initiative to answer questions in class,Punishment,3 points deducted for each unapproved absence An “F” in this course for three unapproved absences,Preparation,Notebook 1: for any vivid expression or sentence that you have encountered (or you are interested in ); Notebook 2 : for the journal ( try to write freely whenever you are interested in some topic); you will be asked to turn in your journals randomly; Notebook 3 : for the dication of each unit-only notebeooks will be accepted Notebook 4 : for your vocabulary list,What you have to do before class?,1. 完成Preparatory Work(以team work的形式完成,准备 课堂汇报,team间可以互相补充) 2. Vocabulary list (制作自己的生词表:对文中出现的陌生或者重要的词汇和词组提供英文解释和至少一个例句,例句可以是来自课文,也可以是来自于字典。每单元的第二次课前收齐上交,单元末进行小测试,期末总评) 3. 预习TextA,回答Critical Reading部分的问题,准备课堂讨论 4. 跟据Intercultural Reflection部分准备presentation,Our activity today:,1. Introduce yourself to your partner or your teacher in English and answer the following question: What animal can best describe you?,Our activity today:,2. Write an essay of less than 200 words with the following title: What I would like to say to my new English teacher Directions: you can write what you have seen and thought in and out of your English class; you can write whatever you want to say to your teacher.,Assignment,Preview Unit 1: 1. Vocabulary list 2. Preparatory work 3. Related questions (go check our public mailbox),Thank you and have a nice day!,
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