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Unit 2,language communication ballet meaning gesture message lady,accept reject sigh hold remind cross nod shake,matter expression appearance impression neck,n.,v.,body language take place sit up make a good impression remind sb. about sth.,adj. bored part-time well-dressed sure,adv. later,prep. towards,1. communication n. 交流;交际,communicate v. 交流;交际 communicate with sb. 与某人沟通 = have a communication with sb,1. 父母应该经常跟孩子沟通 . Parents should always _ _their children. 2.语言并不是唯一的沟通方式. Speech is not the only method of _.,communicate,with,communication,2. accept v. 接受 receive v.收到,accept to do sth. 接受做某事 reject v. 拒绝接受,不予考虑 refuse v.拒绝,我不认为他们会接受这种观点 I dont think they will accept the idea. 我刚刚接受了参加首映晚会的邀请。 Ive just accepted an invitation to the opening-night party.,1. 我收到了他的礼物,但是我没有接受。 I_ his present, but I didnt _it. 2. 你愿接受邀请吗? Will you _ the invitation?,received,accept,accept,辨析:accept 与 receive accept 为及物动词,指主观意志上地“接受”(建议、邀请等)。 receive 通常指被动地、客观上地“收到”或“接到”。,3.reject v. 拒绝接受,不予考虑,He rejects the decision. 他拒绝接受我们的决定。 So we should not reject all changes, if we did that, we should never make progress. 不要拒绝变化,拒绝变化就不能进步。,4.meaning n.意义意思 mean v.意思是;表示的意思 Whats your meaning? = What do you mean? the meaning of this word Do you know its meaning?,5.gesture n. 手势 make a gesture做一个手势 use a gesture to express ideas. 6. message n.(书面or口头的) 信息消息 send a message to sb 发送一条信息给某人,7. bored adj. 对某人/某物厌倦的;烦恼的 bored 人感到厌烦的 boring “令人厌烦的”形容事物 bore v. “使厌烦” be bored with sth. 对 感到厌烦 = be tired of sth. 1. I jumped over _chapters in the book. 2. Children easily get_ 3. Will it _you to hear that story again?,boring,bored,bore,8.part-time adj. 兼职的 full time adj.全职的,Last year I worked as a part-time salesgirl on Sundays. 去年,我利用星期天做兼职。 Therere no part-time jobs at the moment. 目前没有兼差做的工作。 Shes looking for a part-time job. 她在寻找兼职工作。,9.well-dressed a. 衣着入时的;穿着讲究的,Shes very well-dressed. 她穿得很讲究。 A well-dressed elderly woman opened the door. 一个衣冠楚楚的老人开了门。 When she saw me come in tidy and well dressed, she even smiled. 当她看到我穿着整洁,服装考究地进来 时,她甚至笑了。,10. matter n.(询问某人情况)怎么了,事情,他们有些重要的问题要讨论。 They had important matters to discuss. 你今天是怎么了? Whats the matter with you today? = Whats wrong with you?,11. expression n. 表情;神色,她的眼神 the expression in her eyes 她脸上的表情 the expression on her face express v.表达,表露 express my feelings,12. appearance n. 外表;外貌 appear v.出现,Dont judge by appearances. 切勿以貌取人 Doctor Wei appears on the TV Programme Strong Brain on Friday evening.,13. impression n. 印象,impress sb v. 给某人留下印象 impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的 make a good impression on sb. = give sb. a good impression 给某人留下好印象,1) His speech made a good impression on the class. 2) We were deeply impressed by his speech.,14. towards prep. 向,朝,对着 向他跑去 Run towards him 向着喊叫 Shout towards the sun,15. hold v. ( held; held)使保持(在某位置) 拿住握住,举办举行 Hold your hands in front of your face. Hold a book 拿着一本书 Hold a baby 抱着一个婴儿 Hold a party举行一场晚会,1.她让我们坐着别动。 She let us _on our seats. 2.这种阴雨天气将持续一周时间。 The rainy weather _for a week.,hold still,will hold,16. remind v. 提醒,reminder n. 提示物,remind sb. of sth. 让某人想起; 提醒某人某事 remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 remind sb.that +句子 让某人想起; 提醒某人某事,1)旧照片让我想起了我的爷爷。 The old photos remind me of my grandpa. 2)她提醒我去关灯。 She reminded me to turn off the light. 3)我的朋友提醒我9月10号是教师节。 My friend reminded me that September l0th is Teachers Day.,17. cross v.使交叠;使交叉;越过;横穿;,cross n. 十字架; 十字形 across prep. 横穿;穿过 cross=go/walk across 穿过,她坐下跷起了二郎腿。 He sat down and _. 过马路前先要左右看看。 Look both ways before you _.,crossed her legs,cross the road,18. shake v. ( shook; shaken) (与某人)握手;摇头 shake hands with sb. 与某人握手 shak ones head 摇头 19.take place 发生 happen 发生(不好的事情) when did it take place? An earthquake happened. A storm happened.,语言 交流;交际 芭蕾舞 意思;意义 手势 信息;消息 女士 怎么了 表情;神色 外表;外貌 印象 颈;脖子,language communication ballet meaning gesture message lady matter expression appearance impression neck,接受 拒绝 叹气 使保持(在某位置) 提起;使想起 使交叉;使交叠 点头 (与某人)握手,accept reject sigh hold remind cross nod shake,厌倦的;烦闷的 兼职的 衣着入时的;穿着讲究的 确信;肯定的 以后;后来 向;朝;对着,bored part-time well-dressed sure later towards,1. lady (复数) _ 2. bore (形容词) _ 3. appear (名词) _ 4. impress(名词) _ 5. cross (介词) _ 6. nod (动名词) _ 7. nod(反义词) _ 8. hold (过去式) _,bored/boring,appearance,impression,across,ladies,shake,held,nodding,单词大变身,9. mean (名数) _ 10. take place (同义词) _ 11. accept (反义词) _ 12. part-time (反义) _ 13. language (复数) _ 14. communicate (名词)_,happen,refuse,languages,full- time,meaning,communication,单词大变身,i. 根据句意,选出与所给句中划线部分意义相同或相近并能代替的选项。 1. A well-dressed man entered the room and all the people stopped talking and watched him. A. A man who had a sweet smile B. A man who was important C. A man who wore good clothes 2. The deaf man can only communi
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