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Writing Choice of words, expressions and sentences 书面表达遣词造句,大雨 大桥 大楼 大错 大写 大病 大地震,heavy rain,long bridge,tall building,serious mistake,capital letter,serious illness,major earthquake,Choosing words and expressions,Activity one 1.challenging VS difficult 2.endless VS much/a lot of 3.generous VS kind/warm/good 4. made a tour of the farm/was shown around the farm VS looked around the farm. 5. made VS let,总结 1: 用词准确是写好作文的关键。用词准确不仅仅指拼写正确,还指所选用的词在搭配及所表达的词义上与句意相吻合。,表示爱好、喜欢: like, enjoy, be fond of , love, be crazy about , feel like, be into, show great interest in, be interested in, be keen on,brainstorming,a. Out door activities are good to peoples health. b. Outdoor activities are helpful to peoples health. c. Outdoor activities benefit/ are beneficial to peoples health. d. Outdoor activities contribute to peoples health. e. Outdoor activities do help to peoples health.,Activity two,户外活动有益于健康,I had an good idea. An good idea struck/occurred/came to me. I came up with an good idea.,我想到了一个好主意,总结 2: 词汇丰富,表达方式多样,书面表达才会丰富。,Translate the following sentences orally. 1.煤气用完了。 The gas has given out/run out. 2.这桌子摸起来很硬。 The desk feels hard. 3.我昨天看了一部电影。 I saw a film yesterday. 4.母亲给我买了一本书。 Mother bought me a book. 5.他们使女孩生气。 They made the girl angry.,Making sentences,Activity 3: 1.placing much pressure 2.With thousand injured 3.It took/cost him to 4.Hardly had I when/No sooner hadthan,Activity four 1)a. When she heard the news, she burst into tears. b. Hearing the news, she burst out crying. c. On hearing the news, she burst into tears. d. She burst out crying at the news. 2)a. He has been in Britain for 3 years. b. It was three ago that he went to Britain. c. It is three years since he went to Britain.,4)a. The task cost/took us to finish/ We pent two weeks in finishing the task. b. It cost/us two weeks to finish the task. 5) a. There was no bus so we had to walk home. b. As there was no bus, we had to walk home. 6)a. We must take effective steps to prevent the environment from becoming worse and worse. b. Effective measures must be taken to prevent the environment from bad to worse.,总结3:正确使用五个基本句型和there be 句型基础上,灵活运用 1、非谓语结构(-ing, -ed, to do) 2、It 句型(it 作形式主语、形式宾语,以及it 的特殊句式) 3. 各类从句(状从,定从,名从) 4.特殊句型(倒装句,强调句,省略句,感叹句) 5.被动句 6.with 复合结构,Sample: Despite the fact that I ranked second in my class in the last term, I was not quite satisfied with myself. My teacher has also pointed out that I can make much more progress in every subject. However, I fail to /just cant live up to his expectations. Sometimes, I am so depressed that I burst into tears. Gradually, I realize that Im loaded with too much pressure, making my efforts in vain . To improve my situation., I will try to relax myself and get away from stress by taking an active part in outdoor activities. Im convinced that only by making some adjustments can I do well in exams and realize my dream.,Thank you for listening,Brad Pitt is a good, handsome and kind person. Brad Pitt is a good, Apollo-like person who always shows consideration for others. There are many breast cancer cases each year in U.S. b. There are more than 200,000 new breast cancer cases each year in U.S., making it the second-leading cancer in women behind only lung cancer.,1)Can I use your phone? 2)Cut it with a knife 3)I practice spoken English by talking with foreigners. 4)I spent 100 yuan on the bike. 5)The meal cost us 30 dollars.,
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