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Unit 2 Days and Months Again, please!,冯艳丽,教学目标 1、我会本单元的月份单词,序数词,重要节日和天气状况的词汇。 2、我会运用表达日期,生日和描述天气的句子。,January February March April May June July August September October November December,the first month,the second month,the third month,the fourth month,the fifth month,the sixth month,the seventh month,the eighth month,the ninth month,the tenth month,the eleventh month,the twelfth month,月份,序数词,is,When is it?,Its_ .,New Years Day,the Spring Festival,International Workers Day,Childrens Day,Teachers Day,National Day,January the first,in January or February,May the first,June the first,September the tenth,October the first,节日,sun,sunny,cloud,cloudy,rain,rainy,snow,snowy,wind,windy,天气词,cold-hot cool-warm,Hows the weather? Its_.,看图写单词,cloud,sun,hot,snow,rain,任务一:观看动画,回答问题,1.Whose birthday is it in the picture? _ 2. When is Li Mings birthday? _,Its Dannys birthday.,Its October the tenth.,任务二:朗读我最棒,小组内分角 色朗读对话,表演朗读,Hows the weather?,Its-.,What day is it? It s_.,任务三:我会自编对话,Listen,Write,Tick,任务四:我会做课本上练习,任务五:当堂检测,1. -Hows the weather today? -Its _. 2. -When is your birthday? -My birthday is in _. 3. Look! The boy is very _. 4. _ is white. I like it very much. 5. - What is this? - Its _,sunny,June,cold,Snow,rain,hank you !,
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