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,语法专题突破,第一部分,专题二 形容词和副词,2017考纲精解,第1讲 形容词和副词的比较等级,1(2016全国卷)If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify(识别) those of 61._(great) and less importance. 【解析】 and连接并列成分,由and后的less可知,空格处也要用形容词的比较级。 2(2015全国卷,改编)It was raining lightly when I arrived in Yangshuo just before dawn. But I didnt care. A few hours 63._(early) Id been at home in Hong Kong, with its choking smog. 【解析】 根据句意和Id been at home的时态可知此处表示“几个小时前,我待在香港的家里”,“待在家里”应该是发生在过去动作arrived之前,故此处填earlier。,greater,earlier,3(2016全国卷)The teenage years from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me. They were also the best and worse years in my life. 【解析】 and前用了最高级best,此处也应用最高级。 【答案】 worseworst,
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