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8B Unit1 Past and Present,Task,Can you say the changes in Starlight Town?,Present Environment: smaller _,new _ station, tall _ and new roads Transport: bus ,taxi and _ Living conditions: new _,Past Environment: green _, clean and fresh _,Wild _ near the lake Transport: bus and _ Living conditions: old _,hills,air,birds,bicycle,houses,lake,railway,buildings,train,flats,Revision,Great changes have taken place in Moonlight Town . What are the differences between these two pictures?,past,present,Moonlight Town,Past,Present,narrow and dirty roads;,rubbish everywhere;,large open spaces,small old houses;,listen to the radio or watch TV,on foot or by bicycle,wide and clean streets;,green trees on both sides;,shops and tall buildings,new flats;,computers and the Internet;,mobile phones,by bus or taxi;,have own cars,nr,adj. 狭窄的,开阔的空地,Part B,Many changes have taken place in Moonlight Town over the years.,Topic,Discussion,Transport,Environment,Life,past,present,narrow and dirty road; rubbish everywhere; large open spaces,wide and clean streets; green trees on both sides; shops and tall buildings,on foot or by bicycle,by bus or taxi; have own cars,small old houses, listen to the radio or watch TV,new flats;computers and the Internet; mobile phone,Facts,Now people are enjoying a comfortable life.,Opinion,Many changes have taken place in Moonlight Town over the years.,In the past, there were only _ roads in the small town. There was _ everywhere . But now the streets are _ with many _ on both sides. The government has also built _ _in some large open spaces. Years ago, people lived in _. Now most of Them have moved into _. They used to _ _ or watch TV in their free time, but now most families have computers and the _. Moreover , _ make communication easier now.,narrow and dirty,small old houses,new flats,to the radio,listen,Internet,mobile phones,tall buildings,shops and,wide and clean,rubbish,green trees,Do Part C,In the past, people travelled around the town _ _, but now they can go around _ _. Many families even have their own cars. Now people are enjoying a comfortable life.,by bus,or taxi,on foot,or by bicycle,Discussion then fill in the blanks,Whats the main idea of each paragraph?,What useful expressions are there in each paragraph?,Introduction (topic),Environment,Life,Transport,Conclusion (opinion),Many changes have taken place in,In the past, there were only ,But now ,Years ago, people lived in ,Now most of them have moved into,They used to ,but now ,Moreover , ,In the past, people traveled around the town by,,Now people are enjoying a life.,but now they can go around by . Many families even have,How to describe the changes:,Para2:,Para1:,Introduction (topic),Environment (对比),Para3:,Para4:,Para5:,Life(对比),Transport(对比),Conclusion (opinion),Topic,Facts,Opinion,一般过去时 一般现在时 现在完成时,Talking about,The changes to our hometown,Environment,Life,Transport,Writing,Changes in my hometown,(课P11 ), has changed a lot over the years. Many changes have taken place in People are enjoying a life. There were only in the past, but now People used to The government has built Many families have their own ,Useful expressions,Lets check your work, if you are the best!,Phrases,1.狭窄的肮脏的道路 2.很大的开阔的空地 3.宽广的干净的街道 4.两边带有绿树 5.享受一种舒适的生活 6.月光镇这些年期间发生 了巨变 7. 在他们空闲时间 8. 在城镇里步行出行 9. 乘公交车出行 10.有他们自己的汽车,narrow and dirty roads large open spaces wide and clean streets with green trees on both sides enjoy a comfortable life Many changes have taken place in Moonlight Town over the years. in their free time travel around the town on foot go around by bus have their own cars,Thank you! Bye!,
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